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The following steps will outline the process of deploying opensrp server web and its dependencies on kubernetes for a local environment.


  • Some knowledge on kubernetes.

  • Install kubectl.

    •  Allows you to run commands against Kubernetes clusters.

  • Install minikube. Dont use minikube in production!!

    • It creates a kubernetes cluster we can use.

    • One can use any other tool to bring up a cluster e.g microk8s, kops, kubespray, unoffical kubespray collection etc

    • After you have successfully installed minikube enable the ingress addon.

      minikube addons enable ingress
  • Install helm. (Defacto package manager for k8s)

Setup Applications Used By Opensrp Server


Run the following to install redis on your cluster. Refer to for additional configs.

helm repo add bitnami
helm repo update
helm install redis --set auth.password=secretpassword,cluster.enabled=false bitnami/redis


Run the following to install postgresql on your cluster. Refer to for additional configs. If deployed postgres before ensure the image tag matches your setup.

helm repo add bitnami
helm repo update
helm install postgres --set auth.postgresPassword=secretpassword,auth.database=testdb,image.tag=14.1.0-debian-10-r80 bitnami/postgresql

Add opensrp database and user.

Login to the postgres pod

kubectl exec -it postgres-postgresql-0 -- bash

Login to postgres database instance using the psql client

psql -U postgres -h localhost

Create keycloak user and make superuser so that the user has rights to create extensions.

create user opensrp with encrypted password 'secretpassword';
alter role opensrp superuser; # ignore if using postgres v13 and above
create database opensrp;

Keycloak (For opensrp server web v2.2 and above otherwise skip this step)

We start with setting up keycloak database on the postgres database instance we created before.

Login to the postgres pod

kubectl exec -it postgres-postgresql-0 -- bash

Login to postgres database instance using the psql client

psql -U postgres -h localhost

Create keycloak user and make superuser so that the user has rights to create extensions.

create user keycloak with encrypted password 'secretpassword';
create database keycloak;

Create a values.yaml file to override the default configs with the above credentials. Refer to for additional configs.

replicas: 1

  tag: "16.1.0"
  enabled: true
  annotations: nginx
    - host: keycloak-http.default.svc.cluster.local # if you are not using default namespace kindly update.
        - path: /
          pathType: Prefix    
  enabled: false

extraEnv: |
  - name: DB_VENDOR
    value: postgres
  - name: DB_ADDR
    value: postgres-postgresql.default.svc.cluster.local
  - name: DB_DATABASE
    value: keycloak
  - name: DB_SCHEMA
    value: public
    value: "true"
  - name: DB_PORT
    value: "5432"
  - name: DB_USER
    value: keycloak
  - name: DB_PASSWORD
    value: secretpassword
    value: admin
    value: secretpassword
    value: "http://keycloak-http.default.svc.cluster.local/auth/"

Run the following to install keycloak on your cluster.

helm repo add codecentric
helm repo update
helm install keycloak codecentric/keycloak -f ~/<dir>/keycloak/values.yaml 

To check if keycloak is up you could use the following command:

kubectl get pods 

Check that the READY column for keycloak-0 is 1/1.

To access keycloak from your browser on a developement setup:

  1. Get the minikube ip.

    1. minikube ip
  2. Then add the following entry in your /etc/hosts file in linux, for windows the hosts file should be located in C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc.

    1. here is the minikube ip.    keycloak-http.default.svc.cluster.local
    2. We must use keycloak-http.default.svc.cluster.local because of redirection during login. Not required if you have a public domain.

3. On your browser now you can load the following link.

On a production setup the assumption is that you will have a proper cluster certificate issuer and a public domain to use.

Additionally you will need to setup realms, users, clients, roles, and groups on keycloak. Instructions on how to do this is here.

Deploying Opensrp Server Web (for v2.2 and above refer here)

With redis , postgresql and keycloak running we can now deploy opensrp server.

To begin first fetch the helm chart repository:

helm repo add opensrp
helm repo update

Create a values.yaml file to override the default configs with credentials from postgres, redis and keycloak. Refer to for additional configs.

replicaCount: 1

  tag: "v2.9.0-SNAPSHOT"

  enabled: true
  annotations: nginx
    - host: opensrp-server-web.local
        - path: /opensrp
          pathType: ImplementationSpecific
  host: "postgres-postgresql.default.svc.cluster.local"
  port: 5432
  database: "opensrp"
  username: "opensrp"
  password: "secretpassword"

  cors_allowed_source: "*"

# external
  host: redis-master.default.svc.cluster.local
  port: 6379
  pool_max_connections: 25
  password: "secretpassword"

  realm: "<realm>"
  auth-server-url: "http://keycloak-http.default.svc.cluster.local/auth/"
  ssl-required: "none" # switch to external in a production setup
  resource: "<client-id>"
  confidential-port: 443
     secret: <client-secret>

  enabled: false        

Then run the following to install opensrp server web on your cluster.

helm install opensrp-server-web opensrp/opensrp-server-web -f ~/<dir>/opensrp-server/values.yaml 

Check that the READY column for opensrp-server-web pod is 1/1.

For opensrp-server-web to be in ready state all its services need to be healthy. Kindly refer to this documentation, that includes ensuring that keycloak is fully setup.

To access opensrp server web from your browser on a development setup:

  1. Get the minikube ip.

    1. minikube ip
  2. Then add the following entry in your /etc/hosts file in linux, for windows the hosts file should be located in C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc.

    1. here is the minikube ip.    opensrp-server-web.local
  3. On your browser now you can load the following link.

You are Done!!

Things to keep in mind.

  • Use a production ready tool to bring up a kubernetes cluster in a production setup.

  • Credentials should always be stronger and stored securely. Use helm secrets for this.

  • Opensrp Helm Chart Repositories:

  • For a functional web interface for the opensrp server kindly check this.

  • Update ingress configurations for production setup for external facing applications. Check this README for examples.

  • Ensure chart version is pinned during helm install --version <Chart-Version>.

  • Ensure image tag version is pinned for all the deployments.

  • Store all your configuration on values.yaml and secrets on secrets.yaml for all the deployments.

  • For production setup its recommended to setup postgres outside the cluster.

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