- Need QR code because need to be able to assign to a structure even if a family is not home and leave something physically at the structure for the family to find. An ID would work for this if the ID is not reliant on family information to be generated and it can be pre-generated so that it printed and then assigned to a location when there. A QR code seems easier for a user to scan into the app and then stick on the house, than have to read and type in an ID which is more prone to errors.
MB: We are in agreement on value of QR code. Just saying there is no reason we need to
Workflow 3 - FLOATING FAMILY, NOT AT HOUSE: Linking to Location and entering Family Module
- If have QR code: Access family module from list view through a button "Family lookup"
Jira Legacy server System JIRA serverId 3420e60a-4e6f-3f80-8335-059c22bb40aa key RVL-476 - "Does this family/child have a QR code" MB: This would just be a QR code lookup. We don't need to have that question. Only this is we need to be able to add a family with a QR code already assigned and add a family that doesn't have a QR code assigned. Some families may show up for registration/treatment when you are not at their house and you haven't yet visited their house (and may never). And it makes sense to connect these workflows I think.
- If yes, open QR code scanner to link (Details in QR linking below)
- If no, "Are you sure this family/child does not belong to an already registered house?"
- Proceed to family module (workflow 1) . MB: I don't get what's happening here. After looking up with QR code, if a match, OR if they don't have a QR code, you then jump into family module.
- "Does this family/child have a QR code" MB: This would just be a QR code lookup. We don't need to have that question. Only this is we need to be able to add a family with a QR code already assigned and add a family that doesn't have a QR code assigned. Some families may show up for registration/treatment when you are not at their house and you haven't yet visited their house (and may never). And it makes sense to connect these workflows I think.
- If no QR code: Attempt to link to existing household first by searching
map andlist view . MB: This means being able to get to a HH via the map. Okay, just searching list view is fine in the app. The user could "search" map view manually by looking and clicking if the family member has good spatial awareness of where they live looking at a map. MB: We can try and support both and see what people do. We'll have phone number so we can search on that.- Searchable features: all household names. MB: Probably phone too
- If find family, proceed to family module (Workflow 1)
- If no family found, register as new floating family without QR code
- Searchable features: all household names. MB: Probably phone too
- If have QR code paper
- Contains written operational area on QR code
- Switch to that OA on hamburger menu, proceed with Workflow 3 . MB: What's the purpose of this? If we have the OA in the hamburger menu then we will have already synced all data for that area. We can look up the household directly from the QR code. But we may be working in an environment where they are at a point that serves multiple OAs, so they need to switch back and forth (yes, need network). Having the OA written on the QR code paper means you can access that OA in the hamburger menu to find that person which at least means you don't have to sync all OAs in that facility and have to go a global search; instead each time someone presents, you sync for that OA and search within. MB: We'll need to discuss this further. We don't have the feature to pick from a list and then sync that OA. Right now it syncs all OA's you are assigned too. Implementing a global search (implies they have internet maybe work better). Let's plan on discussing this further.
- Does not contain written operational area on QR code . MB: Again I don't understand purpose of this
- Family must be registered as a floating family.
- Contains written operational area on QR code
- If no QR code: stay at health facility level in hamburger menu with a full list view.
- Attempt to link to existing household by searching list view (global look-up)
- Searchable features: all household names
- If find family, proceed to rest of Workflow 1
- If no family found, register as new floating family without QR code
- Searchable features: all household names
- In looking up family, when triggered to open QR scanner:
- Potential results from scan
- Success
- QR code matches this village and is not yet linked . MB: This means that the QR would be linked to a family assigned to the village level but not a household.
- Confirmed match, show view of household location on map . MB: I don't know if this is worth the added complexity. I'm assuming this means we are trying to link a family to an unclaimed structure on a map? What does this give us if we are providing the service when we see them? This only should be attempted if you are visiting the household at their house. This is if we have been to that house and left a QR code there, and they visit you later not at there house, with their QR code, this applies. WE may not need to show location of the house, but linking back to a location if these criteria are met is important.
- "Confirm link?"
- If yes, make link and proceed with workflow
- If no, warning message "This QR code links with the house shown on the map; are you sure you do not want to link?"
- Do not link → back to question in form asking "Does this family have a QR code"?
- Confirmed match, show view of household location on map . MB: I don't know if this is worth the added complexity. I'm assuming this means we are trying to link a family to an unclaimed structure on a map? What does this give us if we are providing the service when we see them? This only should be attempted if you are visiting the household at their house. This is if we have been to that house and left a QR code there, and they visit you later not at there house, with their QR code, this applies. WE may not need to show location of the house, but linking back to a location if these criteria are met is important.
- QR code matches and has already been linked
- "This code is already linked with this structure. Proceed?" MB: we don't need this. It should just load the family view if a matching ID is found. Agree.
- "Yes" → enter family module
- "No, go back" → back to question in form asking "Does this family have a QR code"? MB: I don't get this. This is after scanning a QR code so the family will have one. What if the family provides a QR code that is not theirs? I.e. they accidentally swapped with their neighbor? Maybe an edge case but could happenan edge case but could happen. MB: Edge case that I don't think is worth considering. If this is the case, we can assign them a new QR code which we'll need to do anyways.
- "This code is already linked with this structure. Proceed?" MB: we don't need this. It should just load the family view if a matching ID is found. Agree.
- QR code matches this village and is not yet linked . MB: This means that the QR would be linked to a family assigned to the village level but not a household.
- Failure
- QR code does not match this village . MB: I don't understand this. Do you mean that the family may be a QR code that may not be properly registered? If a family has a QR code don't we assume they've been registered? We assume if they have a QR code, that someone has dropped a code with their house when they are not home. If a family has a QR code but that QR code (which is search at the OA level) fails to match, it could be that they are not in that OA or they have an incorrect codethat OA or they have an incorrect code. MB: Again this doesn't make sense. If a family is assigned a QR code, we'll find them in the system. It doesn't need a link to the OA.
- "Okay"→ back to question in form asking "Does this family have a QR code"?
- QR code does not match this village . MB: I don't understand this. Do you mean that the family may be a QR code that may not be properly registered? If a family has a QR code don't we assume they've been registered? We assume if they have a QR code, that someone has dropped a code with their house when they are not home. If a family has a QR code but that QR code (which is search at the OA level) fails to match, it could be that they are not in that OA or they have an incorrect codethat OA or they have an incorrect code. MB: Again this doesn't make sense. If a family is assigned a QR code, we'll find them in the system. It doesn't need a link to the OA.
- Success
- Drug distribution tracking to distributor team . MB: This needs better scoping? IS this meant to be a stock form? We can do a form to capture stock levels. We don't want to go down path of doing any type of calulations based on usage / resupply, etc. That would be out of scope. Can we capture their stock on a daily basis and compare this distribution form with the return form if comparing to usage is too complex? MB: Again needs better scoping. Let's just potentially start with capturing initial stock and then daily usage in some type of form. I don't know if we need to calculate balances on the fly since this is used in campaigns.
- We expect this to happen once or a few times
- This should be a form that is not linked to task model OR is an "on demand" form
- Want to see on application indicator for #drugs received against #drugs distribution, this should sum if there are multiple submissions on the form . MB: this sounds like stock management. Don't think this should be in scope at this phase
- Need to keep form blank for the next round of edits
- Drug return form
- We expect this to happen potentially multiple times
- Should play into the same indicator
- We expect this to happen potentially multiple times