OpenSRP Documentation
Welcome to the OpenSRP Wiki
Open Smart Register Platform is an open source mobile health platform that allows frontline health workers to electronically register and track the health of their entire client population.
Our community is growing with more people contributing to the project. This wiki is a public space for our online community collaborations including clearly defining the innovations on the platform, supporting implementer learning and assisting the developers in their onboarding process.
Please visit for more information on the project or contact us on the developer mailing list.
Open Smart Register Platform
OpenSRP is an open source platform, which allows governments and technology partners to easily adapt content and functionality to health workers’ needs. OpenSRP has a modular design, which makes it easy to include the existing modules, content, and functionality needed for each setting. OpenSRP is interoperable with other prominent, open source health information tools widely used today, including DHIS2, OpenMRS, and RapidPro.
OpenSRP was purposefully designed with end-users, which is evident in the positive feedback received from health workers and their ability to easily pick up and start using OpenSRP in their daily work. Health workers enjoy using the platform as it is intuitive and simplifies their workflows. The application also helps improve communication between health workers and their clients – especially for reminding clients when health services are due. Health workers also report how it saves time and effort spent on administrative tasks, like tallying and reporting, allowing them to spend more time providing care to their clients. OpenSRP empowers health workers with easy-to-use and user-friendly technology that allows them to feel part of the modernized world.
OpenSRP Aspirations
OpenSRP is a single ICT-based platform for all (government and NGO) frontline health workers across the world to manage their daily workflow and tasks, provide services more effectively and efficiently, make better decisions, and collect data for healthcare records and reporting, completely replacing all the functions of paper-based legacy systems (and more). OpenSRP is also be compliant with global standards and interoperable with systems like OpenHIE and thereby integrate seamlessly with other national-level enterprise health information architecture, especially widely adopted systems like DHIS2 and OpenMRS.
- OpenSRP Governance and Trademark
- Getting started with OpenSRP
- Unified Technical Product Roadmap
- OpenSRP Developer's Guide
- OpenSRP web Implementers Documentation
- OpenSRP FHIR Web Impementers Documentation
- OpenSRP Implementer's Guide
- Community Management Resources
- How-to articles
- License
- Privacy Policy
- Archive
- OpenSRP APK Releases
- Scoping Docs
- OpenSRP Document Configurability
- Generating GPG keys
- Opensrp Docker Automated Workflow Integration
- Instant OpenHIE Setup