Auto Plan & Task Gen: 1 case: 2 foci plans
This document defines the process for automatically generating plans and tasks when an index case comes in from the BIOPHICS system. This document will remain as the source for sample templates as they are developed by the consortium. (Reference)
The responsible person owns this feature from scoping to tracking development by Ona and providing clarifications if needed, to testing and sign off. Status
# | Step | Status |
1 | Responsible prepares rough business analysis/reqs doc | COMPLETE: Christina Riley |
2 | Get CHAI review | Pedro Pagalday Olivares reviewed & signed off. |
3 | Get Akros/VW Review | FYI: Pierre Dane |
4 | Get Ona feedback | FYI: Craig Appl |
5 | Responsible - 1 iteration for feedback | |
6 | Ona sign off | |
7 | Ona tech spec scoping | |
8 | Ona LOE | Small |
9 | Ona scheduling |
We assume the following with this process:
- 1 case to 1 focus investigation is completed according to Auto Plan and Task Gen: 1 case : 1 focus plan
- An extra focus investigation plan should be generated in certain cases - all templates and logic are not explicitly mentioned here should follow the above scoping document
Automation for case-triggered FIs when the Focus of Infection and the Focus of Residence are NOT THE SAME
If the BIOPHICS variables Focus_case_residence_classification_id and Focus_Source_of_Infection_classification_id are NOT the same, then the index case resides in a focus other than the focus in which they acquired the malaria infection. This means that two plans need to be generated - one plan for each focus. By definition, the case classification will be considered local for the focus of infection and imported for the focus of residence. The case classification variable that is imported from BIOPHICS is classified in relation to the focus of residence.
For the purposes of Thailand, local cases are defined as being from within the same focus (i.e. sub-village), as confirmed by Pedro.
- a plan should be generated for each focus associated with the index case
- A unique plan should be created for each focus. The plan generated for each focus is based on the given focus's focus classification and the case classification as defined by how the index case is associated with each focus.
- New assumptions:
- Focus classification defined - we have two focus types which each have their own variable for focus classification. These variables are the focus-type-specific equivalent of fiStatus variable.
- Focus of Infection: focus_Source_of_Infection_classification_code (BIOPHICS); responses (A1, A2, B1, B2)
- Focus of Residence: Focus_case_residence_classification_code (BIOPHICS); responses (A1, A2, B1, B2)
- Case classification defined - cases can be classified as either local (indigenous) or imported. The caseClassification variable is imported from BIOPHICS and is classified in relation to the focus of diagnosis.
- Focus of Infection: there is no source of infection-specific variable for the focus of infection; by definition this is considered 'Local' and should be hard-coded as 'Local'
- Focus of Residence: caseClassification (BIOPHICS); responses (Local, Imported)
- Plan generation criteria defined - each plan should be generated according to the following variables/criteria:
- Focus of Infection: focus_Source_of_Infection_classification_code + hard-coded classification as 'Local'
- Focus of Residence: Focus_case_residence_classification_code + caseClassification
- Focus classification defined - we have two focus types which each have their own variable for focus classification. These variables are the focus-type-specific equivalent of fiStatus variable.
- Additional items needed in detail view Craig Appl - I've added these in the Active_FI_Detail_View tab of the Reveal Web UI & Reporting Data Dictionary
- Focus type - defined as either the Focus of Infection or the Focus of Residence
- Focus of Infection name: Focus_Source_of_Infection_name (BIOPHICS); show if focusType== 'Focus of Residence'
- Focus of Residence name: Focus_case_residence_name (BIOPHICS); show if focusType== 'Focus of Infection'
Notes on Software Development required (Created by Craig on 23 July)
- This change is small because we need to update a Nifi processor to create an additional plan for the original operational area.
- Software to be developed is to create a Nifi processor that splits this request to two different jurisdictions and creates the same plan in both.
, p_site_name and p_site_area represent the focus area where the patient is from. While source_site_id, source_site_name and source_site_area represent the focus area that is the source of infection. For cases where the two are different, these fields will be populated with the details for a different focus area, and for situations where the source of infection and the location where the patient is from are the same, then the source site details will be null like above.p_site_id