This page stores sample plans for reference.
Mass Drug Administration
{ "identifier": "3204259e-1109-4baf-934b-05662d51bbd0", "version": "1", "name": "MDA-2020-06-23-Dynamic-Task-Test-Plan", "title": "MDA 2020-06-23 Dynamic Task Test Plan", "status": "active", "date": "2020-06-23", "effectivePeriod": { "start": "2020-06-23", "end": "2020-12-31" }, "useContext": [], "jurisdiction": [ { "code": "35968df5-f335-44ae-8ae5-25804caa2d86" }, { "code": "6fffaf7f-f16f-4713-a1ac-0cf6e2fe7f2a" } ], "goal": [ { "id": "RACD_register_all_families", "description": "Register all families and family members in all residential structures enumerated or added (100%) within operational area", "priority": "medium-priority", "target": [ { "measure": "Percent of residential structures with full family registration", "detail": { "detailQuantity": { "value": 100, "comparator": ">=", "unit": "Percent" } }, "due": "2020-10-01" } ] }, { "id": "MDA_Dispense", "description": "Visit all residential structures (100%) dispense prophylaxis to each registered person", "priority": "medium-priority", "target": [ { "measure": "Percent of Registered person(s)", "detail": { "detailQuantity": { "value": 100, "comparator": ">=", "unit": "percent" } }, "due": "2020-10-01" } ] }, { "id": "MDA_Adherence", "description": "Visit all residential structures (100%) and confirm adherence of each registered person", "priority": "medium-priority", "target": [ { "measure": "Percent of dispense recipients", "detail": { "detailQuantity": { "value": 100, "comparator": ">=", "unit": "percent" } }, "due": "2020-10-01" } ] } ], "action": [ { "identifier": "3802af3a-f40c-4705-849e-1727b603bd4e", "prefix": 1, "title": "Family Registration", "description": "Register all families and family members in all residential structures enumerated (100%) within the operational area", "code": "RACD Register Family", "trigger": [ { "type": "named-event", "name": "plan-activation" }, { "type": "named-event", "name": "event-submission", "condition": { "expression": "questionnaire = 'Register_Structure'" } } ], "condition": [ { "kind": "applicability", "expression": { "description": "Structure is residential", "reference": "plan-activation", "expression": "Location.type.where(id='locationType').text = 'Residential Structure'" } }, { "kind": "applicability", "expression": { "description": "Family does not exist for structure", "reference": "plan-activation", "expression": "$this.contained.exists()", "subjectCodableConcept": { "text": "Family" } } }, { "kind": "applicability", "expression": { "reference": "event-submission", "expression": "questionnaire = 'Register_Structure' AND item.where(linkId='structureType').answer.value ='Residential Structure'" } } ], "timingPeriod": { "start": "2020-06-04", "end": "2020-10-01" }, "reason": "Routine", "goalId": "RACD_register_all_families", "subjectCodableConcept": { "text": "Location" }, "definitionUri": "zambia_family_register.json" }, { "identifier": "e9ac3356-a8ad-4825-9d4b-7ff53087592f", "prefix": 2, "title": "MDA Round 1 Dispense", "description": "Visit all residential structures (100%) and dispense prophylaxis to each registered person", "code": "MDA Dispense", "trigger": [ { "type": "named-event", "name": "event-submission", "condition": { "expression": "questionnaire = 'Family Registration' or questionnaire = 'Family Member Registration'" } }, { "type": "named-event", "name": "plan-activation" } ], "condition": [ { "kind": "applicability", "expression": { "description": "Person is older than 5 years or person associated with questionaire response if older than 5 years", "expression": "($ and $this.birthDate <= today() - 5 'years') or ($this.contained.where(Patient.birthDate <= today() - 5 'years').exists())", "subjectCodableConcept": { "text": "Person" } } } ], "timingPeriod": { "start": "2020-06-04", "end": "2020-10-01" }, "reason": "Routine", "goalId": "MDA_Dispense", "subjectCodableConcept": { "text": "Person" }, "definitionUri": "zambia_mda_dispense.json" }, { "identifier": "8a8b11fa-d078-4510-9c61-89ff41c2822b", "prefix": 3, "title": "MDA Round 1 Adherence", "description": "Visit all residential structures (100%) and confirm adherence of each registered person", "code": "MDA Adherence", "trigger": [ { "type": "named-event", "name": "event-submission", "condition": { "expression": "questionnaire = 'mda_dispense'" } } ], "condition": [ { "kind": "applicability", "expression": { "expression": "$this.item.where(linkId='business_status').value = 'Fully Received'" } } ], "timingPeriod": { "start": "2020-06-04", "end": "2020-10-01" }, "reason": "Routine", "goalId": "MDA_Dispense", "subjectCodableConcept": { "text": "Person" }, "definitionUri": "zambia_mda_adherence.json" } ] }
{ "identifier": "043fc8cb-0459-4b39-b71c-abc15f13a5dd", "version": "1", "name": "IRS-2020-06-24-Dynamic-Task-Test-Plan", "title": "IRS 2020-06-24 Dynamic Task Test Plan", "status": "active", "date": "2020-06-24", "effectivePeriod": { "start": "2020-06-24", "end": "2020-12-31" }, "useContext": [], "jurisdiction": [ { "code": "45017166-cc14-4f2f-b83f-4a72ce17bf91" } ], "goal": [ { "id": "IRS", "description": "Spray structures in the operational area", "priority": "medium-priority", "target": [ { "measure": "Percent of structures sprayed", "detail": { "detailQuantity": { "value": 90, "comparator": ">=", "unit": "Percent" } }, "due": "2020-12-31" } ] } ], "action": [ { "identifier": "b646cfe1-7180-4494-80b5-ee20579dc343", "prefix": 1, "title": "Spray Structures", "description": "Visit each structure in the operational area and attempt to spray", "code": "IRS", "trigger": [ { "type": "named-event", "name": "plan_activation" }, { "type": "named-event", "name": "event-submission", "condition": { "expression": "questionnaire = 'Register_Structure'" } } ], "condition": [ { "kind": "applicability", "expression": { "expression": "Location.type.where(id='locationType').text = 'Residential Structure'" } } ], "timingPeriod": { "start": "2020-06-24", "end": "2020-12-31" }, "reason": "Routine", "goalId": "IRS", "subjectCodableConcept": { "text": "Location" }, "definitionUri": "spray_form.json" } ] }