<Name/Date> Reveal 3.0.0 Test Script
This is a test script for the release of Reveal 3.0.0. <If there are steps missing from this script, please update the master template. Please copy this for each round of testing you do.>
Name: <your name>
Date: <date tested>
Version: <version tested>
Server: <server tested on>
The current known issues for this release are below; you may need to refresh the table. Note these as you begin your testing, so you can comment on the tickets if you are able to reproduce them (or not).
RVL-108: Mark structure as inactive IN PROGRESS
Step | Detail | Result |
User | Login |
Plan | Select in hamburger menu |
Location | Select in hamburger menu |
Add location 1 | Add a new residential structure |
Mark location as inactive 1 | Long press and mark as inactive. |
Confirm location is inactive | Check map view - structure should be grey and cannot tap on it. Should not appear on list view.
Check the web dashboards and confirm the location is no longer counted. |
Add location 2 | Add a new mosquito collection point |
Mark location as inactive 2 | Long press and mark as inactive |
Confirm location is inactive | Check map view - structure should be grey and cannot tap on it. Should not appear on list view.
Check the web dashboards and confirm the location is no longer counted. |
Add location 3 | Add a new breeding site |
Mark location as inactive 3 | Long press and mark as inactive |
Confirm location is inactive | Check map view - structure should be grey and cannot tap on it. Should not appear on list view.
Check the web dashboards and confirm the location is no longer counted. |
Add location 4 | Add a new PAOT |
Mark location as inactive 4 | Long press and mark as inactive |
Confirm location is inactive | Check map view - structure should be grey and cannot tap on it. Should not appear on list view.
Check the web dashboards and confirm the location is no longer counted. |
Mark already-there location but with no data entered as inactive. | Long press one of each location type that is already enumerated and mark as inactive |
Verify location with data cannot be marked inactive | Long press one of each location type with task info already collected confirm you are unable to mark as inactive. |
RVL-11: Marking task ineligible IN PROGRESS
Step | Detail | Result |
User | Login |
Plan | Select in hamburger menu |
Location | Select in hamburger menu |
Select household | Tap a yellow household structure. Verify that first question to display asks about if the structures is eligible (mark as not eligible) and why not if not. |
Confirm skip logic | Review the data dictionary and check that all downstream skip logic is appropriate (if not eligible, all other fields should hide) |
Submit form/Confirm | Tap submit, save form (when an eligible house). |
Check card | Select the structure on the map. Confirm card view. |
Step | Detail | Result |
User | Login |
Plan | Select in hamburger menu |
Location | Select in hamburger menu |
(pre-registered) Select household | Select a household that is already registered with tasks incomplete |
Mark one member ineligible | Navigate to task tab and select blood screening task. Verify that first question asks about eligibility, and the default value is ‘yes’. Mark as ineligible. |
Confirm skip logic | Review the data dictionary and check that all downstream skip logic is appropriate (if not eligible, all other fields should hide) |
Submit form | Tap save form |
Check family task view | Confirm that task button is black and reads ‘ineligible’ Note, though scoped to read ‘ineligible’ this reads ‘not eligible’ which should also be acceptable. |
Repeat for new household. | Repeat steps above but register a household and members from scratch |
Step | Detail | Result |
User | Login |
Plan | Select in hamburger menu |
Location | Select in hamburger menu |
(pre-registered) Select household | Select a household that is already registered with tasks incomplete. |
Mark ineligible for betnet | Navigate to task tab and select bednet task. Verify that first question asks about eligibility, and the default value is ‘yes’. Mark as ineligible. |
Confirm skip logic | Review the data dictionary and check that all downstream skip logic is appropriate (if not eligible, all other fields should hide) |
Submit form | Tab submit, save form |
Check task view | Confirm that task button is black and reads ‘ineligible’ Note, though scoped to read ‘ineligible’ this reads ‘not eligible’ which should also be acceptable. |
Repeat for new household. | Repeat steps above but register a household and members from scratch |
RVL-143: Ability to delete family membersIN PROGRESS
Step | Detail | Result |
User | Login |
Plan | Select in hamburger menu |
Location | Select in hamburger menu |
Select household with multiple members | Select a household with multiple members |
Select household member (no tasks) | Select a non family head household member that has no tasks complete, so you navigate to the screen for that member |
Archive | Tab the three dot menu in the upper right, select ‘archive member’ and ‘confirm’. |
Confirm member gone | Go to family member view and confirm that member no longer appears
Confirm web UI and holding tables update. |
Repeat for member with completed tasks | Repeat above steps. Confirm business logic changes as necessary. |
Confirm you cannot archive household head | Navigate to the member page for the household held and confirm that the option to Archive is not available. |
Step | Detail | Result |
User | Login |
Plan | Select in hamburger menu |
Location | Select in hamburger menu |
Select household | Select a household |
Archive | From the family list view, tap the three dot menu in the upper right, select ‘archive household’ and ‘confirm’. |
Check map view and list view | Confirm that the structure appears as yellow in both views
Confirm web UI and holding tables update. |
Reregister against that structure, complete tasks. | Tap the structure and complete a new family registration. Complete all tasks against that structure and confirm it behaves as expected. |