Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


1) Open opensrp-server pom file and uncomment the postgres dependency in org.codehaus.mojo:sql-maven-plugin and comment out (or remove) the mysql:mysql-connector-java dependency



2) Open file in opensrp-server/assets/config and make following changes in properties listed or image below


  •  org.quartz.jobStore.driverDelegateClass = org.quartz.impl.jdbcjobstore.PostgreSQLDelegate
  •  org.quartz.dataSource.motechDS.driver = org.postgresql.Driver
  •  org.quartz.dataSource.motechDS.URL = jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/motechquartz (change server url and port according to your DBMS settings)
  •  change username and password according to your DBMS credentials from settings
    •    org.quartz.dataSource.motechDS.user = postgres
    •    org.quartz.dataSource.motechDS.password = postgrespwd



4) Open in opensrp-server/build and change settings as below


5) Open opensrp-server/pom file and replace the executions between comments with following executions 

Code Block
<!-- Database init scripts for DBMS specific configuration -->
        drop database if exists ${db.quartz};
        drop database if exists ${db.reporting};
        create database ${db.quartz};
        create database ${db.reporting};
        CREATE SCHEMA ${} ;
        CREATE SCHEMA ${db.reporting.anm} ;
<!-- END: Database init scripts for DBMS specific configuration -->


1) Open opensrp-server pom file and uncomment the mysql dependency in org.codehaus.mojo:sql-maven-plugin and comment out (or remove) the postgres dependency 



2) Open file in opensrp-server/assets/config and make following changes in properties listed or image below


4) Open in opensrp-server/build and change setting below (removing the opensrp value here i.e. setting db name to empty is mandatory otherwise project does not build successfully). NOTE: Donot remove setting.



  •  db.reporting=


5) Open opensrp-server/pom file and replace the executions between comments with following executions 

Code Block
<!-- Database init scripts for DBMS specific configuration -->
        drop database if exists ${db.quartz};
        drop database if exists ${db.reporting.anm};
        drop database if exists ${};
        create database ${db.quartz};
        create database ${db.reporting.anm};
        create database ${};
<!-- END: Database init scripts for DBMS specific configuration -->
