2018 Historical Notes
19 November 2018
Time | 21:00-22:00 East Africa 20:00-21:00 Central Africa 13:00-14:00 Eastern 10:00-11:00 Pacific |
Attendees | Akros: Laurie Markle, Anna Winters Vital Wave: Derek Treatman, Pierre Dane Ona: Matt Berg, Craig Appl UCSF DiSARM: Alistair Lindawson, Hugh Sturrock |
Regrets | CHAI: Anne Liu |
- Review of Previous Week’s Action Items
- Updates to Software Development Roadmap, Escalation
- High-Level walk-through of adjustments for CHAI/DISARM
- Upcoming trips and meetings
- Recap of Pretoria
Namibia & Botswana: Algorithms in use
- Action: Laurie to set up one-off call w/ Consortium to finalize algorithms
- Action: Laurie to share understanding of current Namibia and Botswana sys configuration w/ Hugh so that additional context can be added.
- Is there testing documentation for Namibia and Botswana? Yes. Hugh said they leaned on CHAI a lot for testing and feedback gathering.
- Option: Run Reveal alongside DiSARM.
- Action: Laurie to talk w/ CHAI re: timeline for these activities and potential for July/August field testing
- Action: Laurie to talk w/ Craig re: village or focus area as intervention unit.
- Hugh: are you still thinking of using the planning module of DiSARM in Reveal? Yes.
Mozambique and Zambia: Reactive IRS.
- Action: Hugh to share current DiSARM and FI videos. DiSARM demo instance credentials shared.
- Review of Trello Board
- Late cards
Action: Craig to update
- Cards ‘For Review’
- SDLC Tool alignment (Trello, Github, Roadmap)
Pierre: what should go in each of these 3 tools and how can we make this as efficient as possible?
Action: Laurie to add label for Roadmap-related cards in Trello.
Action: Hugh to review FI mockups.
27 November 2018
Time | 21:00-22:00 East Africa 20:00-21:00 Central Africa 13:00-14:00 Eastern 10:00-11:00 Pacific |
Attendees | Akros: Laurie Markle, Anna Winters Ona: Matt Berg, Craig Appl UCSF DiSARM: Alistair Lindawson, Hugh Sturrock CHAI: Anne Liu Vital Wave: Pierre Dane |
Regrets | Vital Wave: Derek Treatman |
- Review of Previous Week’s Action Items
- Action: Laurie to set up one-off call w/ Consortium to finalize algorithms
- Action: Laurie to share understanding of current Namibia and Botswana sys configuration w/ Hugh so that additional context can be added.
- Action: Laurie to talk w/ CHAI re: timeline for these activities and potential for July/August field testing
- Action: Laurie to talk w/ Craig re: village or focus area as intervention unit.
- Action: Hugh to share current DiSARM and FI videos. DiSARM demo instance credentials shared.
- Action: Craig to update late cards in Trello
- Action: Laurie to add label for Roadmap-related cards in Trello.
- Action: Hugh to review FI mockups.
- Team Updates
- Akros - Contract update. Budget for Mozambique. Eastern Province visit.
- Ona - Items in OpenSRP server and uploaded to demo server. Loaded sample Chadiza district 2 RHCs and corresponding operational areas. In server side, we have locations and structures and the boundaries. Now working on Nifi integration from server to populate from OpenSRP server to the dashboard (including task and campaign). Android Client have integrated w/ Geowidget. Going to add hamburger menu to allow user to filter map view by operational area. -- about 2 weeks.
- DiSARM - Guys have been working on simplifying configuration of DiSARM app. Still leveraging planning module? Configuration is now easier. Pushing forward M&E conversation - working w/ CHAI next year to do evaluation of DiSARM in Namibia and Botswana.
Action: Hugh to share more documentation around this module.
Action: Anna to share implementation research questions for Namibia and Botswana.
- Review of New Requirements
- Pierre / Derek explain process for reviewing, approving, assigning.
- Action: Laurie and Craig to review all items during call
- Action: Weekly decision around 3 requirements.
- Upcoming trips and meetings
BIOPHICS Requirements - can we coordinate a call in?
- What are we integrating? Case level or aggregate data. What is the use case we are supporting? What info do they want from Reveal?
- One way or Two way exchange?
- Need an understanding of what their system does for their ministry/community
- January Team Meeting
Action: Everyone send their participant list by Friday.
- Review of Trello Board
- Late cards
- Cards ‘For Review’
- Hugh - PMI director is with UCSF is with them next week. Will have a catch up as a group.
Action: Laurie to share content w/ Hugh for sharing w/ PMI.
- Action: Anne - going to send over presentation from Biophics
- Action: Laurie to send Hugh direct FI link
- Action: Laurie to figure out slack channel membership for the Ona and DiSARM teams.
4 December 2018
Time | 21:00-22:00 East Africa 20:00-21:00 Central Africa 13:00-14:00 Eastern 10:00-11:00 Pacific |
Attendees | Akros: Laurie Markle, Anna Winters Ona: Craig Appl UCSF DiSARM: Alistair Lindawson, Hugh Sturrock Vital Wave: Pierre Dane, Derek Treatman CHAI: Anne Liu |
Regrets | Ona: Matt Berg |
- Review of Previous Week’s Action Items
- Action: Laurie and Craig to review all new requirements during Akros/Ona call
Incomplete: this call is scheduled.
- Action: Weekly decision around 3 requirements.
- Action: Hugh to share more documentation around planning module.
Code for server and app were shared. Demo app link shared. Need to populate w/ dummy data. Posted walk-through of the application and the foci prototype.
Action: Laurie to share presentation from Nairobi w/ Craig and Pierre
- Action: Anna to share implementation research questions for Namibia and Botswana.
Incomplete: Ready by next week
- Action: Jan Team Meeting Everyone send their participant list by Friday.
Complete. Cost study revealed that Cape Town is the most cost effective solution.
Action: Laurie to double-check on visa requirements for Kenyan staff
- Action: Anne - going to send over presentation from Biophics
- Action: Laurie to send Hugh direct FI link
- Action: Laurie to figure out slack channel membership for the Ona and DiSARM teams.
- Action: Laurie to add label for Roadmap-related cards in Trello.
Thanks, Pierre!
- Action: Hugh to review FI mockups.
- Team Updates
- Akros - Annie & Derek are in Thailand this week. Laurie is reviewing all user stories on Wednesday and adding relevant context. Contract signing imminent. We’ve got draft subcontracts almost ready for UCSF and DiSARM, which I will send over for internal review before Friday to get the ball rolling.
- Ona - Matt is in Nairobi. Android client dev. Is progressing w/ ability to add point, hamburger menu, app is functioning. Today was final review of data dictionary and are implementing spray form. Can sync from android client to OpenSRP server. 2 dashboards will be working: 1 will be existing mSpray dashboard. Working on integration w/ Superset - this portion of reports is for exploration purposes. Next week we have an internal release of android client and QA team is starting review. Writing test scripts for IRS QA process (FYI: these are quite unlike the DSME User Stories test scripts)
- DiSARM - Configuration tool is getting wrapped up and will share more next week. Algorithm call will happen on Thursday. This week meeting w/ director of PMI. Hackathon for outdoor biting this week w/ 35 participants.
Action: Laurie to send over slides and one pager.
Action: Anna to schedule NTD partnership call w/ DiSARM
- Review of New Requirements
- 3 Priority Review
Can only attach one form per structure Action: Anne to provide use case for this requirement. |
What are other types of dashboards available: bar charts, pie charts, line charts, etc (the link we had only showed tables) |
Does a spray operator have to repeat all steps for each structure - e.g., choose district, hf, spray operator ID, etc before entering information for each household? |
There is certain metadata that supervisors need to be able to perform analysis on: capturer, capture date, sync date |
Lack of internet and expense makes downloading of maps impractical Action: Anne to f/u w/ Namibia for user stories. |
A structure may have more than one sprayable room, and programs may need to capture how many rooms eligible are eligible and sprayed within the structure (not just that the structure was sprayed) |
Field staff are not empowered to change foci boundaries
Action: Laurie to f/u Annie and Derek to make sure that this sticks in Thailand.
- Upcoming trips and meetings
- January Team Meeting
- Review of Trello Board
- Action: Craig to update prior to next call.
- Action: Anne in DC on Monday -- maybe reschedule to next week in person?
11 December 2018
Time | 21:00-22:00 East Africa 20:00-21:00 Central Africa 13:00-14:00 Eastern 10:00-11:00 Pacific |
Attendees | Akros: Laurie Markle, Anna Winters Ona: Craig Appl UCSF DiSARM: Alistair Lindawson, Hugh Sturrock Vital Wave: Pierre Dane, Derek Treatman CHAI: Anne Liu |
Regrets | Ona: Matt Berg |
- Review of Previous Week’s Action Items
- Action: Laurie to double-check on visa requirements for Kenyan staff
Sent invitation
- Action: Hugh to review FI mockups.
Meant to do yesterday, TBD
- Action: Laurie to send over slides and one pager to DiSARM.
- Action: Anna to schedule NTD partnership call w/ DiSARM
- Action: Anne to provide use case for the “can only attach one form per structure” requirement.
This would be to accommodate workflows: e.g. Foci investigation could include different forms for ACD, irs, ento
- Action: Anne to f/u w/ Namibia for user stories regarding the requirement “Lack of internet and expense makes downloading of maps impractical” - when are maps being downloaded? What’s the use case? What part of the map download is concerning (i.e. which layer?) In Namibia, where are tablets configured?
Partially complete - This may have been an misunderstanding, but will continue to follow up with Mwalenga. From Sameen: if you only download the map at the beginning of the season that is all they need. Tablets are configured centrally.
- Action: Craig to update Trello board prior to next call.
- Action: Anne in DC on Monday -- maybe reschedule to next week in person?
- Action: “Field staff not empowered to edit foci boundaries in the field so boundary edits only need to occur on the web interface” Laurie to f/u Annie and Derek to make sure that this sticks in Thailand. Action: Pierre to update Roadmap
- Team Updates
- Akros - Contract signing imminent. We’ve got draft subcontracts almost ready for UCSF and DiSARM, which I will send over for internal review as soon as possible. Management adjustment.
- Ona - Internal QA passed on android client, data is flowing from OpenSRP server to mSpray dashboard, wrapping up Canopy reports for Superset. Fixing bugs internally - candidate release end of week next week. Test scripts are being drafted next week for VitalWave.
- DiSARM - Algorithm call on Friday. Hackathon was last week (Chan/Zuckerberg initiative) and went well. 5 teams focused on outdoor biting. Distributed skills among teams. WInning team came up with the idea to build devices or materials that would soak up your carbon dioxide. They one some money to take this forward. One idea (applicable to Reveal), hardware that can detect numbers and species of mosquitoes captured in traps and can transmit that data. Could passively capture ento data this way.
Ken Staley (PMI director) meeting -- gave him an overview of DiSARM and Reveal and focused on the niche algorithm side. His focus is on capturing high quality data to inform decision-making. Wants a data “lake” to collate data across PMI countries to open it up via an API to allow open analysis (‘crowd sourcing analysis’). There’s a chance for software to help operationalize data. They are starting the “data lake” in 2019 and are trying to put together ideas for how this data can be used. PMI has an RFP live for tech support to build ‘data lake’ - they may have already decided who is taking this forward. They are keen to use Tableau, but unsure of backbone infrastructure.
- Reveal Implementation Timeline for Testing / Sys Config / Pilot
- R1 available end of week next week. Desk testing at VW potentially next week and then with Akros week of Jan 2. Concern is for Namibia and Botswana - when does DiSARM know whether or not we need to
- Project Risk: Satellite Imagery access.
- Demo is built on Zambia so we’ve got it for this context, but we need to confirm availability to use.
- We need to consider budgeting for high res satellite imagery
- End user license agreement w/ DSME and Digital Globe - imagery is available from DG to CHAI under license agreement, but we can’t post any enumerated structures onto OSM. Otherwise looks fairly open.
- Action: Anne to send over email introduction to CHAI contact or DG access
- Upcoming trips and meetings
- January Team Meeting -
Out of Office Hub
Book your own lodging ($170/night max, reimbursed)
Invitation letter for DiSARM?
- Action: Laurie to send one over for DiSARM
18 December 2018
Time | 21:00-22:00 East Africa 20:00-21:00 Central Africa 13:00-14:00 Eastern 10:00-11:00 Pacific |
Attendees | Akros: Laurie Markle, Anna Winters Ona: Craig Appl, Matt Berg Vital Wave: Pierre Dane CHAI: Anne Liu UCSF DiSARM: Hugh Sturrock |
Regrets | Vital Wave: Derek Treatman UCSF DiSARM: Alistair Lindawson, Hugh Sturrock |
- Review of Previous Week’s Action Items
- Action: Anna to schedule NTD partnership call w/ DiSARM
Complete. Dec 17, 2018.
- Action: Anne to f/u w/ Namibia for user stories regarding the requirement “Lack of internet and expense makes downloading of maps impractical” - when are maps being downloaded? What’s the use case? What part of the map download is concerning (i.e. which layer?) In Namibia, where are tablets configured?
Partially complete - This may have been an misunderstanding, but will continue to follow up with Mwalenga. From Sameen: if you only download the map at the beginning of the season that is all they need. Tablets are configured centrally.
Complete. Misunderstanding. Move forward.
- Action: Craig to update Trello board prior to next call.
Craig did a pass on Friday morning and will need to review it at another time.
- Action: Anne to send over email introduction to CHAI contact for DG access
CHAI had DG files, but they weren’t imagery (just structures). Arnaud went to Gates contact to ask. Waiting on answer. Need specific details from Akros / Ona.
- Action: Laurie to link Derek w/ Craig w/ Answers from Slack re: DG imagery.
- Action: Laurie to confirm use of Zambia imagery for demo.
- Action: Laurie to send over invitation letter for DiSARM
Complete - sitting w/ Anna for approval.
- Team Updates
- Akros - Budget still sitting with CHAI contracting team. Christina Riley joining us in Cape Town.
Approval for hardware from Ona.
- Ona - Release 1 available Friday morning w/ login credentials.
- UCSF - DiSARM Algorithms update. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1oi_OJB2YKatozVYX0wyHzz6qGEmAcbBfBosP7TwM95E/edit?usp=sharing Narrowed from 8 to 4 and have action plan to reduce to 2 by January meeting.
- This is the last call of the year. Next call will take place on Wednesday, Jan 2.