Notes of Pierre's Location Uploading Scripts: Aug 29

Notes of Pierre's Location Uploading Scripts: Aug 29

Combo of python and sql

Step 0: prepping geojson file

Major step 1: SQL compilation of geojsons into hierarchy and assigning ids for OpenSRP

PGAdmin - web-based tool that can connect to a postgres server

  • could also go into Reveal warehouse
    • this process could also be a superset tool

Pull all files in to tables (rawfiles)

Organization unit table - need to get geojson table into this

  • two views
    • hierarchy view from self join
    • table view where each row is a location

OpenSRP id is created in here

Major step 2: Python adds locations to OpenMRS and links to OpenSRP

Python script looks at hierarchy and then creates the heirarchy in openMRS, generates openMRS ID

mspray_location_id = Reveal ID = OpenSRP ID → linked to OpenMRS


Can pull the table back out of OpenSRP into SQL so you can compare geojson

This will also be helpful when changing/editing locations, you just need to send the query with the OpenSRP

Working on doing the same out of OpenMRS

*Long term goal to compare 3 tables - OpenSRP, OpenMRS, and original geojson to establish what errors there might be in location creation

Q: How do we handle updating of hierarchies with this process?

Send geojsons

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