Every time a feature is updated or a bug is fixed, a Peer review or Code review is required before the code/patch is merged to master.

The Developer is required to:

Check out the OpenSRP guidelines for creating PRs here OpenSRP Developer's Guide#PullRequests(PRs)

The Reviewer is required to: 

If all the above pass, then the reviewer approves the PR.  Note that though Github does have notifications for the above actions, It is recommended to notify the requesting developer once you are done reviewing incase the update/patch is an urgent one.

The developer requesting the PR then follows these steps:

In the case that the update required a release/snapshot, the developer is also required to:

NB: If its a release (as opposed to a Snapshot), then create a Release on Github as described here https://help.github.com/en/articles/creating-releases. (Uploading artefacts with the tags is optional)

       Also check out the OpenSRP guidelines here How to create a release APK