OpenSRP FHIR Web User management
The OpenSRP web User management package provides the ability to perform the following functions
Create & administer Keycloak users
Assign users to user groups
Manage user groups
Assign user roles to User groups
View user roles
Package Definition
Users - This piece of functionality helps the users manage users to the Keycloak server. This simplified management of the user creation, editing, deleting & credentials update of all the users created.
It also provides the functionality to automatically create an OpenSRP practitioner on the OpenSRP server.
When creating users directly on the Keycloak server than you would also have to create the corresponding practitioner manually in the OpenSRP server
User groups - This piece of functionality helps the user to manage the user groups in the Keycloak server. Users groups are used to perform the following functions
Group all the users created in Keycloak into workgroups e.g IT team, Doctors, nurses e.t.c
Assign specific permissions/roles to the users in each user group.
User Roles - This piece provides a view-only page that allows users to know what kind of permissions and roles are available for use.
User Roles
You can access this page by clicking on the User management menu on the sidebar then, clicking on the user roles menu. Below is a sample of what the page would look like.
User Groups
How to create a user group
You can access this page by clicking on the User management menu on the sidebar then, click on the user groups menu. Below is a sample of how the page would look like.
This will load a page with a list of existing user groups.
Click on the ‘New user group’ button on the top right side of the screen.
This will load a form that allows you to enter the user group name.
Click ‘Save
To complete the process of creation of the user group, you will need to assign user roles. To do this, follow the steps below
How to assign/unassign roles
You can access this page by clicking on the User management menu on the sidebar then, click on the user groups menu. Below is a sample of how the page would look like
This will load a page with a list of existing user groups.
Click on the ‘Edit’ link.
This will load a screen that allows you to assign roles to the user group. The screen has the following sections
Lists the available roles
Lists the selected roles to be assigned.
Lists the roles already assigned.
To assign a user role, tick the box next to the preferred user roles, click on the button with an arrow pointing to the right. This will update section 2 with the selected roles. Then click ‘save’ to effect the changes.
To un-assign roles from the user group tick the box next to the roles to be unassigned then click on the button with an arrow pointing to the left, then click ‘save’.
How to create a user
You can access this page by clicking on the User management menu on the sidebar then, clicking on the users' menu. Below is a sample of what the page would look like.
This will load a page with a list of existing users.
Click on the ‘Add user’ button on the top right of the screen.
This will load a form that allows you to enter the user details. Fields with Asterisks are a must to fill.
To assign the user to a particular user group, click on the ‘Group’ field and select the user groups then click save.
You will then need to create credentials for the created user, to do this click on the three dots located beside a particular user.
Click on the ‘Credentials’ link from the pop-up.
Enter the user credentials on the form that appears
Click ‘set password’
How to update User’s detail
You can access this page by clicking on the User management menu on the sidebar then, clicking on the users' menu. Below is a sample of what the page would look like.
This will load a page with a list of existing Users.
Click on the ‘Edit’ link on the particular user you would like to update.
This will load a form that allows you to update the user’s details. Fields with Asterisks are a must to fill.
Click ‘Save.