User Roles
User Roles
OpenSRP utilizes OpenMRS as the user management system to define access to frontline health workers who utilize the tool through the OpenSRP Android client. There are a number of other areas across the platform where different types of users have varying types of access to the system. This page aims to document the types of roles that are needed across the entire platform and a broad overview of the access they are granted. There are three categories of users system administrators, frontline health workers and report users.
User Title | Category | Role Description |
Level 1 Help desk | System Administrator | Responsible for troubleshooting information on the Android client and in the web interface of OpenSRP and OpenMRS. This user has access to the information available in the web interface and may require varying degrees of access to the Android client to troubleshoot the problem with the end user. |
Level 2 Help desk | System Administrator | Responsible for escalation of issues from the Level 1 Helpdesk team and providing operational support for the technical system. This user has access to the front end web interface and back end services including the ability to SSH into the server, execute back-up scripts and restart services within the server. This user needs access to the raw data collected in the production environment to triage problems and develop solutions. |
Level 3 Help desk | System Administrator | Responsible for escalation of issues from the Level 2 Helpdesk team and developing code to triage problems, fix issues and develop enhancements. This user only requires access to raw data from the production environment when needed to triage a problem. Their access will be provided by the Level 2 Help desk. |
Frontline Health Worker | Frontline Health Worker | These nurses, community health workers, etc. are the primary users of the system. They interact regularly with the clients who are served. They are provided access to information that is appropriate for their specific geographic area or clinic. They are the primary data entrants of personal information, but are limited to view only the personal information within their clinic as well as the ability to perform a global advanced search. |
Frontline Managers | Frontline Health Worker | Frontline managers are responsible for managing the frontline health worker teams. They require access to the information collected by their team so they can assess their performance, provide feedback and even step in to provide direct service where appropriate. Their access to information is limited by their team assignment and the geographic or clinic area where they work. These managers also require access to the operational dashboards to support the assessment of the performance of their health workers. |
Management Information System Officials (MIS) | Report Users | MIS officials are responsible for managing the performance of all clinics within their geographic area. They often consume aggregate information and do not have access to the information on a particular patient. These users view OpenSRP information only in aggregate either in the operational dashboards provided with OpenSRP or in third party systems like DHIS2. |
M&E Officers | Report Users | Monitoring and Evaluation officers are often critical for implementations. These team members are responsible for developing an evaluation plan, ensuring the correct information is collected and providing reports to third party consumers. These users require more information than is published in the operational dashboards and often receive regularly scheduled dumps of deidentified information to meet their needs. |
Donors | Report Users | Donors often require reports on the performance of contracts within their portfolio. These reports can come from either the reporting system or the outputs of the M&E Officers. |
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