Team Assignment - Feedback and Testing Instructions

Team Assignment - Feedback and Testing Instructions

Feedback on Team Assignment functionality added to the WebUI / Basic steps to follow for test scenarios in italics, specifics to scenarios below.

Test scenarios (with details for how many users, teams, and combinations) to test out are detailed in this sheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1gxIzrQEVEWdicDaWrGYFjNhoeXULutCCl0geWQfU_-8/edit#gid=0

*Namibia scenarios still need to be understood and added to the test scenario workbook.


I now see the following options at the top of my menu:

  1. Link Practitioners to Users

Click from menu ‘Admin → Practitioners’. See below:

Click ‘add practitioner’:


Username drop down allows me to assign a user - ***I can assign any user that is created to a practitioner, even if already assigned to another user. But, when I later add this user to a team, I can only see one practitioner name.

Active/non active button seems to determine whether the user is available on team page (next) for assignment to team.

Repeat as needed based on test scenario.

2. Link Practitioners to Teams.

Click 'admin → teams”

Search box does not work.

Click ‘view’ next to a team:


Click edit:

Toggle No-Yes for ‘active’ seems to be working, and the value saves when I ‘save team’ and navigate away and back. Clicking ‘New Team’ from the team list view takes me to same view as edit view.


Click ‘assign practitioner’

Once you add a practitioner, their name appears in the gray list above and in the selection list in a gray box.. This needs to be more obvious to user. “Annie M added” in red somewhere. Addressed in: https://smartregister.atlassian.net/browse/RVL-672

I have to hit the back button or select the ‘teams’ option in the top gray bar to go back and this takes me back to the full list of teams. I should have a ‘save/done’ button for this team that takes me back to that team’s page below: Addressed in: https://smartregister.atlassian.net/browse/RVL-672


When I hit the ‘remove’ button it removes the user. This needs to be more obvious to user. “Annie M removed” in red somewhere. Addressed in: https://smartregister.atlassian.net/browse/RVL-672


Link as many practitioners to as many teams as defined in the scenario.

3. Assign Teams to Areas in Plan

Click ‘assign’


See list of plans that are both FI and IRS (note ‘intervention’ column)

HEADER needs to not read ‘IRS Plan’ since both types appear under this header. ADDRESSED.

Select an IRS plan:


Drill down to the lowest level where the spray areas are. Click ‘Assign team’

Note that you can assign multiple teams to one location.

When finished, scroll up and ‘save assignments’.

Need some indication that assignments have saved and a good way to navigate back to . Maybe a “save/done” button that also takes you back to previous page. Addressed in: https://smartregister.atlassian.net/browse/RVL-672

When do these trigger tasks on the client??

Assign as many teams/location combinations as per your scenario.


Feedback from User Testing (Vivek):

  1. Once a practitioner is created, it should say some confirmation message like user created or something. Right now nothing happens Addressed in: https://smartregister.atlassian.net/browse/RVL-672

  2. Once practitioner is assigned to team, again it should show some confirmation message Addressed in: https://smartregister.atlassian.net/browse/RVL-672

  3. Once a team is assigned to an OA, ideally that OA should become green on the map. Also, when you click on Save Assignments, there should be some confirmation message.

  4. I assigned couple of practitioners to a team, and then assigned that team to an IRS Plan. However, when I tried to login to the app with those users, I got an error saying not assigned to any geographic area. Looks like these assignments aren’t reflecting on the apk yet. Once that is done, I can run through a lot of these scenarios above.


Derek comments:

  1. Need to be able to assign teams to more than one spray area at a time. This won’t work in Zambia with Districts of over 1000 spray areas. This should potentially be part of the Team creation where you have ‘assign to org units’ at which point you can decide what level to assign to.

  2. My plan seems to disappear from the list if I go back to the IRS Plans after I just had it open.

  3. When creating a new plan, what is the difference between the ‘plan start date’ and Activities ‘start date’?

  4. How do I create a new user rather than just selecting from a predefined list? And why does a username disappear from the list once it has been assigned to a practitioner?

  5. Need to be able to sort list of users to pick from.

  6. I created a practitioner with the same name - is that an issue?

  7. It may be useful to see the spray areas highlighted on the map as they are being assigned and potentially have the visual option of colour coding spray areas by team to review assignment from a spacial perspective before confirming and saving. https://smartregister.atlassian.net/browse/RVL-674

  8. Newly added: It would be good to see a number of summaries as per below to get quick views on whether your team creation and assignment is correct.

    1. A list of teams a practitioner is currently assigned to

    2. A list of plans a team is assigned to

    3. A list of spray areas, showing their full hierarchy, that a team is assigned to.


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