Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Below are the steps required to configure this security functionality: -

  1. Create a new Admin user 

    • For example, creating a system admin with "rootuser" as the username and "adminpass" as the password.

      No Format
      > HOST=""
      > curl -X PUT $HOST/_config/admins/rootuser -d '"adminpass"'

      System admin is

    allowed to do anything to
    • not restricted in a CouchDB installation.

  2. Confirm that the new system admin has been created successfully 

    • Without credentials

      No Format
      > curl -X PUT $HOST/yourdatabase
      {"error":"unauthorized","reason":"You are not a server admin."}
    • With credentials

      No Format
      > HOST="http://rootuser:adminpass@"
      > curl -X PUT $HOST/yourdatabase
  3. Create a new database user
      • For example, creating a user "test" with password "pass1"

        No Format
        curl -X PUT http://localhost:5984/_users/org.couchdb.user:test \
             -H "Accept: application/json" \
             -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
             -d '{"name": "test", "password": "pass1", "roles": [], "type": "user"}'

        NB: Passwords for existing databases can be changed.

    • Check where the new database user exists 

      • Request

        No Format
        curl -X POST http://localhost:5984/_session -d 'name=test&password=pass1'
      • Correct Response

        No Format
    • Assign the new user to your database (Authorization) This

      • This is done by creating authorization rules. These rules are set up by a server admin and can be modified at any time.

      • For Example, assigning yourdatabase "test" admin and member privilege

        No Format
        > curl -X PUT http://localhost:5984/yourdatabase/_security \
             -u rootuser:adminpass \
             -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
             -d '{"admins": { "names": ["test"], "roles": [] }, "members": { "names": ["test"], "roles": [] } }'

        → If both the names and roles fields of either the admins or members properties are emptyarrays, it means the database has no admins or members.

        → Having no admins, onlyserver admins (with the reserved _admin role) are able to update design document and make other admin level changes.

        → Having no members, any user can write regular documents (any non-design document) and read documents from the database.

        → If there are any member names or roles defined for a database, then only authenticated users having a matching name or role are allowed to read documents from the database.

        → For complex scenarios, use roles i.e. update database users to have roles and assign these roles to your database.

    • Confirm that authorization rules have been updated 

      • Request

        No Format
        curl -X GET -u test:pass1 http://localhost:5984/yourdatabase/_security
      • Correct Response

        No Format
    • In opensrp-client update AllConstants.CloudantSync.class

      Code Block
      public static class CloudantSync {
          public static final String COUCH_DATABASE_NAME = "yourdatabase";
          public static final String COUCH_DATABASE_USER = "test";
          public static final String COUCH_DATABASE_PASS = "pass1";

      NB: Committing this file after adding your credentials will be a big security risk since the database can be accessed on the browser the the port is open.

    • Due to the above security changes, more changes are required in the server side to enable opensrp server app connect to couchdb as follows:

      • Update username/password with the right couchdb login credentials

      • Update url value in couchdb-lucence/src/maina/java/resources/couchdb-lucene.ini to url = http://rootuser:adminpass@localhost:5984/ to enable couch-lucene to connect to couchdb and rebuild the project

    • Test your application (smile)

To restrict browser access, you can configure [couch_httpd_auth] with require_valid_user:true in couchdb local.ini file although this is not required.
