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Scoping Details

Responsible Person:Christina Riley
Other parties to review/input:
Targeted release date:date
Jira Status:
ticket link

The responsible person owns this feature from scoping to tracking development by Ona and providing clarifications if needed, to testing and sign off.  Status


1Responsible prepares rough business analysis/reqs docCOMPLETE: Christina Riley
2Get CHAI review*Need several verifications from CHAI team
3Get Akros/VW ReviewFYI: Pierre Dane
4Get Ona feedback
5Responsible - 1 iteration for feedback

6Ona sign off
7Ona tech spec scoping
8Ona LOE 
9Ona scheduling

Table of Contents

High Level Steps


We assume the following with this process:

  • We will create 1 plan for each index case classification that arrives
  • BIOPHICS is the first customer for this automated feature and we will tailor the workflow for this system. We will make it more generic in the future
  • We will work within the constraints of Reveal 2 when generating tasks. For example, the IRS tasks are hardcoded in the Android client when a family is created, so we will not create them in the server if a family isn't registered at a structure.

Split into 3 - CR to be responsible for first & 2nd


  • All plans described below are to be generated as drafts within the Planning Module and only made active by a human user - this has been covered under the NiFI Business Logic to be Developed section.

titleNew Scope

NEW Assumptions for Review

Craig Appl Annie Martinthe new assumptions below have been added based on recent conversations around missing scope pertaining to more than one FI plan being created when a case is linked to more than one foci (i.e. focus of infection and focus of residence), and when more than one index case is reported within the MIS for a given jurisdiction within a 20-day time period (i.e. how to deal with cases that would normally trigger an FI but an FI is already in progress).

Automation for case-triggered FIs when the Focus of Infection and the Focus of Residence are the SAME

If the BIOPHICS variables Focus_case_residence_classification_code and focus_Source_of_Infection_classification_code are the same, then the index case resides in the focus in which they acquired the malaria infection and only one plan needs to be generated and carried out in this focus (i.e. this is a local case). For the purposes of Thailand, local cases are defined as being from within the same focus (i.e. sub-village), as confirmed by Pedro.

The assumptions for this type of scenario are in-line with the original assumptions described above.

Automation for case-triggered FIs when the Focus of Infection and the Focus of Residence are NOT THE SAME

**Section in progress**

If the BIOPHICS variables Focus_case_residence_classification_id and Focus_Source_of_Infection_classification_id are NOT the same, then the index case resides in a focus other than the focus in which they acquired the malaria infection. This means that two plans need to be generated - one plan for each focus. By definition, the case classification will be considered local for the focus of infection and imported for the focus of residence. The case classification variable that is imported from BIOPHICS is classified in relation to the focus of diagnosis/residence. Christina Riley verifying that 'focus of residence' & 'focus of diagnosis' are considered the same in regard to the Thai Protocol & BIOPHICS classification.

For the purposes of Thailand, local cases are defined as being from within the same focus (i.e. sub-village), as confirmed by Pedro.

  • **The assumption that one plan is created for each index case that arrives is broken; a plan should be generated for each focus associated with the index case
  • A unique plan should be created for each focus. The plan generated for each focus is based on the given focus's focus classification and the case classification as defined by how the index case is associated with each focus.
  • New assumptions:
    • Focus classification defined - we have two focus types which each have their own variable for focus classification. These variables are the focus-type-specific equivalent of fiStatus variable.
      • Focus of Infection: focus_Source_of_Infection_classification_code (BIOPHICS); responses (A1, A2, B1, B2)
      • Focus of Residence: Focus_case_residence_classification_code (BIOPHICS); responses (A1, A2, B1, B2)
    • Case classification defined - cases can be classified as either local (indigenous) or imported. The caseClassification variable is imported from BIOPHICS and is classified in relation to the focus of diagnosis. 
      • Focus of Infection: there is no source of infection-specific variable for the focus of infection; by definition this is considered 'Local' and should be hard-coded as 'Local'
      • Focus of Residence: caseClassification (BIOPHICS); responses (Local, Imported)
    • Plan generation criteria defined - each plan should be generated according to the following variables/criteria:
      • Focus of Infection: focus_Source_of_Infection_classification_code + hard-coded classification as 'Local'
      • Focus of Residence: Focus_case_residence_classification_code + caseClassification
  • Additional items needed in detail view Craig Appl - I've added these in the Active_FI_Detail_View tab of the Reveal Web UI & Reporting Data Dictionary
    • Focus type - defined as either the Focus of Infection or the Focus of Residence
    • Focus of Infection name: Focus_Source_of_Infection_name (BIOPHICS); show if focusType== 'Focus of Residence'
    • Focus of Residence name: Focus_case_residence_name (BIOPHICS); show if focusType== 'Focus of Infection'

Automation for case-triggered FIs when more than one index case is reported from the MIS in the same jurisdiction with an active plan (plans are active for 20 days from the 1st reported index case)

**Section in progress**

  • The first assumption that one plan is created for each index case that arrives is broken; any index case that arrives in a jurisdiction that already has an active plan that has been case-triggered does not generate an additional plan.
  • The number of index cases reported in the jurisdiction over the time period of the active plan should be counted, with the initial index case counted as '1'.
    • Jurisdiction is defined as the focus area with the active plan; if two plans have been generated for a given index case then each jurisdiction will have a unique count for additional cases reported within that jurisdiction for the active time period.

Sample Index Case Classification Form from BIOPHICS
