July 11 (2.2.1 Release)
July 11 (2.2.1 Release)
We are please to share the 2.2.1 release. Note that we have created a separate operational area and credentials for this release.
Thai APK: http://bit.ly/2XC3ZcO
English APK: http://bit.ly/2LfK1Or
Updated Android Credentials:
Username: 221
Password: Amani123
Web access utilizes the same credentials as before:
Reveal Web URL: https://web.reveal-stage.smartregister.org/focus-investigation
Superset Analytics Platform: https://superset.reveal-stage.smartregister.org/superset/welcome
Username: supersetTester
Password: Amani123
Issues Fixed in this Release
- [RVL-39] - Historical Bug: 70: Application crashes in list view
- [RVL-41] - Historical Bug: 72: Map view household registration number seems too low
- [RVL-43] - Historical Bug: 74: index case radius drawn before case identified
- [RVL-44] - Historical Bug: 75: crashing with ICC form
- [RVL-45] - Historical Bug: 76: family member check box linked incorrectly
- [RVL-46] - Historical Bug: 77: Structures with all tasks complete are not showing up green
- [RVL-47] - Historical Bug: 78: structures should appear as green but are still appearing as purple
- [RVL-48] - Historical Bug: 79: Some structures are appearing as purple or blue and yet the user is being prompted to register the household
- [RVL-49] - Historical Bug: 80: colour coding only showing after syncing
- [RVL-50] - Historical Bug: 81: The age-field logic for LLIN and LLIHN is not correct
- [RVL-52] - Historical Bug: 83: adding a structure or point (any type), am unable to conduct any activities on structure
- [RVL-53] - Historical Bug: 84: two bednet tasks assigned
- [RVL-56] - Historical Bug: 88: crashing when selecting "no" not the index case
- [RVL-84] - Historical Form Change: 66: Web UI indicators
- [RVL-174] - Historical Bug 86 Can't see Khambak focus area in the list
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