ZEIR Child Health App User Guide

  1. Go to the downloads page and download the apk under BID Zambia.Ā 
  2. Install the apk in an android device or an emulator
  3. Install it in the android device like any other mobile application

Zambia Electronic Immunisation Register (ZEIR)

  • Color Codes are described at the end of the guide
  • On the login page enter the username and password, that is biddemo/Amani123
  • The register listing of all registered children under the biddemo user will be displayed on your screen
  • Click in a child to view their profile details
  • Color Codes are described at the end of the guide

  • To record the weight click on record weight button. To update an immunization, click on the immunization itself and it will give you the screen to update the information.You can also choose to record all in order to update all the immunizations due

  • To add a child, click on the navigation menu or use the + sign on the toolbar. This will give you registration form to fill in the details, and then you should click on save. The record then reflects on the register list

  • For Edit of registration, growth and immunization data for the Child, Go to the child's profile, click on the kebab(3 dots) menu and it takes you to the registration page where you click on the kebab menu(3 dot)s and it gives you the options to edit the information

The rest of the applications work in a similar manner. The details of the installations can be found here.Ā 

Color Codes


Immunizations are dueDeeper Blue buttons mean the immunizations are due and not yet overdue.Ā 

Immunization can be givenPale Blue buttons mean the immunization can be given up to X days before due date.Ā The X days are specific to the country's preset durations

Immunizations are overdue

Red buttons mean the immunization is overdue (X days greater than due date). The X days are specific to the country's preset durations

Group of immunizations are due nextWhite text with word ā€œUpcomingā€ ā€œN weeksā€ means that a group of immunizations are due next, but there is no action to be taking at this time. It is displayed 24 hours after the checkmark

Immunizations given and non are due at the momentOnly a green check mark displays when immunizations were given and there are non other that are due.TheĀ green check mark displays for 24 hours.

The pink color denotes a female babyThe pink color denotes a female baby

The blue color denotes a male babyThe blue color denotes a male baby