Status: In Progress
Owner: Craig Appl
This scoping document defines the processes and URL endpoints for interacting with the OpenMRS API in order to Create Read and Update locations and teams in OpenMRS.
We need to deliver the following workflows that require interactions with the OpenMRS API
- Create OpenMRS locations based on the locations in Reveal
- Create Teams in OpenMRS
- Update OpenMRS location team_id attribute when a team is assigned in the Reveal web UI planning module
OpenMRS API Basics
Credentials: (This needs to be a user with superuser permissions at this time)
Authentication: OpenMRS uses basic auth for to start a session.
- Start a session
- GET BaseUrl/session
- The response will include a response header labeled Set-Cookie. Add the contents of this to subsequent responses
- In Nifi, we add a property to the InvokeHttp processor named Cookie with value ${Set-Cookie}
- GET BaseUrl/session
- End a session
- DELETE BaseUrl/session (with the cookie)
API documentation is available in the OpenMRS Legacy Admin Menu at (Note that it takes some time to load because it builds it in real time
The API supports different representations that are documented here. You can get a full representation and custom representation.
Location Interactions
We need to Create, Read and Update locations in OpenMRS based on the location hierarchy that was loaded in to Reveal.
These interactions include the following properties:
Property in UI | Type | Description | UUID | Sample POST code |
Parent Location | This is the parent uuid of the location in OpenMRS. | N/A | "parentLocation": { "uuid": "43a992e6-6b73-4767-b63f-abeb16737e27" } | |
mspray_location_id | attribute | 3302b1cd-8e89-4d44-89ae-8a285f2c5583 | { "attributeType": { "uuid": "802e4109-56d0-407f-adcb-ea3a082840fc" }, "value": "055059f5-bbc2-489b-a573-56558556b5e0", "voided": false, "resourceVersion": "1.9" } | |
team_id | attribute | 802e4109-56d0-407f-adcb-ea3a082840fc | { "attributeType": { "uuid": "802e4109-56d0-407f-adcb-ea3a082840fc" }, "value": "055059f5-bbc2-489b-a573-56558556b5e0", "voided": false, "resourceVersion": "1.9" } | |
Country | tag | This is a location tag that shows this is the country level. (Thailand: ADM 0) | bdae8d24-df16-47c1-b589-ff58038ba7ca | { "uuid": "bdae8d24-df16-47c1-b589-ff58038ba7ca" } |
Province | tag | This is a location tag that shows this is the provincial level. (Thailand: ADM 1) | 563fba34-7bfa-40f7-a0e0-9dca3c24bfec | { "uuid": "563fba34-7bfa-40f7-a0e0-9dca3c24bfec" } |
District | tag | This is a location tag that shows this is a district level. (Thailand: ADM 2) | 19592b42-5181-49e4-85ab-2c502e7193c1 | { "uuid": "19592b42-5181-49e4-85ab-2c502e7193c1" } |
Sub-district | tag | (Used in Botswana Only) This is a location tag that shows this is the sub-district level. | 7de14bdc-9e2a-4183-a6c9-3b506daac8e4 | { "uuid": "7de14bdc-9e2a-4183-a6c9-3b506daac8e4" } |
Village | tag | This is a location tag that shows this is the village level (Thailand: ADM 3) | 55a54fc4-a6f2-4e14-9132-815687952804 | { "uuid": "55a54fc4-a6f2-4e14-9132-815687952804" } |
Canton | tag | (Used in Thailand Only) This is a location tag that shows this is the canton level. (Thailand: ADM 4) | de2ec1a0-1609-4071-af32-a91752956e95 | { "uuid": "de2ec1a0-1609-4071-af32-a91752956e95" } |
Operational Area | tag | This is a location tag that shows this is the operational area level. This is the lowest level in any hierarchy. (Thailand: ADM 5) | 22abf4d2-c138-463c-8c58-568343dd2b5f | { "uuid": "22abf4d2-c138-463c-8c58-568343dd2b5f" } |
GET BaseUrl/location
This returns a complete list of locations with just the minimal information
//GET BaseUrl/location?q=TwoTwoTwo_01 { "results": [ { "uuid": "5398b9e0-71e8-42a5-892d-e031a9a32ca5", "display": "TwoTwoTwo_01", "links": [ { "rel": "self", "uri": "" } ] } ] }
GET BaseUrl/location/{UUID}
This returns the full location
//GET BaseUrl/location/5398b9e0-71e8-42a5-892d-e031a9a32ca5 { "uuid": "5398b9e0-71e8-42a5-892d-e031a9a32ca5", "display": "TwoTwoTwo_01", "name": "TwoTwoTwo_01", "description": null, "address1": null, "address2": null, "cityVillage": null, "stateProvince": null, "country": null, "postalCode": null, "latitude": null, "longitude": null, "countyDistrict": null, "address3": null, "address4": null, "address5": null, "address6": null, "tags": [ { "uuid": "22abf4d2-c138-463c-8c58-568343dd2b5f", "display": "Operational Area", "links": [ { "rel": "self", "uri": "" } ] } ], "parentLocation": { "uuid": "43a992e6-6b73-4767-b63f-abeb16737e27", "display": "Two Two Two Release Village", "links": [ { "rel": "self", "uri": "" } ] }, "childLocations": [], "retired": false, "attributes": [ { "uuid": "5ecc27f8-5529-4958-8e3d-c08f4608af67", "display": "mspray_location_id: 14e2a7a7-fd08-4bed-8cf8-1eeaed303eda", "links": [ { "rel": "self", "uri": "" } ] }, { "uuid": "faba93d1-691e-45ce-8612-4a22e2a251dd", "display": "team_id: 055059f5-bbc2-489b-a573-56558556b5e0", "links": [ { "rel": "self", "uri": "" } ] } ], "address7": null, "address8": null, "address9": null, "address10": null, "address11": null, "address12": null, "address13": null, "address14": null, "address15": null, "links": [ { "rel": "self", "uri": "" }, { "rel": "full", "uri": "" } ], "resourceVersion": "2.0" }
POST BaseUrl/location Template
This is a sample Nifi template for generating the location that needs to be posted. Note that you can only generate a location at a time and you can't assign the UUID through the API, so you have to get a response for each location, query again and then update the parents.
- revealName - The name of the location in the attribute of the geojson
- geographicLevelOpenmrsUuidMapper - We need to build a mapper to tag this location to the correct geographicLevel (ADM N) as defined above
- openmrsParentUuid - We need to map the Reveal location id to the OpenMRS UUID so that we can correctly identify parents and put it in this field
- revealLocationId - This is the location id of this location in Reveal
- openmrsTeamId - This is the team ID that should be assigned to this location. We use this for operational areas when there is team assignment.
{ "name": "${revealName}", "description": null, "address1": null, "address2": null, "cityVillage": null, "stateProvince": null, "country": null, "postalCode": null, "latitude": null, "longitude": null, "countyDistrict": null, "address3": null, "address4": null, "address5": null, "address6": null, "tags": [ { "uuid": "${geographicLevelOpenmrsUuidMapper}" } ], "parentLocation": { "uuid": "${openmrsParentUuid}" }, "childLocations": [], "retired": false, "attributes": [ { "attributeType": { "uuid": "3302b1cd-8e89-4d44-89ae-8a285f2c5583" }, "value": "${revealLocationId}", "voided": false, "resourceVersion": "1.9" }, { "attributeType": { "uuid": "802e4109-56d0-407f-adcb-ea3a082840fc" }, "value": "${openmrsTeamId}", "voided": false, "resourceVersion": "1.9" } ], "address7": null, "address8": null, "address9": null, "address10": null, "address11": null, "address12": null, "address13": null, "address14": null, "address15": null, "resourceVersion": "2.0" }
POST BaseUrl/location/{UUID}
This endpoint allows you to update an existing location in the system and should be used for things like reassignment of teams. You only have to POST the updated fields that you wish to change
Team Management
OpenMRS has a team management endpoint where we Create and Read teams. We don't need to Update teams at this time.
GET BaseUrl/team/team?v=full
This endpoint returns a list of all teams in the system.
// (Results truncated) { "results": [ { "display": "Miti", "uuid": "7e104eee-ec8a-4733-bcf7-c02c51cf43f4", "teamName": "Miti", "teamIdentifier": "MTL", "supervisor": "", "supervisorUuid": "", "supervisorTeam": "", "supervisorTeamUuid": "", "supervisorIdentifier": "", "voided": false, "voidReason": null, "location": { "uuid": "18e9f800-55c7-4261-907a-d804d6081f93", "display": "ea Miti Rural Health Centre", "name": "ea Miti Rural Health Centre", "description": null, "address1": null, "address2": null, "cityVillage": null, "stateProvince": "Eastern", "country": "Zambia", "postalCode": null, "latitude": null, "longitude": null, "countyDistrict": "Chadiza", "address3": null, "address4": null, "address5": null, "address6": null, "tags": [ { "uuid": "b5372a31-13f5-48f9-a441-bcb5adf8ac6e", "display": "Rural Health Centre", "name": "Rural Health Centre", "description": "This is a Rural Health Centre Catchment area", "retired": false, "links": [ { "rel": "self", "uri": "" }, { "rel": "full", "uri": "" } ], "resourceVersion": "1.8" } ], "parentLocation": { "uuid": "315ca4ed-eebd-40ca-87a8-cf5aac69dd37", "display": "ea Chadiza District", "name": "ea Chadiza District", "description": null, "address1": null, "address2": null, "cityVillage": null, "stateProvince": "Eastern", "country": "Zambia", "postalCode": null, "latitude": null, "longitude": null, "countyDistrict": "Chadiza", "address3": null, "address4": null, "address5": null, "address6": null, "tags": [ { "uuid": "19592b42-5181-49e4-85ab-2c502e7193c1", "display": "District", "links": [ { "rel": "self", "uri": "" } ] } ], "parentLocation": { "uuid": "f2072767-52e1-4169-80ef-a631c4a7bf75", "display": "ea Eastern Province", "links": [ { "rel": "self", "uri": "" } ] }, "childLocations": [ { "uuid": "64d001f5-249a-405f-aa60-e9c2ff5fab3b", "display": "ea Bwanunkha Rural Health Centre", "links": [ { "rel": "self", "uri": "" } ] }, { "uuid": "18e9f800-55c7-4261-907a-d804d6081f93", "display": "ea Miti Rural Health Centre", "links": [ { "rel": "self", "uri": "" } ] }, { "uuid": "5c0fc51f-8bd0-42a9-a21e-7c0fff122983", "display": "ea Tafelansoni Rural Health Centre", "links": [ { "rel": "self", "uri": "" } ] } ], "retired": false, "attributes": [ { "uuid": "d1dd2767-4640-4219-b907-88d86315e9ac", "display": "mspray_location_id: 2939", "links": [ { "rel": "self", "uri": "" } ] } ], "address7": null, "address8": null, "address9": null, "address10": null, "address11": null, "address12": null, "address13": null, "address14": null, "address15": null, "links": [ { "rel": "self", "uri": "" }, { "rel": "full", "uri": "" } ], "resourceVersion": "2.0" }, "childLocations": [ { "uuid": "f6caabb8-8461-4f04-a0d1-dc57208009eb", "display": "MKB_5", "name": "MKB_5", "description": null, "address1": null, "address2": null, "cityVillage": null, "stateProvince": null, "country": null, "postalCode": null, "latitude": null, "longitude": null, "countyDistrict": null, "address3": null, "address4": null, "address5": null, 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