Technical Roadmap

Technical Roadmap


This page provides a common area for community members to share the product roadmap for their implementation of OpenSRP.

How to contribute to this page

It is simple! Add a comment with what you and your team are currently working on in the below format

Item:The subject matter of the item

Description: A detailed description of the functionality.

Contributors/ Team: The team and country of the contributors

Timeline: When the item will is expected to be developed and released to the community

Repository: Which repository the changes will be appended.

A member of the ONA team will update it in the chart below

Technical Product roadmap

Feb2019MarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDecJan2020FebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec Last UpdateNew YearMarker
Android Client
OpenSRP Server
OpenSRP DevOps

Feature 1

Feature 2

Feature 3

Feature 4

Native Forms Repeating Groups

HTTPConnection URL connection

(p2p)Device to Device Sync

Multi Language Support

Migrate schedules from Motech

Bg process for Native Forms


Update Native Form Library

Refactor client offline alerts

App Bundles with different versions targeting different devices

Extend/Reuse in app configuration (web) platform

Data binding


Android X

SD Card backup

Outpatient Module

iOS app

Android app

Update OpenMRS 2.1.3 - 2.1.4

Single Sign-On Oauth

*Upgrade Spring version 3 - 5.3

MySQL to MariaDB

Encrypt Postgres at Storage

OpenSRP tables to Postgres from CouchDB(atomfeed and opensrp form schemas

Moving Client Processing to server

Document Based Configurability

Team Management

OpenSRP Web Application

Split OpenMRS and OpenSRP container

Upgrade Ubuntu from version 16.04 - 18.04

Remote data wipe on the Android client

ItemDescriptionContributorsTimelineDocumentation LinkRepository/Library
Native Forms Repeating GroupsThis adds the ability to have a repeating group widgetONAApril 2019
Multi Language SupportOpenSRP now has the ability to support multiple languages within the clientONAMay 2019Language Switching Implementation Guidehttps://github.com/OpenSRP/opensrp-server-core
HTTPConnection URLChanged from Legacy HttpClient to HTTPConnection URLONAJune 2019
Single Sign On

Update OpenMRSUpdate OpenMRS 2.1.3 - 2.1.4ONAMarch 2019

Change from Mysql to MariaDBChange from Mysql to MariaDBONAMay 2019

P2P(Device to device) SyncAbility to sync data between 2 devices that are proximalONAJune 2019Android Peer-to-peer sync libraryhttps://github.com/OpenSRP/android-p2p-sync
Team Management ModuleModule to Manage teams within OpenSRPONAOct 2019Team Managementhttps://github.com/OpenSRP/opensrp-server-web
Upgrade Spring version 3 - 5.3Upgrade the server and change the code to make sure compliance with new versionONAFeb 2020

Document Based ConfigurabilitySupport the ability to dynamically update JSON forms and Rules from the server to the clientONATBD

OpenSRP tables to Postgres from CouchDB(atomfeed and opensrp form schemas)Migrate OpenSRP tables to Postgres from CouchDB(atomfeed and opensrp form schemas) and remove dependencies on couch DBONATBD

Encrypt Postgres at StorageOn backup support encryption mechanisms



Moving Client Processing to serverMoving Client Processing to server in order for the server to handle some workflowsONATBD

Background process for Native FormsCurrently Native Forms Library Runs in the UI thread, and needs to be supported by a background processONATBD

Migrate schedules from MotechMigrate schedules from MotechONATBD

App Bundles with different versions targeting different devicesApp Bundles with different versions targeting different devicesONATBD

Refactor client offline alertsRefactor client offline alertsONATBD

Upgrade Ubuntu from version 16.04 - 18.04Upgrade Ubuntu from version 16.04 - 18.04ONATBD

Remote data wipe on the Android clientSupport the ability to remotely clear data within a clientONATBD

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