Slack Communication Practices (draft)
fyi @Craig Appl
Akros-Ona leadership
Akros-Ona implementation (minimum 1 channel per implementation)
Routine (daily) updates - high priority items sent on daily basis by Akros PM
Full list sent to Akros-Ona
Individual lists specific to implementation sent to each implementation channel
Issue threads
For issues that are sent in daily/routine updates, they should be responded to in thread
Thread should discuss progress, timelines, updates
Any technical discussion should be pulled into Jira
responsibility of that implementation PM (Akros)
Task lists
There are some items that Akros will need to be asking of Ona that are not development-specific tasks that will need to be tracked and followed up on.
These will include @Derek Pollard other ideas?:
F/u to answer question about how functionality works
These will not include:
Issue troubleshooting/exploration/follow-up
Instance set up tasks (user build, plan set up, task creation) - these should be Jira tasks
Tbd what the tool or plug in will be to track these tasks @Annie Martin to research.
Each Akros PM will be responsible for flagging tasks/to-dos and managing the list in each channel
Communication expectations and escalation policy
Akros to not use direct messaging to make new requests of devs - this needs to be on public channel
Akros can use direct messaging for individual follow-up on existing issues in times of urgency when team member is not responding on group channel
Q: what is long term strategy for 24hr support?
Q: what do escalation pathways look like and what are criteria to use them?