Household Number and IDs

Household Number and IDs

Responsible team member
Current Team Member
Targeted release Date
Scoping Complete Date
Jira Issue


1Responsible prepares rough business analysis/reqs docCOMPLETE Pierre Dane
2Get CHAI reviewCOMPLETE: Vivek Agrawal
3Get Akros ReviewCOMPLETE: Christina Riley
4Get Ona feedbackCOMPLETE: Craig Appl
5Responsible - 1 iteration for feedbackCOMPLETE: Pierre Dane
6Ona sign offTO DO: Craig Appl
7Ona tech spec scoping
8Ona LOE 
9Ona scheduling


  • House Number - Free text captured during household registration, along with Street Name
  • Biophics Household Id - autogenerated internal identifier for Biophics. To be generated within Biophics and not relevant to Reveal whatsoever
  • Reveal Household Id GUID - 32 character GUID, not human readable automatically generated for households in Reveal
  • Reveal Structure Id GUID - 32 character GUID, not human readable automatically generated for structures in Reveal


  • Users of the mobile client should be able to enter a house number (and street name and landmark if relevant) for a household
  • This house number should be displayed in the Reveal Task List
  • Workflow
    • Structure is enumerated and imported into OpenSRP where it is assigned a Reveal Structure GUID
    • A household is registered for the structure - the following fields are collected: First name of Head of Household, House Number, Street, Landmark (for Thailand)
    • Relevant tasks are performed (IRS, RACD etc)
    • Household information and task information is sent to Biophics holding tables
    • Biophics generates the Biophics Household Id against the unique Reveal Household Id GUID and stores the GUID and the Household form details (incl House Number and Street)
    • Biophics receives a case notification and sends the index case notification through to Reveal
      • Assume that Biophics has not matched the case to the household in Reveal 
      • Biophics will send whatever household data was captured as part of EPI1/EPI3 data capture - this may include house number and street, possibly landmark
      • Workflow will follow Case 2 in Focus Investigation - Index Case Confirmation Software Requirement Specification
      • QUESTION - How does the lookup for case 1 work? Will this be an exact match with the house number and street? (again - we need to assume that Biophics will not be matching cases to households in the short to near term)
        • QUESTION - Moving forward, we'll also have individuals registered to their houses. Do we want to employ some sort of fuzzy matching system or look-up feature in either the web or mobile client?
    • (FUTURE) Biophics links a case to an existing Reveal Household
      • Reveal Household Id GUID is sent to Reveal as part of the Index Case Notification Message
  • RVL-121 - Getting issue details... STATUS Show house number in list view
    • This is simply to display house number and street captured in the household registration form in the list 


Screenshot_20190715-110910.jpg .     

Add details                                               Existing                                              Proposed


This will affect the Task List view in the Android app


Field workers need the house number and street name to assist in identifying the structure that is shown in the Task List




There has been much discussion around the changes to household ids. In Summary (and confirmed by Pedro on Friday):

  • The Biophics household id will be generated within Biophics (possibly as part of the synch with Reveal)
  • This ID will never be sent back to Reveal
  • Biophics will store the Reveal Household and Structure GUIDS
  • In the event that a case gets matched to a Biophics household within Biophics the Reveals GUIDs will be sent back to Reveal so that the index case can be linked to the correct structure automatically - there is currently no functionality to do this and nothing planned
  • The household number and street will be sent if captured in EPI1/EPI3 and Reveal will attempt to link to a structure in the focus (this is unlikely, especially for the first Reveal FI for that OA)
  • The household number and street name (free text) will be displayed in the task list


Test Case



Pass / Fail










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