Smart Registers

All the clients that the ANM serves are displayed in Smart Registers.

Structure of a Smart Register

Navigation Bar

  • Back
    When tapped navigates to previous screen.
  • Title
    Displays the title of the current register that is open. For example EC is the title of EC Register. When tapped navigates to previous screen.
  • Report Month
    Displays the start and end date of current report month. When tapped navigates to previous screen.
  • Service Mode
    Displays the current service mode. When tapped all the available service modes are displayed
  • Sort
    When tapped displays all the available sort options.
  • Filter
    When tapped displays all the available filter options.
  • Register (Plus icon)
    When tapped opens a registration form that is appropriate to the register. For example, on EC Register this will open EC Registration form, where as on ANC Register this will open ANC Registration OA form.
  • Search
    This allows the user to search for clients. On EC Register this searches in wife name, EC number fields.

    Status Bar

    • Applied Sort
      Displays the current sort that is applied.
    • Applied Filter
      Displays the current filter that is applied.

    Client list header

    This displays the column headers of client list.

    Client list

    This displays the client list. The left part of the list has identification information, like photo, name, EC number, etc. The right part of the list has health content. The health content is displayed according to the currently selected service mode.


    Pagination Bar

    At any given time, only twenty clients are shown per page. Pagination Bar shows the current page that is displayed and the total number of pages. It also allows the user to navigate the client list using Previous and Next buttons.