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This page documents how to hash data while its already into postgres.

Enable the package uuid-ossp on postgres to enable random uuid generation. Run the below command on psql prompt


Run the below script to create a function for generating a random number within a range


titlerandom_between function


Run the script create_prerequisite_objects.sql to create the dependencies needed by the hashing scripts 

Hashing data from couchDB


  1. Checkout the repository
  2. The hashing scripts are on the directory hashing_data
  3. Run the script hash_couchdb_doc_id_and_rev.sql
    This will hash the couchdb document id to a random uuid and set the revision to a constant so that  its not possible to identify the data. This script runs on the couchdb staging table and should be run before any data migration scripts.
  4. Run the data migration scripts to transform the data to the correct domain tables on the postgres model. This will be the step 7 on the page Data migration from CouchDb 
  5. We used a random generator to generate 100,000 random person names and these are assigned randomly when hashing the data. The random names in the file person_names.csv. You can use your own file.
  6. Import random names to be used to used to hash the clients. Run the script person_names.sql to import the CSV file with the random names to a database table. It create a table person_names and populates it with random person names. Make sure to update the path of CSV file, it must be the absolute path on the local computer.
  7. Run the script hash_clients.sql
    This script hashes personal identifiers and attributes. Random uuids  are used, and random names used from the the above script.
  8. Run the script update_client_references.sql
    This script will update the client reference usually baseEntityId to the random uuid that was generated in step 7 above for the dependent documents e.g events, alerts, multimedia etc
  9. Clean up the created tables. The scripts above will create the tables ids_mapping and person_names  in the public schema of the postgres database being used. Drop the two tables and also the couchDB staging table couchdb. Use the below commands 
             drop table couchdb;
             drop table ids_mapping;
             drop table person_names;Run the script clean_up.sql

Hashing data already on the postgres model
