OpenSRP Web Interface (Dashboard)
OpenSRP Web Interface (Dashboard)
- Setup the web Server Web Build (New) or OpenSRP Server Build (Old structure)
- Run the migration scripts Creating Postgres Database
- Clone opensrp-web-interface repo
- Update the properties values
- hibernate.properties (PostgreSQL settings) in web/resources folder
- opensrp.properties in assets/configs folder
- Update OpenSRP and OpenMRS instance settings
- Update project.entity to the implementation entity type
- Run mvn clean package int he root folder. This will emit opensrp-dashboard.war file in opensrp-web/target directory
- Copy the war file to the tomcat webapps directory i.e. cp opensrp-web/target/opensrp-dashboard.war /var/lib/tomcat7/webapps
- Deploy the dashboard, this will create a couple of tables using hibernate. These are:
- Deploy the dashboard, this will create a couple of tables using hibernate. These are:
- Navigate to scripts and run script_for_grow_plus.sql script in the database to create materialized views
- In the browser, navigate to opensrp-dashboard webapp and login. Credentials: admin/admin
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