Marking a structure as inactive
Marking a structure task as ineligible
Deleting a family member
Deleting a family
Delete/Archive - We never delete things in the system. Instead we archive, which is a process of keeping the information in the system, but making it not viewable or actionable for future plans. (i.e. archive a family member instead of delete it.)
Inactive structure: a non-valid structure that was created erroneously or we expect to no longer be active and should be removed from play completely (e.g., duplicate residential structure record created by accident)
This is effectively soft deleting the structure
Ineligible structuretask: a valid intervention unit (structure, person, etc) that is ineligible to participate in an intervention for a valid reason (e.g., a residential structure where the inhabitants are not currently residing but may return in the future)
This is a form field specific to the activity
This section provides a conceptual overview of the changes required to implement these features. These features impact all tasks, forms and events in the system across multiple country implementations and build off of features that are implemented in the IRS and Focus Investigation fields. At the high level, we expect the ability to perform the following functions:
Mark a structure an intervention unit as ineligible for the current plan if there is a RACD Register Family, IRS Spray, PAOT, Mosquito Collection Point or Larval Dipping task type assigned to it.
If a family is marked as ineligible, a card displays with the information and an edit button that opens the register family form.
Mark a structure as inactive if there is a RACD Register Family, IRS Spray, PAOT, Mosquito Collection Point or Larval Dipping task type assigned to it with status = “Ready”
Archive a family, all family members, associated tasks and events if it was already registered
Loop through each family member and archive them
Cancel every task that’s associated with the family where status = “Ready”
Archive every task that’s associated with the family where status != “Ready”
Archive each event that has been submitted
Generate a new task client side to RACD Register Family on that location if the location type is a residential structure.
Archive a family member if it was already registered
Loop through each task
Cancel it if status = “Ready”
Archive it if status != “Ready”
Loop through each event and archive it
Ensure each of these changes syncs to the server and no longer syncs down to new devices.