Registers Views

There are 3 registers in the TBReach application

  1. Presumptive Register
  2. Positive Register
  3. In Treatment Register

Each of the registers have a configuration file that controls:-

  • which columns are visible
  • order of columns
  • width of columns(specified as ratio)

The configuration files for the above for each register is as as below

RegisterView Identifier
Presumptive registerpresumptive_register
Positive registerpositive_register
In-treatment registerintreatment_register

Also each register has  two JSON files that defined the actual composition of the register header or rows of register. There is one file which defines the header and another that defines the row. Editing these files requires an advanced user with some on android views. These contain the actual definitions of the components making the actual column e.g for the patient column it will have the textview which displays the patient name, age, gender etc.

The configuration files for the above for each register is as as below

RegisterView Identifier
Presumptive registerpresumptive_register_headerpresumptive_register_row
Positive registerpositive_register_headerpositive_register_row
In-treatment registerintreatment_register_headerintreatment_register_row

Also we have two additional files that define the common columns that are shared by all registers, these are  common_register_header and common_register_row