NOTE: 'Structure' in the Namibia context means rooms in the household regardless of how many buildings there are within the household.
Data aggregation and dashboard calculations: Craig Appl and Matt Berg We need to build the same structure selection methods in to our Reveal tables as we did in mSpray. Akros and Dickson refined over several years, the set of rules that determines how a structure is counted for IRS dashboards. These rules look at
1) duplicate status - which duplicate submission should be considered based on the spray status
2) location - how to assign structures to locations for reporting in the dashboard. This is more complex than the selection of an operational area by the end user and instead ties the geolocation of structures to operational areas as the primary method. Structures falling outside of operational area boundaries, as per the tables below, fall into 'Outside of Boundary' category.
Dickson wrote up the digestion of structure mSpray data here, though I'm not sure it fully captures these rules and if there is other code elsewhere. Can we please make sure these rules translate to Reveal?