Getting started with OpenSRP

Getting started with OpenSRP

Welcome to the OpenSRP wiki! If you have landed here for the first time, please view the Overview page for general information about the platform.

This section describes terminology and steps to get started with the platform and our community. We recognize that this wiki is used by diverse audiences with different needs. We have set it up for easy navigation and are actively working to make it better. Please leave a comment on a page or contact us through the developer forum if you find something that could be improved.

OpenSRP Community Collaboration

The OpenSRP community is a group of governments, organizations and individuals who all contribute to building and sustaining implementations. We openly welcome contributions and collaboration opportunities.

Developers are invited to collaborate, following the processes outlined in the Developer's guide. This guide includes information on how to get a development environment set up, core concepts with the platform, and how to contribute. Note, we have clear coding guidelines available hereIf you have any setup questions, please send an email to the mailing list and you will get help as soon as possible. The community also provides real-time collaboration on Slack

The OpenSRP client (Android application) code lives in a Git repository and the OpenSRP server code lives in a Git repository. The README file includes instructions to set up the system and also contains the public credentials for testing the application.

OpenSRP Terminology

We utilize the following definitions liberally throughout our website and this wiki.

A module is a set of features that are coupled together to solve a health-related functional area. These modules traverse technical domains (client and server) to deliver health outcomes.

  • Household (HH)
  • Family Planning (FP)
  • Antenatal Care (ANC)
  • Postnatal Care (PNC)
  • Immunization
  • Early Childhood Development (ECD)
  • Nutrition
  • Tuberculosis (TB) Case Management and Treatment
  • Stock Management
  • Reporting

A feature is a component of a module that allows health workers to perform one or more work-related tasks.

  • Client Identification and Registration
  • Client Management
  • Health Worker Support and Performance Management
  • In-app Reporting
  • Interoperability
  • Supply Chain Management
  • Facial Recognition

In the Technical domain, we have a number of additional terms:

An app is a collection of modules with custom business logic and branding that is delivered to achieve a set of health-related workflows for an implementation.

  • Thrive Implementations (Bangladesh, Indonesia, Pakistan)
  • ZEIR - Zambia Electronic Immunization Register
  • KIP - Kenya Immunisation Platform
  • SID 

A library is a shared resource that delivers core features across applications. A library contains all of the appropriate views, data model and business logic to be able to perform specialized functionality. There are many libraries in an app and they directly link to code repositories on GitHub.

OpenSRP Demo Environment

Demo environments have been set up for any interested parties to easily download, install, and test some of the latest OpenSRP apps using dummy data. The following apps are available:

  1. Zambia Electronic Immunization Register (ZEIR) contains Child Immunization, Growth Monitoring, Stock Management, and Reporting modules. Github Repository: https://github.com/OpenSRP/opensrp-client-path
    1. Go to the OpenSRP APK distribution page and download and install the latest APK on the BID Zambia page.
    2. On the login screen, go to Settings and enter the following URL in the base server URL field: https://zeir-demo.smartregister.org/opensrp-zeir
    3. Log in with username: biddemo password: Amani123
  2. TB REACH contains the Tuberculosis (TB) Case Management and Treatment module. Github Repository: https://github.com/OpenSRP/opensrp-client-tbr
    1. Go to the OpenSRP APK distribution page and download and install the latest APK under the OpenSRP TB REACH section on the Thrive Pakistan page.
    2. On the login screen, go to Settings and enter the following URL in the base server URL field: https://tbr-demo.smartregister.org/opensrp-tbr
    3. Log in with username: tbrdemo password: Amani123
  3. HPV Uganda contains the Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Immunization module. Github Repository: https://github.com/OpenSRP/opensrp-client-uganda-hpv
    1. Go to the OpenSRP APK distribution page and download and install the latest APK on the WHO Uganda HPV page.
    2. On the login screen, go to Settings and enter the following URL in the base server URL field: https://hpv-demo.smartregister.org/opensrp-hpv
    3. Log in with username: demo password: Amani123

The ZEIR app should be installed on an Android tablet. TB REACH and HPV Uganda apps can be installed on an Android smartphone.

Quick Links

SmartRegister.org: Our website includes a robust overview of the OpenSRP features, solutions, adaptation process and case studies. Technical documentation is created and maintained on this wiki.  

Join the Conversation: Have any questions, drop us an email on the Developer’s Mailing List. 


Licence: The Apache 2.0 license gives you the right to use, copy, distribute and modify the OpenSRP software. However, this license does not grant anyone the right to use the OpenSRP brand or logo.


The application is available for free download and can run on any 7 inch or larger mobile device running the latest Android software.

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