Slack Communication Practices (draft)

Slack Communication Practices (draft)

fyi @Craig Appl


  • Akros-Ona

  • Akros-Ona leadership

  • Akros-Ona implementation (minimum 1 channel per implementation)


Routine (daily) updates - high priority items sent on daily basis by Akros PM

  • Full list sent to Akros-Ona

  • Individual lists specific to implementation sent to each implementation channel


Issue threads

  • For issues that are sent in daily/routine updates, they should be responded to in thread

    • Thread should discuss progress, timelines, updates

  • Any technical discussion should be pulled into Jira

    • responsibility of that implementation PM (Akros)


Task lists

There are some items that Akros will need to be asking of Ona that are not development-specific tasks that will need to be tracked and followed up on.

These will include @Derek Pollard other ideas?:

  • F/u to answer question about how functionality works

These will not include:

  • Issue troubleshooting/exploration/follow-up

  • Instance set up tasks (user build, plan set up, task creation) - these should be Jira tasks


Tbd what the tool or plug in will be to track these tasks @Annie Martin to research.


Each Akros PM will be responsible for flagging tasks/to-dos and managing the list in each channel


Communication expectations and escalation policy

  • Akros to not use direct messaging to make new requests of devs - this needs to be on public channel

  • Akros can use direct messaging for individual follow-up on existing issues in times of urgency when team member is not responding on group channel

  • Q: what is long term strategy for 24hr support?

  • Q: what do escalation pathways look like and what are criteria to use them?

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