Reveal Business Status Logic

Reveal Business Status Logic

The mapping interface on Reveal's mobile client and web UI applications is core to the Reveal approach and the Reveal theory of change. Maps offer orientation as well as navigational support. Locations on the map interface are coded with a specific color depending on the business status of that location.

The following color-business status assignments are part of the core Reveal workflow and approach. The color differentiations have been designated as such because they represent to the user, an action or decision that needs to be taken or made.

Table 1. For a campaign (plan) that focuses on just one intervention (task), the standard color-status will be:

ColorStatusAction to be taken/information to inform planning or decision making
YellowLocation not visited by service delivery team

Location still needs to be confirmed as eligible or ineligible. Location has not been registered as a household.

Indicator to team managers that coverage may be low because teams unable to find structures or ran out of time to reach all structures.

Orange*Location visited, verified as eligible, and services partially delivered

Location needs rest of service delivery.

Indicator to team managers that teams may need more commodities, location may need better sensitization/mobilization.

May be indicator to teams that location is higher or lower priority than yellow or red locations.

RedLocation visited, verified as eligible, and services not delivered

Location needs service delivery.

Indicator to team managers that teams may need more commodities, areas may need better sensitization/mobilization.

GreenLocation visited, verified as eligible, and services fully deliveredNo further action needed on location.
BlackLocation visited, verified as ineligible for servicesNo further action needed on location.

*Currently orange is the color a use sees when a location is selected. To date, we have not had an implementation of Reveal where a partial delivery of services would require an additional visit to a location, and therefore in the past this location would be green. Given this business need has emerged, we are planning to shift this buisness status to the orange color and revisit how we show the user which location is currently selected.

Table 2. For a campaign (plan) that focuses on multiple interventions (tasks), the standard color-statuses will differ based on the interventions. We may iterate on the standard colors for multi-task plans as we learn from the FI implementation in Thailand. Current state is:

ColorStatusAction to be taken/information to inform planning or decision making
YellowLocation not visited

PinkLocation visited, verified as eligible, and family registration completed.
PurpleFamily registration complete and RACD/MBS complete.
BlueFamily registration complete and bednet distribution visit complete. Note there is currently no way to indicate coverage of bednets.

Red**Location visited, verified as eligible, family registration and service delivery not possible

GreenLocation visited, verified as eligible, and all services fully delivered
Black**Location visited, verified as ineligible for services

**Currently this status change is not yet supported in family module and FI workflows.

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