Remove OpenMRS dependency - users
Remove OpenMRS dependency - users
# | Step | Status |
1 | Responsible prepares rough business analysis/reqs doc | |
2 | Get CHAI review | |
3 | Get Akros Review | |
4 | Get Ona feedback | |
5 | Responsible - 1 iteration for feedback | |
6 | Ona sign off | |
7 | Ona tech spec scoping | |
8 | Ona LOE | |
9 | Ona scheduling |
- OpenMRS user and role management should be replicated in OpenSRP and the OpenMRS dependency removed. Required functions:
- Create user
- Archive user
- Edit user
- Allow user to reset forgotten password
- Assign roles to a user
- Create role (TBD)
- Archive role (TBD)
- Edit role (TBD)
- Role-based permissions will need to be enabled in the API in order to restrict user management operations to administrators (and to users for self-management)
- Existing OpenMRS roles include the following - these will need to be rationalized:
- Administrator
- Anonymous
- Authenticated
- OpenSRP - Get All Events
- Provider
- System Developer
- A hard-coded list of roles could be implemented for MVP (Todo: Validate)
- Assumption: The main code changes will be around the OauthAuthenticationProvider and will require a facade to a new service mimicking the DrishtiAuthenticationProvider and replacing the OpenMRSUserService with an OpenSRPUserService
- There should be a UI accessible through the WebUI for managing users (upsert) and roles (assignment to users)
- The functionality should only be available to users with the relevant roles
- Create OpenSRP data schema for users and roles
- Build OpenSRPUser Service
- Replace OpenMRSUserService with OpenSRPUserService
- Test that OuthAuthenticationProvider functions as before
- Add RBAC to the WebUI - High LOE dependency. SHould be scoped and estimated separately
- Create WebUI screens for user management
- Assumption: Not all users will be providers, but all providers will be users
Existing Views
Test Case
# | Step | Pass / Fail | Comment |
1 | |||
2 | |||
3 | |||
4 | |||
5 | |||
6 | |||
7 | |||
8 | |||
Additional tester comments: |
, multiple selections available,
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