OpenSRP FHIR Web Authentication

OpenSRP FHIR Web Authentication

  • Access the FHIR web portal through the URL provided by your system admin. E.g https://fhir-web.opensrp-stage.smartregister.org/ for the default FHIR web stage server.

  • You will then be redirected to the default keycloak login page which looks something like this.


  • Add in your login credentials then click the sign-in button.

  • You will then be redirected to a landing page that looks like the image below

Legend Definition

  1. Side Menu: Holds all the links to the different packages

  2. Main landing page has shortcuts to the side menu items.

  3. Manage account: This allows you to log out or change passwords.

  4. Users: This allows you to manage users, user groups, and user roles

  5. Locations: this allows you to manage location units. This manipulates the Location Resource.

  6. Teams: allows you to manage teams (Organization Resource) and assign teams (organization resource) to locations


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