2019 Historical Notes
15 January 2019
Time | 21:00-22:00 East Africa 20:00-21:00 Central Africa 13:00-14:00 Eastern 10:00-11:00 Pacific |
Attendees | Akros: Annie, Anna Ona: Craig Vital Wave: Pierre CHAI: Anne, Arnaud UCSF DiSARM: Alistair |
Regrets | Vital Wave: Derek Treatman UCSF DiSARM: Hugh Ona: Matt |
- Review of Previous Week’s Action Items
- Action: Laurie to link Derek w/ Craig w/ Answers from Slack re: DG imagery.
- Ona has access to imagery in Zambia for demo
- Derek sent to CHAI instructions on how to get imagery
- Follow up questions on imagery from Arnaud:
- Context: CHAI’s work with imagery has been around enumeration. Enumeration has been done in many DSME countries, through OSM, often by recruiting students. Gates has contracted DG to do remote enumeration; further projects to enumerate with DG and HOT OSM projects. Outcome of work is household enumeration. That is how Gates has DG access.
- Why does Reveal require access to satellite imagery?
- What do we say to Gates about access to DG.
- If we have HH enumeration shape file, will the image used for this help with navigation, even if it is 2017 imagery? Is it better to have new imagery with old enumeration? Or the same enumeration file layered on top of the old imagery?
- Anna says that DG says that when we know which countries the pilot is happening in and Gates also knows, so DG ensures that enumeration and imagery is made available.
- Follow up: Arnaud to ask about this, does Gates have access to imagery, can we have access to any type of imagery.
- Would PMI be willing to extend their license to CHAI in countries where they are? CHAI has just started discussions with PMI in some countries.
- Team Updates
- Akros
Contract - Modifications from CHAI responded to, added IP similar to geowidget; returned to CHAI last week
- Ona
No major updates since last week
Sam started on Reveal v1.1, working with Pierre to close out test cases
- Timeline for the end of the week on this
Confirm - Hugh is writing up scope for algorithms
- Follow up: Ali to follow up and confirm if Hugh can get by end of week
No major updates
- Reminders
Reimbursements for trip
- Follow up: Annie to send reimbursement form to all
- Follow up: send quarterly reports to Annie by Thursday please. Annie to double check what was sent.
- Thailand Timing
Integration - update from Ona? Matt had said last Friday. Follow up : need to pin down the integration number/cost.
Budget - CHAI to review and respond later today/tomorrow
Discussions with Dr. Prayuth: Inessa is letting him know that the budget is coming, what he needs to budget from GF, confirm we still have the green light. Have asked him to pin down 2 provinces for pilot, haven’t heard back but it is a top priority.
Enumeration - HOT mapping reached out to offer services probono IF we can pin down the provinces ASAP.
Activities in Feb-March
- Enumeration in Feb (HOT or Akros+CHAI) plus digitization of maps (foci)
- Data Import* is dependent on the tool being ready
- Action item: once we have info from Dr. Prayuth, Annie to work with Chris and Pedro to try to finalize workplan and in country visit timing
Reveal release 2
- How can we keep Thailand engaged with the application through the end of March?
- Mockups will come in before end of month and we can include Thailand on this → make sure these reflect the discovery process from Thailand
- Team is reviewing and determining what is MVP, then we will know what is in scope. Focus will be more of the android client than the web UI. Could potentially test a beta version with them in March?
- Action item: we (Annie and Craig) need to discuss scope for version 2. Will pull in Pedro and Chris as well. After these decisions are made, let’s write a narrative for what is expected in March.
- One risk is Dr. Prayuth’s expectations for the first version.
- Action item: End of next week, deliver narrative for version 2.
- Need to make sure we are including what Thailand wants but also that we include user stories → this is a balance, but prioritizing Thailand.
- Foci areas in Thailand- how defined are they?
- Could initial step be to work with country team to define these more clearly?
- Getting the country team engaged in visualization of data
- CHAI: Panama OpenSRP questions
(early) Interest from Panama in using Reveal. Panama is not a grant country. Interested in Reveal for response work. Contracted in country dev company to build out case notification tool/app. Should we encourage them to build with OpenSRP in case they choose Reveal down the line?
Experience with 3rd party developers building on OpenSRP? → A few have done this; some contribute back to code, some don’t. Regular community dev calls weekly and slack channels. Ona is technical partner for OpenSRP, scientific partners are Harvard and WHO. When a company goes off on their own for 2+ years, they may develop in a may that is misaligned with Ona code base and thus is costly to realign.
- **Recommendation is to work together from the beginning. Have them join and contribute to community
Reveal has thought about including case notification and other case surveillance pieces. Reveal is rolling out RACD in Lusaka this year and other case surveillance. May be a chance to bring in USAID PMI funds to help fund the build for that side of the tool to be used. Q1 2019 this should be happening. Anna will keep DSME updated to this conversation once it gets going.
Panama timelines are ASAP and they have committed to in-house group.
What we are seeing in GMS, is countries are early stage thinking about mobile tools, which could be a chance for Reveal
Could RACD app be used for case notification? → tbd on if technically this would be possible
Anne to keep us all posted.
- Q1 Implementation - covered above in Thailand and R2 scoping conversations.
- Branding - Logo Fully Finalized
On the app, using as we talk about Reveal. Not technically billed to DSME since it is bigger than just this mechanism, but of course is relevant to tool. Anne to let us know if you’d like access to logos/colour swaps/etc.
- Marketing & BD
Product Site
Demo/Pitch Deck
- What is in place to demo Reveal?
- Working IRS Demo app – make public working demo consisting of
- Android App to download
- Corresponding linked dashboard (with dummy data pruned down to a few spray area).
- Video walk through/Screencast?
- What is the LOE involved in the above?
- App is available
- Need independent dashboard with dummy data, have spoken about having an additional server running which has associated costs
- Video walk through -
- Follow up: Akros and Ona team to discuss this week
Relationship Building (much in relationship to mSpray but will incorporate and discuss reveal)
- End January: RollBack Malaria/WHO Vector Control Working Group Presentation
- April: Seattle visit Ona & Akros
- Pull in others to this meeting? Meeting could be broader than malaria to discuss other use cases. NTDs.
- Follow up: Akros to put together list of names and potential agenda points or line items of discussion and potential dates
- Follow up: Anne to discuss with Arnaud and see if it lines up with timing of other meetings with Gates. Time with John Cox even within malaria, to help move along Moz will help
- UCSF also to be involved - similar discussion in CT
- Engaging APMEN, Insecticide companies, PEPFAR, NTDs
- Dates for delivery of mocked-up dashboards from Akros to Ona?
To discuss between Akros - Ona later this week.
- URL discussion: below are the options that we have reserved/purchased already. Can we decide on one today? Next step/Action: Akros to port Reveal landing page to url for feedback from consortium.
- If anyone has a strong feeling one way or another, make comments here
22 January 2019
Time | 21:00-22:00 East Africa 20:00-21:00 Central Africa 13:00-14:00 Eastern 10:00-11:00 Pacific |
Attendees | Akros: Annie Ona: Craig Vital Wave: Pierre, Derek CHAI: Anne UCSF DiSARM: |
Regrets | Vital Wave: UCSF DiSARM: Ali, Hugh Ona: Matt |
- Review of Previous Week’s Action Items
- Follow up: Arnaud to ask about this, does Gates have access to imagery, can we have access to any type of imagery? Update on conversation with Gates.
Annie and Derek P to discuss alternative imagery options
- Follow up: Ali to follow up and confirm if Hugh can proposal for algorithms discussed at meeting by end of last week (Jan 18)
Delivered. Thanks
- Follow up: Annie to send reimbursement form to all
- Follow up: Send quarterly reports to Annie by Thursday please. Annie to double check what was sent.
Annie resent template
Done, thanks!
- Follow up : Craig/Matt need to pin down the integration number/cost and get to Anne
Done, need to discuss.
- Action item: once we have info from Dr. Prayuth, Annie to work with Chris and Pedro to try to finalize workplan and in-country visit timing
Workplanning meeting set for next week
- Action item: we (Annie and Craig) need to discuss scope for version 2. Will pull in Pedro and Chris as well. After these decisions are made, let’s write a narrative for what is expected in March.
This will happen at the end of next week.
- Action item: End of month, deliver narrative for version 2.
- Follow up: Akros and Ona team to discuss LOE involved in setting up demo
Annie and Craig to discuss this week
- Follow up: Akros to put together list of names and potential agenda points or line items of discussion and potential dates
Anna/Hugh/Matt have started this conversation - aiming for potential April visit
- Follow up: Anna to discuss with Arnaud and see if it lines up with timing of other meetings with Gates. Time with John Cox even within malaria, to help move along Moz will help
Will do once have a firmer date, for now, month of April is looking like a possibility
- Action: Once URL decided, Akros to port Reveal landing page to url for feedback from consortium.
Bid on reveal.io → waiting to hear back
- Team Updates
- Akros
Thailand workplanning
Field testing next week - Documents coming to Craig tomorrow with return due on Wednesday next week.
Contracts still tbd.
- Ona
Progress over last week
- Post intervention; developers working on developing Reveal 1.1 tickets. Waiting on few pieces of info before we send the tickets over to QA
- Follow up: Branding question for Anna and Matt to discuss: need final version of text to go at bottom of hamburger menu
- Follow up: Use case tests - Craig is working on this and will get over to VW end of Wednesday (Importing locations and coordinates)
- Roger is working on scoping out what is needed for web, client integrations with DHIS2. Craig is mapping what we learned in session re Thailand workflows, user stories, etc. What of this is MVP
- Follow up: Still on track for this to be done by EOM for sharing with this group (Narrative)
- **Let CHAI and VW known if there is anything needed from Oslo on DHIS2 integration - they will be there next week**
- How and where we get case notifications
- Could query API
- Receive event if events can be forwarded to web service
- Indicators and calculations for datasets. What reports for IRS FI do we need to support into DHIS2. Need to develop indicators in Canopy to be able to push them into DHIS2.
- Best to send through data elements raw if they match up so that DHIS2 can use their own denominators
- Is it worth setting up a test instance with DHIS2 when we don’t know the actual indicators from Bots and Namibia
- Question is which country we want to be our meta-data?
- WHO data elements - for demo
- We have been trying to get access to country-specific DHIS2 instances. Anne to Follow up: re the indicators Botswana and Namibia are using
- What about the data dictionary workstream? We aren’t quite there yet, but could get it going quickly.
- Follow up: Annie to share Thailand forms with Pierre
- FI integration with DHIS2 is less of a priority that IRS
- Use Thailand’s forms for now to define data dictionary for FI
- Sameen bringing Botswana and Namibia data fields for IRS
- Integration with DHIS2 is non-negotiable for Botswana and Namibia (these are the likely IRS pilot countries)
- Craig will be in DC Monday and Tuesday of next week and missing meeting
- BIOPHICS is a separate budget/workstream
Discuss algorithm specs
LOE for integrating DISaRM UI into Reveal?
- CA: THis will be done - working of tech solution with Connor and Roger.
- Algorithm - generate operational area from a submitted shape file
Follow up: Craig to work with Connor to connect Jonathan, Annie to share code info
- Roadmap Check-in
Testing of R1
- Craig gave update
3 new requirements (Roadmap link)
- No new requirements relevant to Reveal today
- We haven’t reviewed any
Alignment of R2 functional roadmap and Roadmap user stories
- Pierre’s input could be helpful to figure out which user stories could be incorporated to R2
- Would be helpful to know about what bandwidth there is which/if there are user stories that don’t obviously fit into the release but could be easy wins or easier wins with a bit of extra work
- Would be helpful for Pierre to have a sense of how scoping is looking before final narrative is produced
29 January 2019
Time | 21:00-22:00 East Africa 20:00-21:00 Central Africa 13:00-14:00 Eastern 10:00-11:00 Pacific |
Attendees | Akros: Ona: Vital Wave: CHAI: UCSF DiSARM: |
Regrets | Vital Wave: UCSF DiSARM: Ona: Craig |
- Review of Previous Week’s Action Items
- Action item: we (Annie and Craig) need to discuss scope for version 2. End of month, deliver narrative for version 2.
- Follow up: Akros and Ona team to discuss LOE involved in setting up demo
This is on the Akros side, once Ona has uploaded test data for mSpray areas, Akros can make the video
- Action: Bid on reveal.io → waiting to hear back
- Follow up: Branding question for Anna and Matt to discuss: need final version of text to go at bottom of hamburger menu
This is done
- Follow up: Use case tests - Craig is working on this and will get over to VW end of Wednesday (Importing locations and coordinates)
- Follow up: CHAI to send the indicators Botswana and Namibia are using
- Follow up: Annie to share Thailand forms with Pierre
Done ***Have added a “Pilot” folder to team gdrive
- Follow up: Craig to work with Connor to connect Jonathan re algorithm UI
- Team Updates
- Akros
Added to Reveal data dictionary for RACD workflow. Few outstanding questions for Thai team
Also waiting on Ento and VC forms from Thai team
Demo set up steps
- Ona
- Roadmap Check-in
Testing of R1
3 new requirements (Roadmap link)
Alignment of R2 functional roadmap and Roadmap user stories
5 February 2019
Time | 21:00-22:00 East Africa 20:00-21:00 Central Africa 13:00-14:00 Eastern 10:00-11:00 Pacific |
Attendees | Akros: Ona: Craig Vital Wave: CHAI: UCSF DiSARM: Ali, Hugh |
Regrets | Vital Wave: UCSF DiSARM: Ona: |
- Review of Previous Week’s Action Items
- Action item: End of month, Craig deliver narrative for version 2
Ona shared narrative for v2
- Action: Bid on reveal.io → waiting to hear back by Feb 23
- Follow up: Use case tests - Craig is working on this and will get over to VW end of Wednesday (Importing locations and coordinates)
This is done - just waiting on one for Nifi
- Follow up: CHAI to send the forms Botswana and Namibia are using
Sameen has the forms, Pierre has them too - please share
- Follow up: Craig to work with Connor to connect Jonathan re algorithm UI
To happen down the line, for R3
- Team Updates
- Akros
Thailand forms - need by Tuesday next week latest to not affect dev timelines for R2
- These need to be added to the data dictionary with field level detail and skip logic
- We are just waiting on Thailand
- *Puts the release date and schedule date at risk*
Field testing this week - share full results early next week
Subcontracts coming end of week
Akros to share Narrative, Configuration Doc, and Marvel by end of week
- Ona
- V1.2 released yesterday with sync-based bug fixes
- Cleans up bugs found by Akros and VW during 1.1 testing
- Shipped documents to Akros:
- Narrative (Annie to add link)
- Major UI Changes for Review
- Configuration Document
- Field Testing configuration:
- Added the basemaps to the Android client
- Added points for three new districts to the mSpray dashboard and Reveal
- Added locations to OpenMRS and user accounts
- Craig is finalizing everything this and testing today
- Scoping continues
- Filling out data dictionary
- UI mock-ups shared with Akros (including video)
- Sam is scoping domain objects and high level engineering changes with the team
- Conor is beginning work on the Web UI on Monday
- Development on the family module is beginning tomorrow
- Need support on forms:
- We need to create about 8 forms as defined in the high level narrative
- GeoWidget work:
- The team is working on integrating the GeoWidget’s sample application with the Common GeoRegistry
- There are only a few items required
Form configuration - can we confirm when this is scoped for?
- Not ready to discuss this. Craig needs to discuss this with Matt and the engineering team.
- Making progress on thinking through infrastructure and how users would make requests to the API. Started playing with code
UI - is a way to test and access algorithm without code
- Understanding is that it is not user-facing
- Could still use just won’t render the full picture in the UI but could export a file with the full output
- Craig: how often will this be run? In Reveal planning interface we have fields that say we have xxx LOE based on 5 team members hitting 5 structures each in a day
- Web service needs to be responsive to potential frequent requests. This is an intensive algorithm
- ***Annie: Good to get information on user expectations on processing time and number of points that they want to cluster/think through the flow of where clustering fits...how often they want to generate cluster, what kind of visual aid to understand that a cluster is processing. Also thinking about hardware investments for this. We could make this faster if there really is a need.
- Job queue would be important architecturally so we send a request to the queue, query for updates against the process and query for results once they are available→ get something written on what this looks like so Ona can look at for performance etc.
Two f/u questions on specs
- Minimum number of points per cluster?
- Every point would be put into a cluster, even a cluster of 1. BUT if you want to exclude clusters based on a minimum, that is possible
- Second round of clustering possible where you merge small clusters?
DiSARM M&E in Namibia and Botswana
- DisARM team starting evaluation of tool in Namibia and Botswana. Evaluating
- User satisfaction of the tool, issues with interface, which pieces most useful
- Feedback on training of tool
- Comparison between DisARM and paper-based systems - how disarm has improved, accuracy, completeness, saved time.
- Only paper based compared to disarm (district level)
- Also looking at how one person might be doing both paper and disarm (individual level) - does disarm minimize errors?
- Collecting data in March (1-2 months). Info to share!
- VW - Oslo meeting last week
Great and productive
Reviewed each user story (priorities, potential ambiguity)
- Many modified to clarify functionality
Few big buckets of work discussed in detail: task management portion of DHIS2, usage analytics, etc
Going to go through same process with CHAI for user stories with Reveal (Pierre and Annie to do tomorrow)
- Maybe we should split Reveal user stories into Android and Web/Core
- Mostly splitting between the two? Or not? → some were split but many were already separated into one or the other (in UiO this makes sense because there are many different product groups and understanding backend need for user story to see what is actually achievable from a timing perspective)
Rescoping and descoping based on case notification and investigation → likely many involve Reveal tool
- Roadmap Check-in
Alignment of R2 functional roadmap and Roadmap user stories
- Annie, Pierre, Craig to discuss
12 February 2019
Time | 21:00-22:00 East Africa 20:00-21:00 Central Africa 13:00-14:00 Eastern 10:00-11:00 Pacific |
Attendees | Akros: Annie Ona: Craig Vital Wave: Derek, Pierre CHAI: Anne UCSF DiSARM: Ali |
Regrets | Vital Wave: UCSF DiSARM: Hugh Ona: |
- Review of Previous Week’s Action Items
- Action: Bid on reveal.io → waiting to hear back by Feb 23
- Action: Akros to share Narrative, Configuration Document, Marvel mock-ups by end of week
- Action: Akros team to get information on user expectations on clustering algorithm
In progress
- Team Updates
- Akros
Mocked up ento forms
- Forms needed for FI
Intervention Type | Status of Reveal Data Dictionary |
LLIN distribution | Mocked up from knowledge, don’t have sense of Thai forms |
Breeding Site/Larvicide | Mocked up from knowledge, don’t have sense of Thai forms |
Mosquito Collection Point | Mocked up based on IRS routine intervention, don’t have sense of Thai forms |
RACD/Mass Blood Screening | Mocked up based on Thai forms |
IRS | Mocked up from knowledge, don’t have sense of Thai forms |
Behaviour Change Communication (BCC) | Guessing this is a yes/no, don’t have sense of Thai forms |
Case Confirmation | Abbreviated mock-up based on Thai context, need validation from Thailand |
- Still waiting on hearing back from Dr. Prayuth. Pedro is looking at the data model to see if we can get any more specific.
- How much of a delay will not having the forms have? We will have placeholders in for now; we could release un-updated forms and then do another dot release with more specific forms. The indicator reporting is going to be the biggest thing that is slowed down, DHIS2 integration (not relevant)
- Reveal release 2 might have a few release - a “big” one with the client view and then a staggered release into April
- Integration budget approved
- Workplanning session two weeks back → likely these timelines will shift since we are still waiting on Thailand, would be good to pin down dates for first visit
- March visit for CHAI team to touch base and confirm timelines
- Visit after that will be larger team
Field testing was delayed one week - will share documents first thing next week
Desk testing updates - now on Rv1.3
Demo video in progress
- Demo walk through for Bots/Namibia context
- Is goal of demo to sell either country on Reveal?
- Screen by screen walk through (video?)
- plus documentation to walk through, catered to their forms
- Access to test demo test instance
- High level demo useful for other countries
- What is the difference between Botswana and Zambia forms
- Unit of capture
- Data fields
- It is fine to demo just with the demo fields updated
- To do: Annie to cross compare fields for Namibia and Botswana
- Would want to make decisions in Q1 to pilot in Q2 - would be best to do this before the data review meeting in early March. Prioritize Namibia. Botswana timing will fall around DisARM M&E timelines which are tbd.
User Story review
- Annie and Pierre reviewing this week
- Pierre documenting notes/justifications in test cases -> How would we like this presented to all?
- Pierre to set up slide deck with slide per user story with thoughts/notes/motivations for any changes
- Changes - descoping or editing language
- ONce we come to consensus, move to roadmap as source of truth
Subcontracts sent
- Ona
Rv2 scoping update
- Scoping is expected to be completed by Friday this week.
- Roger and Craig have clarified mock-ups that were shared.
- Finalizing forms this week
- FI screens mostly done, need to define flow → how do users get in and out of family module?
- Reveal Web UI is actively under development
- GitHub repository is now out → project on ona
- Supported and released Reveal v1.3 - Sync based bug fixes (to do: share apk)
- Also configuring new operational areas for testing
- Working on integrating family module this week
- Adding head of family, adding members to family, button to collect form against family member (form itself still in works)
- Archive individual or archive family
- Working on adding different location types to the map
- Residential structures, larval breeding sites (point, but polygon possible), mosquito collection point, temporary location (community meeting point)
- What about temporary sleeping location (e.g., that could be linked with a permanent residence)? Could be necessary in the future, would have to add icon, entity, add to maps. May be down the line.
- GeoWidget:
- Scope defined for next release
- Drawing arrows between index cases
- Core GW requirement → Reveal queries database to return location ids in date time order and then passes to GW, then GW draws arrows
- Drawing radius around my location at varying zoom levels
- As user zooms in, the 75m radius is zoomed at the scale/zoom level
User story alignment for Rv2
- No major updates here
API update from Hugh - will check in next week
Finalizing M&E protocols with CHAI, Sameen getting in-country feedback, orienting NMCPs to protocols. End of April/May results.
- Action: Evaluation questions - Ali to share protocol.
Annie to loop in Ali into contract conversations
- RVLv1 Sign-off
Run through all user stories with CHAI → two that are outstanding
- Action: List of error messages needs to be sent to VW/CHAI
- Demoing the sync up to mSpray dashboards, Pierre ran through this today with Kelvin and running through with Anne tomorrow.
- Great job team!
19 February 2019
Time | 21:00-22:00 East Africa 20:00-21:00 Central Africa 13:00-14:00 Eastern 10:00-11:00 Pacific |
Attendees | Akros: Anna, Annie Ona: Craig Vital Wave: Derek T, Pierre CHAI: Sameen, Anne UCSF DiSARM: Hugh |
Regrets | Vital Wave: UCSF DiSARM: Ona: |
- Review of Previous Week’s Action Items
- Action: Bid on reveal.io → not an option
Porting to that site by end of week. Will share for feedback
- Action: Akros team to get information on user expectations on clustering algorithm
In progress - Derek P. has reached out to ministry stakeholders
- Useful to understand which of those requirements are critical versus nice to have, ie which would prevent the user from using the algorithm versus nice to have.
- Stratify need
- Demo,
To do: Annie to cross compare fields for Namibia and Botswana
- This is done. Need to define next steps
- Craig - these are in the data dictionary now - can you take a look and see what the effort would be to pull this into an apk.
- What are we trying to sell? Is the Android piece enough (data collection forms)? Or do we need to take this into the dashboards for the demo.
- Sameen - we don’t need to prioritize the dashboard. Android components so that could be user tested, fill out the form and see an operational area that is similar to their expectations. Each village has a targeted denominator.
- From an imagery perspective - for demo Zambia imagery is fine.
- Contextualization of tool, renaming of areas, so they can see it aligns with workflow.
- To do: Sameen to send hierarchy.
- Immediate needs for demo:
- Update android client data fields (form)
- Renaming of Zambia operational area to familiar village names
- Anything else needed for demo prep? No.
- Fixed denominator will be required for Namibia. What kind of timelines do we need to take into account for customizations
- We need to get a sense of what configuration timelines are
- To do: Akros to get sense of what additional customization would be needed for DiSARM and getting that to Ona
- Country would want tool ready for internal testing in June/July
- Sameen working on timelines to get decisions by end of April.
- Will need to be a discussion if we select both countries
- What needs to be done for DiSARM this year? To what extent will countries be using the app?
- Should also know in April.
Akros walkthrough document
Akros video
- Both of these are the generic demos at this point
- Supported and released Reveal v1.3 - Sync based bug fixes (to do: share apk)
- Action: Disarm Evaluation questions - Ali to share protocol.
- Rv1 signoff
Action: List of error messages needs to be sent to VW/CHAI
- Craig working on template to give to Sam to explain.
Action: Demoing the sync up to mSpray dashboards, Pierre ran through this today with Kelvin and running through with Anne tomorrow.
- Found a bug in geoJSON. Kelvin identified this and a nifi fix that will be fixed tomorrow
- Team Updates
- Akros
Mocked up forms
- As far as they can get for now, will be modifications once have full feedback from Thai team
FI level setting
- Need for three years historical data?
- Out of scope ETL for past three years of data
User Story update
- We would like to present proposed user story changes to VW and CHAI
- This will likely take 2 two-hour sessions
- To do: First can send a spreadsheet and document for review
- Will share by end of week
Waiting to confirm the scope of work, neat initial work on algorithm and UI side
- To do: Akros to respond to SOW clarifications.
- Ona
Still working on scoping the Android client
The data dictionary is nearly complete with follow-on task actions and forms defined. When we add a location or register a location, we auto-generate tasks based on the campaign type that’s selected.
The family module is integrated internally and we are working on modifying it to fit the new mock-ups.
Working on Add Location form right now
Need help with:
- Focus Investigation reporting that will need to be in the Web UI
- What new objects are needed. Some summary data, how its stored/accessed/edited → need to start these conversations now.
- To do: Derek to share mockup with CHAI side. Anne to solicit feedback
- Craig will send the Android client mock-ups over the next couple days to Akros with a walk-through. We will need the review process
- Craig wants to flag the size of this scope and identify that we will need a number of releases with an MVP delivered by the end of March and a number of features in a dot release
- 8:30: Integration conversation
General Info
- Get access to a staging environment of DHIS2 for the country
- (possibly) share any high resolution imagery with DHIS2
- Need to align the org unit hierarchy with Reveal
- Need to export the GIS info from DHIS2 and import it into Reveal
- DHIS2 build
- Possibly add a different GeoLevel to capture operational area below the current lowest version
- Forms need to be created
- Tracked Entity Instances need to be setup to track locations within an operational area
- Operational areas need to be defined
- Families, relationships and family members need to be created as tracked entity instances
- Relationships need to be made available between the location and family TEIs
- Data Mapping
- Ensure that the org unit hierarchy aligns
- Map the field values from the form to
- API build - who doing from DHIS2 side
- DHIS2 build
- Data mapping
- API build - who doing from DHIS2 side
- DHIS2 build
- Data mapping
26 February 2019
Time | 21:00-22:00 East Africa 20:00-21:00 Central Africa 13:00-14:00 Eastern 10:00-11:00 Pacific |
Attendees | Akros: Annie Ona: Craig Vital Wave: Pierre Dane, Derek Treatman CHAI: Anne UCSF DiSARM: Ali, Hugh |
Regrets | Vital Wave: UCSF DiSARM: Ona: |
- Review of Previous Week’s Action Items
- Demo, Craig to estimate when this can be done based on conversations last week
Immediate needs for demo:
- Update android client data fields (form)
- Renaming of Zambia operational area to familiar village names
Team has scheduled in over next two weeks to share by the 8th of March
Anne to confirm with Sameen over next week. CHAI team happy to handle demos for now
- To do: Akros to get sense of what additional customization would be needed for DiSARM training documentation and getting that to Ona.
Derek P to have this to share at end of next week (March 8)
- Rv1 signoff
Action: List of error messages needs to be sent to VW/CHAI
Action: Kelvin identified bug in JSON and a nifi fix for syncing to work
- This is fixed now.
- To do: User story scoping - Annie and Pierre to send a spreadsheet and document for review to Anne DONE
- To do: Akros to respond to SOW clarifications to DisARM
- To do: Ona to respond to contract
- To do: Derek P to share FI dashboard mockup with CHAI side. Anne to solicit feedback
Annie to share with DiSARM → done
Input by next week’s call
- Team Updates
- Akros
- apk v1.4 Username: DSMECOP, Password: Amani123
- What is the process - VW has a feedback form for capturing issues
- Akros webpage will have a contact email for an issues with installation
- We probably need a support channel that is responsive - there is a risk around making this so public..maybe we have a contact line that is a better sales pipeline
- To do: Annie to circle back on this before putting it live
- To do: Google Issue Report Form - to discuss when this should be implemented
Focus Investigation Dashboards - feedback needed by this call next week
To do: Imagery update - better update to come by end of next week (March 8)
Testing feedback/final release outputs
- A final tested and edited release x version
- An up to date bug tracker with all relevant issues addressed (internal)
- A post testing edited script for our grant partners to follow
- An updated 'new user stories' document
Annie on leave March 2 - 16
- Fully offline first week
- Partially online second week
- Anna to back-up and manage while Annie is out
Feedback on algorithms discussions
- Contracts being received by UCSF grants team
- Looking at ways to structure and document API
- Derek reached out to people on algorithms
Update on Reveal Seattle trip
- Concept note ongoing
- Will circle back to VW to get feedback at a later stage
- Craig lives in Seattle!
- To do: Anna to submit symposium tomorrow
- Ona
- Final day of UI mock-ups on Android client
- Data dictionary is set
- Working on the data model for Focus Investigations and the relationship between Intervention and sub-interventions (FI vs. Campaign vs. Case)
- Received the FI reporting scope today and are iterating on it
- Finalizing Family Module
- Updating Circle
- Reveal 1.4 release and providing data support
Demo Prep:
- Namibia and Botswana APKs and Operational areas are scheduled - Target delivery is Friday March 8th
- Cambodia CGR - On our radar, but haven’t yet assigned the team members. Target is to deliver by end of March (29th)
- Server side OpenSRP and CGR with Nifi integration
- Stretch goal is if new point is created in Reveal that it would queue to be added to CGR
- This is a POC integration
- Cambodia is focus for CGR right now, opportunity to discuss using tools like Reveal as way to interact with CGR.
- Marvel updates? When will client-side Rv2 mock-ups be ready to share?
- Target is end of Day Thursday
- Release 2 dot releases - can we schedule these out?
- Yes, it’s on our to-do list, but has been deprioritized so we could get the developers unblocked on a number of things.
- Target to have this would be mid-week next week.
- Rescoping of user stories for Reveal
Want to put some time on the calendar
5 March 2019
Time | 21:00-22:00 East Africa 20:00-21:00 Central Africa 13:00-14:00 Eastern 10:00-11:00 Pacific |
Attendees | Akros: Anna Winters Ona: Craig Vital Wave: Pierre CHAI: Anne UCSF DiSARM: |
Regrets | Vital Wave: UCSF DiSARM: Hugh, Alistair Ona: Matt Akros: Annie |
- Review of Previous Week’s Action Items
- To do: Anne to confirm with Sameen any other needs for demo for Bots and Namib. - Form changes/Rename of Op areas discussed last week are sufficient. 20-30 d configuration a fair estimate.
Craig: (additional time for sat imagery/user acct setup/ servers needed, up 6 weeks, Craig had shared these time estimates with Annie previously).
- To do: share client-side Rv2 mock-ups by Thursday Feb 28
Target is end of Day Thursday
Sent 1 Mar
- To do: Akros to get sense of what additional customization needed for DiSARM training documentation and getting that to Ona.
Derek P to have this to share by March 8 (Anna to check with Derek P on this tomorrow)
- To do: User story scheduling - Annie or Anna to confirm availability Mar 14, 13:00 - 15:00 EST and Mar 15, 9:00 - 11:00 EST
Agreed to move ahead with meeting; Anna & Pierre will connect prior to scheduled calls to review slide deck.
- To do: Contracts - Waiting on sub signatures. Craig will message Matt.
- To do: Feedback by now on FI dashboards
Input by next week’s call
CHAI feedback: https://docs.google.com/document/d/13hu-Utl5_1xxeoxBNVl_WI-0S8ucpi_Ne5JXX0ZbBng/edit
- To do: Annie to circle back on if we are making apk public or not. - Outcome: this will be linked to Revealprecision.com, Parysa is preparing an email address
- To do: Imagery update - doc with options/recommendations to be finalized.
- To do: Anna to submit ASTMH symposium by 27th Feb (DONE)
- Team Updates
- Akros
Christina now in Lusaka, in field this week seeing mSpray/MDA campaign
Interest in Reveal for RCD in Zambia (Lusaka Prov)
Reveal website undergoing revisions, will share in next week / 2 weeks
contracts and grants department is still reviewing the subcontract. We’ll keep tracking it and let you know if they have any issues that require input.
No other major DiSARM updates from this past week.
CHAI. (CHAI-Anne): Travel plans for Thailand in discussion - dates still up in the air. Dr. Prayuth communicated yesterday with Pedro -- early march kick-off meeting will not work as Dr. Prayuth out of country. Week of March 25th may work for Pedro to meet with Prayuth regarding implementation dates and budgets. Still tentative.
- No earlier than end of April may be most realistic for user testing etc.
- Prayuth has given some indication that he’d like to see the ‘tool in action’ prior to further commitment.
- Ona
- Android client is complete
- Had FI reporting scoping meeting with Derek last week. Roger, Conor and Kelvin are working on the UX and comparing how the feedback from Derek compares to what was originally created and sent by Roger a few weeks ago.
- Working on the data model for Focus Investigations and the relationship between Intervention and sub-interventions (FI vs. Campaign vs. Case)
- Family Module integration is complete
- Implementing the add point feature with multiple point types
- Working on Namibia and Botswana IRS forms
Demo Prep:
- Namibia and Botswana APKs and Operational areas are scheduled - Target delivery is Friday March 8th
- Cambodia CGR - On our radar, but haven’t yet assigned the team members. Target is to deliver by end of March (29th)
- Server side OpenSRP and CGR with Nifi integration
- Stretch goal is if new point is created in Reveal that it would queue to be added to CGR
- This is a POC integration
- Cambodia is focus for CGR right now, opportunity to discuss using tools like Reveal as way to interact with CGR.
- Needs: Sample org hierarchy from Namibia & Bots for Demo Prep. Anne L will check with Sameen and provide to Craig.
- Update - on track for March 8 Namib and Bots apks?
- Yes. Planning for delivery on Friday
- Release 2 dot releases - can we still expect schedule for this by mid week this week?
- No,
- Can update on Weds however (6 March) -
- User Story Review Scheduling (Pierre) - Will maintain current dates, Anna & Pierre will connect.
12 March 2019
Time | 21:00-22:00 East Africa 20:00-21:00 Central Africa 13:00-14:00 Eastern 10:00-11:00 Pacific |
Attendees | Akros: Anna Winters, Derek Pollard Ona: Craig, Roger Vital Wave: Pierre CHAI: Anne UCSF DiSARM: |
Regrets | Vital Wave: UCSF DiSARM: Hugh, Alistair Ona: Matt Akros: Annie |
- Review of Previous Week’s Action Items
- To do: Craig: (additional time for sat imagery/user acct setup/ servers needed, up 6 weeks, Craig had shared these time estimates with Annie previously).
- Craig will share directly with Anne Liu and Pierre Dane - for preparation for Pedro//readiness for Thailand
- To do: share R2 dot release schedule
- R2 release is very large - breaking into individual releases
- 2.0: focuses on Android client with lite view in web UI. Tasks in map view, list view. Different interventions with different forms as defined in data dictionary. Various icons in map view. Family registration process available (allow user to register // register family). Allow track interventions at operational level and structural level. Interventions of focus: Larval, ITN distribution, case confirmation RCD.
- 2.1: Case confirmation from DHIS2 shifted to 2.1.
- Must understand better of what DHIS2 or Thai’s system will provide for case confirmation.
- Further detailed schedule by COB today (Craig).
- To do: Akros to get sense of what additional customization needed for DiSARM training documentation and getting that to Ona.
- Derek P working on this now. Must complete by Friday for discussion with Craig. Derek will schedule with Craig to discuss.
- To do: Review descoping suggestions with CHAI: scheduled for Thursday.
- To do: Contracts - Waiting on sub signatures from UCSF
- To do: Feedback by now on FI dashboards
- Dashboards: https://docs.google.com/document/d/13hu-Utl5_1xxeoxBNVl_WI-0S8ucpi_Ne5JXX0ZbBng/edit
- Web: Comments in Marvel
- App: By email. (will share here).
- To do: Revealprecision.com, Parysa is preparing an email address. Akros ready to receive inputs on this website.
- To do: Imagery update - doc with options/recommendations to be finalized. - complete by Christina, submitted to CHAI last week.
- Free imagery list
- Imagery summary: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1IVXKpfJ6ibnAmVCFbGC0256e-x-c7TtxE9apCoEGw_E/edit?usp=sharing
- Team Updates
- Akros
- Revealprecision.com ready for inputs
- Akros ready to help redefine some of the FI mockups based on chai’s input. Can do this throughout this week and into next
- Ona
- Finalizing the data model for plans this week
- We will continue working with the web UI mock-ups
- Feedback may have an impact on dev timeline
- Namibia and Botswana forms updated, tested and released
- Working on task list by OA
Demo Prep:
- Namibia and Botswana APKs and Operational areas are scheduled - Delivered to Akros on Monday
- Cambodia CGR - On our radar, but haven’t yet assigned the team members. Target is to deliver by end of March (29th)
- Server side OpenSRP and CGR with Nifi integration
- Stretch goal is if new point is created in Reveal that it would queue to be added to CGR
- This is a POC integration
- Cambodia is focus for CGR right now, opportunity to discuss using tools like Reveal as way to interact with CGR.
- Thailand
- Pedro meeting with Thailand in next week. Will provide mockups to Dr. Prayuth.
- Prayuth would like to see tool & walk through further. Pedro (March 28/29th with Dr. Prayuth) to walk through mockups on Android phone.
- Pedro will also discuss pilot areas - moving from 2 to 3 districts (likely). Still not defined which districts for pilot. Pedro will also discuss enumeration process with Prayuth to ensure he understands process, outcomes and benefits. (including that he will need to allow staff to provide enumeration support).
- Thai translation to also be discussed as well as general integration needs
- Pedro may be in contact with Craig to understand other input needed from Thailand.
- This will be a go//no-go decision from Prayuth at this meeting.
- Potential interest in collaborative publication
- Timeline challenging - User testing in May, first visit in May. Enumeration training in April (potentially). (Craig recommends pushing dev of Reveal out - get link from Anne for proposed timeline)
- Pedro’s Reveal slide deck for Prayuth in prep: Derek P will send comments to Pedro this week.
- Budget - CHAI discussing with Prayuth who would pay for Biophics integration with Reveal. This is still up in the air.
- FI workflows / mock-up feedback
- Discussed above
- FI app comments from CHAI copied below with this meetings minutes embedded.
- Key decision makers - what will they be using primarily? App or web UI?
- Field staff do need historic information to drive field based intervention - hence they do need some historic field information
- Determine exactly what information this is. Keep it as simple as possible. This is unclear to CHAI. Did Akros get a clear answer from Thailand on this?
- Craig: good next step, define data dictionary of what Thailand indicates should be @ field level past what is current data dictionary forms.
- Anne Liu will be poc for CHAI feedback on FI, including dashboards - Derek P will link with Anne about a time for discussion regarding dashboard comments.
- User Story Review Scheduling (Pierre) - Will maintain current dates, Anna & Pierre will connect Wednesday prior to Thursday’s call re descope//user stories.
- DHA: Digital Health Atlas - Reveal has been added as well as CGR and Geowidget. WHO’s vision is to grow the picture of digital health projects out there. Consortium’s role: update geography of
- Improve feedback process to consolidate & ensure tool is fit for purpose for countries. Also, how to dev Reveal in general area which also makes fit for purpose for countries - add as point for future discussion.
- Craig and Matt offline in Mauritania 18-22nd.
- Anne offline week of 18th; on Asia hours week of 25th
General comments:
- Overall the FI app looks very slick and captures interventions that happen during FI well, however what is not clear is how the “investigation” and “classification” components come through. Part of the challenge could be that sometimes interventions happen same time as investigation, but definitely want to make sure we don’t miss the investigation portion before jumping straight into interventions.
- As a reminder from the Thai manual: “the objectives of FI are to 1) confirm malaria case, 2) confirm result of primary case investigation, 3) identify details and additional determinant factors that cause disease, and 4) confirm transmission and identify characteristics of transmission.” Currently I think 1 and potentially 2 come through, but 3 and 4 are a bit unclear in how all the data from the FI comes together to help the focus investigator make a decision.
- To that end a few suggestions below! We’re certainly open to various solutions to the challenges indicated below, but put down some initial suggestions as a starting point.
Launch page / Summary of the focus:
- Suggestion 1: on a launch page for focus investigation, capture the following (similar to what’s on web as well):
- Focus area / boundaries - this will just be the operational areas
- Current Classification (which informs the interventions) (currently in web UI; does not change often, hence was not placed in android client. This needs to be defined further in Thailand. Akros’ understanding was this was an occasional desk review to change classification; (Anne L) field worker should not be able to change classification, but must see what classification is.)In Jan 2019, removed classification data element from android client. We may need to pull this back into the client, however (Craig) this is heavier as will need to sync additional data.
- For mockup purposes - easy to add to launch page (as previous Marvel mockup, Nov 2018)
- Use this as a point of conversation with Prayuth in March meeting with Pedro.
- Launch screen (static report) not the interactive sync data wizard from Nov
- Updated mockup able
- CHAI expects there is some summary of focus needed to be visualized on field side.
- A1: active focus
- A2: residual non-active focus
- B1: cleared focus and receptive
- B2: cleared focus but not receptive
- Previous driver of transmission (from last FI): free text
- (Optional: the reason why it is being prompted – could come through from the MIS or be something that is manually entered by the focus investigator. Reasons why would be:
- A case was classified as “A” during case investigation in a B1 or B2 village (see page 15-16)
- A case was classified as “B” during case investigation (to confirm – in any village type?)
- Routine focus assessment
Investigation / Intervention:
- Suggestion 2: Part of the investigation requires understanding results of past interventions. While this is captured nicely on web, to help give the focus investigator some minimal information to inform their investigation, can some of that previous investigation history / summary come through on the app? Perhaps on the suggested launch page described above? In terms of flow, users would need to know the foci characteristics and past history before commencing a focus investigation.
- Note that we’d have to specify amount of historical data to sync with the MIS with Thailand and balance that with app performance
- Questions for Thailand:
- What information does Thailand need in the field? (vs on web)
- From what timeframe - just last FI? Multiple years of information?
- Suggestion 3: While the Thai protocols do combine some of the investigation with intervention activities, it’d be helpful to make sure that the investigation data is still captured and outputted into a form for review in order to determine driver of transmission. Separate the investigation pieces from the intervention pieces – even if by color. OR have “investigate foci” be a response activity in itself. E.g:
- When a malaria case is detected in an A1/A2 village, FI protocol is (pg 20):
- Investigation: [one color box for actions]
- Repeat case investigation if necessary (EP 1 form)
- Take blood from all family members and all neighbors (at least 50 people or at least 10 HH within 1KM radius) (Blood record form of CDCU/SRRT)
- Describe potential drivers of transmission (this should be free text based on the focus investigator’s time in the field)
- Intervention: [second color box for actions]
- Vector control – treat mosquito nets or distribute LLIN. OR if LLIN not possible, do IRS. (VC4 form)
- BCC (form?)
- Reporting à on the web side, there should also be a “classification” action here as well (see classification feedback below)
- Suggestion 4: the location of the focus activity depends on the location of the index case. While it somewhat comes through in the map in the mock-ups that there should be a radius around that index case, it could come through clearer that an index case was found and that is what defines the “within 20m.” This should be represented both as a clear marker of index case on the map, and potentially on the list of activities as well (where you say “within 20m” – it should be clear that the index case is what defines the 20m radius).
- Also, will this index case be able to be imported through the MIS from CN/CI?
- Alternatively, if the index case is just by the focus investigator who then registers in Reveal, then once registered, does the circle then move locations (and thus the structures within it)?
- Suggestion 5: Interventions should change based on the focus classification of the village (see pages 20-23 for how this maps out)
- Suggestion 6: Ideally there should be a recommended to reexamine classification based on the results of the investigation (based on two factors: is there an indigenous case, and in what time frame). Would it be possible to have some flag that classification or reclassification is needed based on the information reported through the app? Either can be manually inputted by a focus investigator that classification should be revisited (a trigger then to higher ups to re-examine in the web platform), or a flag that automatically appears based on the new information collected in the app. The reclassification action itself should come up in web (which I don’t recall seeing in the web mock-ups).
Family member registration:
- Suggestion 7: can we make sure the family member registration only comes up if someone clicks “record index” (which should probably be changed to “Detect Case”)? I think it does based on the titles of each mock-up slide but wanted to confirm.
- Suggestion 8/9: To be validated with Thailand
- One thing we will need to validate with Thailand is the amount of individual level case information that is collected – which should only come up for RACD and MBS. While some of the forms do indicate patient level data, this may conflict with what was mentioned during discovery – where an aggregate # of blood drawn and # positive may be sufficient.
- To this end, we may want to consider the following:
- Suggested change 8 (to be validated): Before registering individuals, there should be an aggregate recording of aggregate # of people who got blood drawn and # positive (# of positive may need to be populated later on after lab results)
- Suggested change 9 (to be validated): If there are any positive registrations, only then should individual case registration occur - which should be optional]
- Wanted to flag this ahead of time and get your thoughts on LOE, though this particular question still needs to be validated with Thailand.
25 March 2019
Time | 21:00-22:00 East Africa 20:00-21:00 Central Africa 13:00-14:00 Eastern 10:00-11:00 Pacific |
Attendees | Akros: Ona: Craig Vital Wave: CHAI: UCSF DiSARM: |
Regrets | Vital Wave: UCSF DiSARM: Ona: Akros: |
- Review of Previous Week’s Action Items
- To do: share R2 dot release schedule
- Shared (link)
- To do: Akros to get sense of what additional customization needed for DiSARM training documentation and getting that to Ona.
- Need to have a call between Ona and Akros - scheduled for next week.
- To do: Review descoping suggestions with CHAI
- This was done
- To do: Contracts - Waiting on sub signatures from UCSF
- To do: Feedback by now on FI dashboards.
- This was provided by Derek .
- To do: Pedro’s Reveal slide deck for Prayuth in prep
- Christina, Annie, and Pedro met last week and will touch base again on Wednesday.
- Team Updates
- Akros
- Feedback and release process recap
- Usage analytics
- On the calendar this week:
- Prep for release 2 user and desk testing
- Release 3 planning
- Pilot documentation packaging -
- Ona
- Roger has continued to work on the Web UI, working with Conor and Kelvin
- Craig and Sam working on client and server side
- Last week:
- Android Client:
- Implemented Task Register and ability to open and save forms from the register.
- Completed Mosquito Collection form and associated card view.
- Web UI:
- Worked on UI for focus investigations, finished the UI for historical data
- Completed drill down capabilities (table views like mSpray dashboards), pulling data from Superset
- Working on this week:
- Implementing authorization for single sign on
- Larval breeding site collection forms and card views
- BCC form
- Data model and dummy data for plans
- Consortium request
- What is an appropriate organization hierarchy for the drill downs? Should we target Thailand?
- Yes - Annie can share a hierarchy (need this April 5)
- Yes - Akros can share dummy data (need this April 5)
Demo Prep:
- Cambodia CGR - Development has begun. We are on target for delivery on Monday
- Server side OpenSRP and CGR with Nifi integration
- Stretch goal is if new point is created in Reveal that it would queue to be added to CGR
- Question:
- Do we need to do the entire country, or can we just do a single area?
- One area should be fine - Vivek to confirm tomorrow
- Contract Update - pushing but its slow, need by EOM for deliverables due March 31
- Planning on having work ready end of this week
- Release Note Prep/Updates on Algorithms?
- UI, headless version, repository to be deliver this week
- Should provide opportunity to see what they do and provide feedback, not a final thing that can be used at scale
- Provide guidance on specific pieces of feedback
- Latest BMGF Discussions rg Reveal Implementation Timeline/DiSARM stage gate
- UCSF/DiSARM team had their quarterly check-in call with Jon Cox on March 12. As a follow up, UCSF/DiSARM team would like to have a call with CHAI/Akros/UCSF on April 4 to discuss the Reveal 2019 implementation timeline for Namibia and Botswana.
- When the UCSF team wrote their DiSARM proposal for BMGF, the initial assumptions were that DiSARM would be used in Namibia and Botswana for 2019. But now that Reveal is replacing DiSARM, UCSF/DiSARM team needs to write/submit a 2019 implementation plan for Reveal instead of DiSARM as part of their BMGF stage gate (due April/May 2019). All stage gate materials need to be submitted in order for the UCSF/DiSARM team to receive their year 2 funding from BMGF. UCSF/DiSARM team will provide more details on April 4 call.
- Nam & Botswana reviewing APK demos; end of April aimed for decision cut-off
- Timeline for implementation, landscape, and where UCSF fits into that.
- Talk through
- LSM/Reveal interest
- Putting together guidelines/framework around ento surveillance. Standardization around procedures and decision processes. Not yet thinking about digital tools.
- Could you present algorithms on next COP call (theme is algorithms)? April 11 5pm CAT.
- Yes - UCSF/DiSARM team plans on doing a demo of the DiSARM API for the next COP showcase
- UCSF/DiSARM also planning on submitting a blurb for the COP newsletter in May and will hopefully include a link to the DiSARM algos explainer video they are creating.
- Namibia Botswana feedback?
- Discussed on grant partners call that they are testing now
- Touch base on in-country time
- FI workflows / mock-up feedback
- Incorporations made to android side mockups based on feedback in google doc ; CHAI needs to review that responses are okay.
- Derek P shared feedback on dashboard side today; CHAI needs to review that responses are okay
- CHAI did demo of Reveal IRS version at internal CHAI meeting last week.
April 3 2019
Time | 21:00-22:00 East Africa 20:00-21:00 Central Africa 13:00-14:00 Eastern 10:00-11:00 Pacific |
Attendees | Akros: Anna, Annie, Christina Ona: Craig, Matt Vital Wave: Pierre, Derek T CHAI: Anne, Pedro, Vivek |
Regrets | Vital Wave: Ona: Akros: |
- Team Updates
- Akros/Ona
- Contributing factors to delay
- Reveal 2.0 Mid-April Demo Release Candidate Features
- Annie to do: MBS RCD data dictionary form needs edits so treatment info can be removed from that data dictionary form
- ITNs
- Right now Thailand they have a net surveys - number of LLINs and number of HLINS
- Asks for demo prep (discussed later under Thailand conversation)
- CHAI - Thailand update
- General update from CHAI team
- Overall went well! They like Reveal and the way it is set up and see a lot of potential value that Reveal can province, especially at household level. Main concern is to actually see the tool! Main concern for WHO is that coverage indicators align with what is in MIS. And translation.
- Akros questions based on Pedro’s notes
- Any flexibility on enumeration and user testing dates?
- Timelines - right now this is not exact. Meeting on 17th is to fix the next date from enumeration
- May 14 - 17 is tentative for enumeration; when Dr. Prayuth is available
- End of April/First week of May possible for user testing and Ona in country for integration work?
- Where is targeted for implementation? We will want to make sure enumeration time is enough based on expected structure count
- Thailand is sharing a list of the provinces/districts and the structure count in these to estimate enumeration timelines
- Clarification on PMI ask for imagery access?
- Biophics server - what timelines make sense for Ona team in country?
- Asking permission from MoH so we can actually test an integration.
- When we get this back, to see what challenges/issues with enumeration
- Identify a time for Ona to be in country to sit down with BIOPHICS
- To do: Akros and Ona to discuss internally re integration timelines
- Biophic asks for demo prep:
- The Thailand administrative hierarchy, in both text form and GeoJSON.
- For foci areas, we need the point files for their locations
- Thailand is sending for three provinces we are piloting in
- We need an example drill down of the hierarchy for a few village examples….ie the village and all parents in hierarchy
- An historical data export of data from BIOPHICS for a few foci for web demo purposes
- Annie can put this export into the CSV format
- A sample digital case form from BIOPHICS (JSON or XML) that we will get from their system to show a new case has been sent. I will also ask for this on Slack for DHIS2.
- What other needs besides the apk itself?
- User Walkthrough - a less-detailed version
- But really, if the functionality is there, that is fine.
- Release 3 tentative schedule/process
- Review of Previous Week’s Action Items
- To do: share R2 dot release schedule
- To share after Akros-Ona internal discussions
- To do: Akros to get sense of what additional customization needed for DiSARM training documentation and getting that to Ona.
- Scheduled for Thursday, to be worked into R3 scoping
April 9 2019
Time | 21:00-22:00 East Africa 20:00-21:00 Central Africa 13:00-14:00 Eastern 10:00-11:00 Pacific |
Attendees | Akros: Anna, Annie Ona: Vital Wave: Pierre CHAI: Vivek |
Regrets | CHAI: Anne Vital Wave: Derek Ona: Akros: |
- Follow ups from last week
- Demo prep asks/Thailand follow up
- Thailand to share with Pedro list of areas for implementation
- geoJsons for these areas *point files for foci*
- An historical data export of data from BIOPHICS for a few foci for web demo purposes
- Annie can put this export into the CSV format
- A sample digital case form from BIOPHICS (JSON or XML) that we will get from their system to show a new case has been sent. I will also ask for this on Slack for DHIS2.
- To do: Akros and Ona to discuss internally re integration timelines
- Team Updates
- Akros/Ona
- Clarity on R2 timelines and dot releases
- Walkthrough of document
- Are we ready for integration (Rv2.1) in May?)
- It is on track and is pressing for Namibia Botswana
- Though, this DHIS2 integration is not a huge amount of work?
- Rv2.2. Is more important than Rv2.1?
- To do: Vivek to validate these timings with Sameen and Anne
- Language translation
- Client - translation requires separate build (CHAI to help with this for Thailand
- Current work on the toggling between
- Web
- Building from the ground up to be translatable
- Does OpenSRP have a language package where you click a button or are we automatically translating>
- It is the latter
- Demo/release candidate prep update
- Thailand demo functionality
- User walkthrough documentation
- Timeline expectation setting
- Development and implementation timelines - need to know implementation timelines before we can feel confident committing to R3 timelines
- How much customization (and when?) can we expect for Thailand, Namibia, and Botswana.
- Expectation settings with
- Thailand timelines and expectations
- Namibia/Botswana timelines and expectations
- Additional requests affecting dev timelines
- Central procedure or protocol for tracking issues.
- See link in next line item
- R3 tentative timelines/process
- Akros shared scoping doc with CHAI on April 8
- CHAI feedback due April 12
- Ona sharing R3 feature schedule on May 10
- Akros to present to consortium on May 14
- Timelines post May 14 are not set - dependent on scoping
- Reminder - Quarterly report due
- Tested algorithms with test data - identified and fixed an issue
- Timing of building prediction work?
- Thailand remote satellite enumeration enumeration is happening either week of May 13 or May 20
- Status on demo for COP call - anything needed?
- Team is ready to go!
- Plan: show off the docks (headless versions), show the UI and open up for comments and questions, interested in people in COP who want to test, or other interest in geospatial algorithms form COP
- Report
- Waiting for subcontract. Report would be great 2 days after subk is signed if possible
- DiSARM website updates in prep for showcase
- To do: Would like to add blurb on participation in Reveal in advance of showcase on Thursday. Get updates to team tomorrow.
- Implementation updates from last grant partners call
- Honduras in initial stages, meeting there in a few weeks, with intro session on Reveal. Week of April 22nd.
April 16 2019
Time | 21:00-22:00 East Africa 20:00-21:00 Central Africa 13:00-14:00 Eastern 10:00-11:00 Pacific |
Attendees | Akros: Ona: Craig, Matt Vital Wave: CHAI: |
Regrets | CHAI: Vital Wave: Ona: Akros: |
- Follow ups from last week
- To do: Vivek to validate R2 feature release timings with Sameen and Anne
- Follow up questions
- What is more important from timing perspective - DHIS2 integration or IRS Plan?
- 2.2 (IRS Plan) is more important than DHIS2 → does this shorten timelines for IRS Plan?
- To do: Ona-Akros team to talk internally around if pushing out integration brings up the IRS Plan date at all
- To do: Review Focus Investigation
- Is there anything in the mock-up feedback email “FI mock-up feedback” that didn’t make it into the 2.0 release?
- Team Updates
- Akros/Ona
- Release Candidate Update: RC5
- Walkthrough with APK link
- Bug tracking
- Known Issues in Release Candidate that will be fixed for 2.0.0
- Assigning Index Case
- Index Case circle by operational area
- Task list view has many blank tasks. We need to clean up the demo tasks that were generated
- Demo - on Friday morning.
- Hope is that be EOW we will have final, WHO, sign off
- Also have firm dates with aim of training at June
- We need to do some demo data clean-up. Have another operational area that we haven’t worked on. Village 1, Focus 01 is fine for demonstration?
- To do: Add a few mosquito points before demo
- Pierre: some issues - some workflow focused and some cosmetic bugs
- To do: talk through feedback post demo
- Timeline expectation setting
- R3 tentative timelines/process
- Akros shared scoping doc with CHAI on April 8
- CHAI feedback due April 12
- Ona sharing R3 feature schedule on May 10
- Akros to present to consortium on May 14
- Timelines post May 14 are not set - dependent on scoping
- Also dependent on anything that comes back from Thailand
- There are roadmap user stories that are not necessarily linked to the functionality.
- In the chance that we hear different feedback from countries, we can discuss what may need to be descoped given what we need to prioritize for country needs
- Thailand production release will take time.
- To do: we need to
- Demo notes to call out
- Hierarchy stops at canton level (Tha Luang canton)
- We split the canton randomly into two villages and two foci
- The enumeration was also loaded in
- Development Updates
- Development and iteration on the Android client (5 release candidates completed and reviewed)
- Web app is up on a demo server, but not yet connected to OpenSRP server. We will continue working on this for the April 30th deadline.
- Fine to not have for the demo
- **Note it is a national holiday in Kenya this weekend on Friday and Monday
- Thailand “pilot:
- 3 districts, fewer than 20 users → small scale, but still real data and real workflows
- Contracts - should be all set on this side; waiting for redline from UCSF
- Ona feedback on initial release would be great
- Will be able to release once we have the contract
- M&E of Namibia and Bostwana ongoing
- Kicked off in Botswana
- Data collectors are excited about the possibility of clicking on maps and structures in the field!
- Botswana potential implementation
- Sinka reached out and we (Akros and CHAI) will hopefully meet with him and others in-country in the next few weeks.
- Namibia is still undecided - end of month yes or no deadline
April 23 2019
Time | 21:00-22:00 East Africa 20:00-21:00 Central Africa 13:00-14:00 Eastern 10:00-11:00 Pacific |
Attendees | Akros: Annie Ona: Craig, Matt Vital Wave: Derek, Pierre CHAI: Anne |
Regrets | CHAI: Vivek Vital Wave: Ona: Akros: |
- Follow ups from last week
- To do: 2.2 (IRS Plan) is more important than (2.1) DHIS2 → does this shorten timelines for IRS Plan? Ona-Akros team to talk internally around if pushing out integration brings up the IRS Plan date at all
- Makes it more manageable but still need the full time (June 30) for IRS Plan
- Can we confirm this can be moved out of 2.1? Since there is no confirmed date for DHIS2 integration? And if yes, where should this be moved?
- This is implementation specific (i.e. data mapping is the hard part, not the technical piece). This need will appear in Botswana - they are expecting integration.
- Potentially during/end of summer: end of July or end of August?
- How much time is required for this?
- One way pull from org hierarchy in DHIS2 followed by push from Reveal into DHIS2
- Rough estimate is 5 weeks if aggregate
- Need to confirm if this would be aggregate or event as this would affect the timing
- AL update 4/24: this would need to be confirmed by the government. If events, one question we would have would be whether it’d be 1 building = 1 event or if mit makes more sense to do 1 HH = 1 event.
- To do: Annie to add the scoping of this integration to the list of items to work through with Botswana
- NMEP still needs to do the build for IRS indicators, need to validate
- AL update 4/24: this would likely be done by the MOHSS IT department (Sinka). Only the NMEP, MOHSS, and their IT consultant have access to the system. Confirmed that no IRS indicators currently exist in their system.
- Need to have access to the demo server or a full export after the indicator build is complete
- AL update 4/24: Should include this in asks during the Akros visit to Botswana (CHAI has less insight / involvement in the DHIS2 work in Botswana)
- Could pull Reveal build into DHIS2 instance to “mock” it up for Botswana
- Before going anywhere, need to have agreement on the data dictionary fields
- AL update 4/24: This would need to be finalized by the Botswana vector control team - ideally by May in order to plan in time for IRS season.
- End of August - is this reasonable to be done by that point?
- To do: Anne to check with Sameen and as we start conversations with Sinka.
- To do: Review Focus Investigation. Is there anything in the mock-up feedback email “FI mock-up feedback” that didn’t make it into the 2.0 release?
- Yes, some items that were fed-back were relevant to later release scoping. Those items (planning for FI for example, will be fed into R3 and R4 scoping). All documented here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/13iOe_etxgMrFMj46OMMZE2qSYGWZFG4zMqd7dR_TgQA/edit
- To do: Annie to line this up with this document:https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1njPF68ZfDlB8zFOGWsWx-3wpnGhKSpTK6YwA9SHfm1g/edit#slide=id.g548738b54b_0_106
- How it generally breaks down: R2 - FI; R3 - FI planning web piece
- Still outstanding is how case confirmation should work: should 3rd party system push to Reveal, Reveal create task and push it to the appropriate team?
- Anything that is not in the mobile client that is major that is not currently developed?
- In testing document: Ability to touch on location and see all details on that location even if a task is not assigned → expectation from Akros team
- To do: talk through feedback post demo
- Scheduled call tomorrow - Christina to send agenda, including feedback pulled out from Pedro’s notes
- Team Updates
- Akros/Ona
- Thailand
- 2.0 Schedule with Thailand requested changes
- 1 -2 added dashboard indicators
- ~15 form changes to skip logic and data fields
- 3 major form changes (MBS, Larval, Mosquito)
- Other feedback
- This is a significant amount of feedback given we are trying to take this to the field on the 27th for user testing. This means we are developing IRS in parallel to supporting Thailand. There are various other pieces besides coding that need to happen for all of this to come together.
- Can we confirm how these extra Thailand requests may affect Release 2.0 timing and how they in term may affect IRS planning timing. To do: Ona to share these thoughts tomorrow.
- To do: Annie and Anne and Sameen to discuss/prioritize IRS Planning mockup.
- FYI - BIOPHICS and Thailand team dynamics
- R2 release candidate
- Addressing remaining bugs will this now be a part of next 2.0 release?
- This is correct.
- R2 Progress and Needs
- We created the Reveal Web UI & Reporting Data Dictionary
- Developed the Data Warehouse tables
- Working on the ETL process now
- Work will begin on plan definition implementation in the server and Android client starting tomorrow
- Needs
- Demo/dummy data would be helpful now that we have a database structure
- Akros To do: In Web UI data dictionary → define sample data in sample_sheet.
- Flesh out one or two more villages (A1, A2, B2, B1)
- Give sample plan and dummy data for each
- Historical dummy data as well, but not year
- R2.1 Progress and Needs
- R2.2 Progress and Needs
- R3 Progress (Scoping)
- Akros to respond to all feedback by EOD 24th (tomorrow)
- Ona sharing R3 feature schedule on May 10
- Akros to present to consortium on May 14
- R4 Progress (Scoping)
- Miscellaneous
- Hardware testing - lower level hardware, will need demo data for scalability
- Akros To Do: check on testing with 1.5gb RAM (Botswana) and 2.0gb RAM (Thailand - TBD, they haven’t purchased but have asked UNOPs for clearance on higher end models but think it’s going to be difficult)
- Updates
- Waiting on contract to be finalized (on Akros side)
- Discuss Thai algorithm work
- DiSARM specific work
- Talking with Prayuth in the past about need for better forecasting for malaria transmission to use in planning for FI or other intervention campaigns. This was never a specific deliverable but been working on it on the side.
- Algorithm: case data (daily updated) in raw or aggregate to forecast for the expected incidence next few weeks and whether above or below threshold. No longer have a technical contact there, but could this algorithm be wired into Reveal? To demonstrate that the algorithm could run. Could propose this formally under the DiSARM grant work
- Q: at what org hierarchy unit does this happen → they are reporting data at the village level. Forecast at the village level (statistically) though this may or may not be accurate
- DiSARM team in Thailand now - have them discuss with Prayuth.
- RTI - Darin and Joe were working
- (in future) Update from Adam on other work ongoing in Thailand
April 30 2019
Time | 21:00-22:00 East Africa 20:00-21:00 Central Africa 13:00-14:00 Eastern 10:00-11:00 Pacific |
Attendees | Akros: Annie Ona: Vital Wave: |
Regrets | CHAI: Vital Wave: Ona: Akros: |
- Follow ups from last week
- Integration conversation with Botswana. To do: Anne to check with Sameen and as we start conversations with Sinka.
- This is ongoing. Meeting scheduled 2nd week of May.
- Akros To do: In Web UI data dictionary → define sample data in sample_sheet.
- Done
- Akros To Do: check on testing with 1.5gb RAM (Botswana) and 2.0gb RAM (Thailand - TBD, they haven’t purchased but have asked UNOPs for clearance on higher end models but think it’s going to be difficult)
- Preliminary testing with 1.5gb Ram, working fine.
- Comfortable to give Dr. P the heads up with 2.0gb ram
- Testing 1.5gb the week of the 13th week.
- To do: Annie and Anne and Sameen to discuss/prioritize IRS Planning mockup.
- Annie to send initial email to group on how to segment both IRS and FI Planning (Anne, Sameen, Vivek, Pedro, Pierre, Derek).
- To do: Review Focus Investigation. Annie to line what is being developed with this document: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1njPF68ZfDlB8zFOGWsWx-3wpnGhKSpTK6YwA9SHfm1g/edit#slide=id.g548738b54b_0_106
- Web UI for desk review/planning - R3, not May 10th (slides 7-8, 18, 19, 24)
- User management as part of Reveal UI tbd if R3 or R4 (25-26)
- OpenMRS is an UI for creating users it is just not a part of the OpenSRP WebUI - but it is a complete user interface
- All mobile client workflows captured are in R2
- Team Updates
- Akros/Ona
- Development
- R2 Progress and Needs
- Release has been pushed to May 10
- Lusaka-based user testing pushed to week of May 13
- No other trickle down effects for Thailand timelines (including translation timelines)
- R3 Progress (Scoping)
- Annie reaching out to the group around Fi and IRS Planning to prioritize
- R4 Progress (Scoping)
- No updates
- Thailand
- Weekly meetings scheduled for Wednesdays
- Cancelled this week
- Enumeration discussion happening between CHAI Akros VW on
- Translation info sent
- Data dictionary
- Transifex
- Christina sending out workplan tomorrow morning to capture microplanning and discussion of dates so far
- Please review for feedback and send via email- will review finalized version next week on Thailand planning call
- Ona team specific questions:
- Dates and dev resources for in-country build time for integration - target is for a developer in country alongside BIOPHICS team, ideally at their offices.
- First week of June is the current date
- Currently trying to see if we can move this up to the last week of May to follow on with user testing
- Pedro is trying to clarify this right now
- Assume first week of June to tentatively hold/assign engineer
- Once decided on team member, will need to do a visa letter.
- What specific integration pieces can we ask for ahead of time?
- Best case: access and credentials to staging server
- Direct db connection is the plan because BIOPHICS doesn’t have an API- need to start to understand this.
- Several layers to evaluate:
- Semantically interoperable? BIOPHICS data dictionary is needed
- Field mapping
- Indicators have same data definition
- Technical integration
- BIOPHICS system has database user to access tables
- Specific versus transactional database (data sent to a holding area for BIOPHICS to load into live tables)
- Need to validate/challenge core assumption that no development work to BIOPHICs would be needed
- Need point of contact
- Working on credentials and access to test server.
- **go, no-go decision on sending an engineer**
- Need access to system by mid month to know
- What can be done ahead of time?
- Data mapping.
- Specific data formatting required of geojsons?
- Attributes needed?
- Looking at the fields in the add.point section of the data dictionary (Link)
- Enumeration discussion happening Thursday
- Imagery
- Mapbox licensing
- NMEP can do negotiation for licensing country-by-country
- Matt to discuss with PATH to see if we can get some kind of account for Reveal use for governments for malaria
- Enumeration - have many options for this through osm web tool
- Reveal app - imagery here requires downloadable tiles which not all services give access to.
- Need to revisit this conversation to look at costs that are going to come up as part of the structure of this project.
- Botswana
- Annie to send out internal proposed workplan next week (including all)
- All to review prior to in-country meetings week of May 13
- Updates
- Contracts team sent redline yesterday
- Annie to schedule final call and discussion with contracts team early next week to finalize any remaining edits.
- Discuss Thai algorithm work
- Any updates from in-country team time last week?
- Team in Thailand will follow up with Dr. Prayuth once he returns
- Question
- Are there any attributes that we can collect from local experts on villages (foci areas) that would be useful for analysis (spatial or otherwise)?
- Ali to check in with larger team on this.
- Updates from Namibia and Botswana 2019 implementation discussions?
- Botswana discussions happening 2nd week of May in country with Akros and CHAI teams for planning
- Namibia should hear back today, Anne confirming if/what we have heard
- Stagegate for DiSARM grant requires follow-on planning; due date has been pushed back to May 30th
- DiSARM M&E feedback
- Activities underway
- Done and ongoing interviews in Botswana, to continue over next several weeks
- Namibia meeting next week to conduct focus groups for feedback on tool
- Current agreement is that report is shared with CHAI, countries, Gates, DiSARM
- Would be useful to share with Reveal team
- To do: Anne to check with country programs to get clearance if they are okay with sharing these reports with Reveal team
- Preliminary results end of May, hopefully final results in June
- Range of feedback
- Suggestions for certain features and capabilities of tool
- Reflections on trainings
May 7 2019
Time | 21:00-22:00 East Africa 20:00-21:00 Central Africa 13:00-14:00 Eastern 10:00-11:00 Pacific |
Attendees | Akros: Annie, Anna Ona: Craig Vital Wave: Pierre |
Regrets | CHAI: Vital Wave: Derek Ona: Matt Akros: |
- Follow ups from last week
- To do: Annie and Anne and Sameen to discuss/prioritize IRS Planning mockup.
- Annie to send initial email to group on how to segment both IRS and FI Planning (Anne, Sameen, Vivek, Pedro, Pierre, Derek).
- To do: Ali to ask DiSARM team: Are there any attributes that we can collect from local experts on villages (foci areas) that would be useful for analysis (spatial or otherwise)?
- To do: get BIOPHICS database dump, access, and POC
- We have a database dump
- *Note, BIOPHICS is running on SQL so they are paying server fees for other malaria software
- To do: Matt was talking with MapBox about potential license opportunity for Reveal/malaria
- To do: Anne to check with country programs to get clearance if they are okay with sharing the DiSARM reports with Reveal team
- Can go through CHAI country team (Erica) - she can send if she gets clearance
- Team Updates
- Akros/Ona
- Development
- R2 Progress and Needs
- Web UI map view
- Web UI table view - Active FI list and Active FI detail view is set.
- ETL process from transactional to data warehouse is being finished this week
- Authentication piece (single sign on for Web UI and mobile client) done and tested yesterday - no major issues
- Updated client side forms so that all Thai data dictionary changes are in the client
- Not in R2 release (May 10th)
- Toggle/hover map view functionality not be ready for May 10th
- Still need to identify what happens when you click on a point
- Toggling on layers still needs to be scope
- E.g. “what if you have four layers toggled on” → Annie to check if this has been designed on the Akros.
- ETL process to present forest goer and outdoor sleeper indicators - data collection for this is supported, reporting is lagging
- Need to schedule R2 Thailand release, post May 10th
- For May 21
- User testing scenarios (Thailand)
- Translation (Thailand)
- See notes below on updates. What translations we have in time for May 21 will be included in a May 21 release.
- Above functionality in (6)
- Bugs/fixes identified in desk testing and Lusaka testing (as appropriate)
- **Risk is translation**
- For May 27 (potential)
- Translation fixes
- R2 Testing Plan
- Akros team on board for Desk Testing - Monday
- Based on script shared on 10th
- Akros team doing user testing in Lusaka on Wednesday
- Feedback to be collected in the bug tracker
- R3 Progress (Scoping)
- Annie and Matt discussing this week (IRS Plan)
- Need to schedule time to discuss FI Plan and IRS Features
- R4 Progress (Scoping)
- May have a team workshop late summer for this scoping
- Evaluate need for this in June
- Thailand
- Integration
- Have database dump (SQL server database)
- Can start database mapping at the table level
- Integration diagram
- Dates for integration added to workplan
- Can we add dates to these in workplan?
- Investigate BIOPHICS database
- Where tables are, where we need to add our data so it makes sense
- Database engineer tasks
- Can be done with database dump, can be done prior to going in-country, but will need input from BIOPHICS team
- Develop NIFI workflows (2,3,4)/// Map Reveal to BIOPHICS Reveal database tables (5, data mapping)
- Build for one content area at a time (locations, forms, tasks) Can do mapping now into tables and then link BIOPHICS tables to BIOPHICS field when in country
- Develop BIOPHICS ETL (1, 6)
- To happen in country
- Test on staging server
- To happen in country
- Gain access to BIOPHICS production
- To happen in country
- Implement on BIOPHICS production
- To happen in country
- First week of June still is a good week
- From last week: Need to validate/challenge core assumption that no development work to BIOPHICs would be needed
- Can we assess this now or not?
- Yes, definitely, but we have contacts on the Thai side who are resourced to do some of this developement
- We do have approval for access to server from MoH, just depends on when
- To do: Craig to review the tasks and add dates to the workplan
- Translation Dates
- Data dictionary by 10th
- Client strings by ?? this probably won’t happen in time for user testing, though if we get this by the 20th, this would be fine for the 21st
- **Note, Annie misspoke on previous call, this release is just client string translation
- BVBD is working on hiring another translator to do this
- BVBD understands the consequences of not delivering this translation
- Workplan
- Christina finalizing feedback on this - dates to be considered our working dates. We will be using this workplan as project planning tool moving forward
- Mapbox license / Imagery - Anna, Matt, and Anne discussing this week
- Botswana
- Derek to send out internal proposed workplan end of this week (including all)
- All to review prior to in-country meetings: pushed to week of May 27
- No delays anticipated
- We are planning to discuss the agenda for this meeting next week
- Namibia
- Response was due end of last week which was not received. CHAI has followed up
- Giving them two more weeks but it’s looking unlikely (they want to finish DISARM M&E first, but if that takes another month it’ll be very tight for prepping for IRS planning for the summer). Will likely let them know the door is still open for 2020, but we would need to know this week for whether 2019 will happen.
- Updates
- Annie waiting on contract from UCSF team - please remind contracts team
- Hugh at NTD meeting and discussing hotspot surveillance
- Discussion for need for digital tools for doing this
- Hugh mentioned Reveal and there seems to be interest
- To do: Ali to ask DiSARM team: Are there any attributes that we can collect from local experts on villages (foci areas) that would be useful for analysis (spatial or otherwise)?
- Ali to ping Adam
- DiSARM M&E is moving forward
- Microplanning this week
- May 27th visit for Botswana program
- Ask about feedback from the M&E
- Workshop @ ASTMH & NNN -- Interest from partners to join with content, use cases?
- To do: Anna to share write-up in the next two days
- PATH-MACEPA open to providing feedback on Reveal // APK, Video
- PATH waiting to hear on a grant for Senegal & Zambia to use DSME tools
- PATH has also been liaising with CHAI on understanding the DSME tools better (CHAI has a folder of materials to send to them including APKs, etc)
- PMI greenlight to implement Reveal/mSpray in Zambia, expanded scope
May 14 2019
Time | 21:00-22:00 East Africa 20:00-21:00 Central Africa 13:00-14:00 Eastern 10:00-11:00 Pacific |
Attendees | Akros: Annie Ona: Matt Vital Wave: Pierre, Derek CHAI: Anne UCSF: Ali |
Regrets | CHAI: Vital Wave: Ona: Akros: |
- Follow ups from last week
- To do: Annie and Anne and Sameen to discuss/prioritize IRS Planning mockup.
- To do: (specifically around connecting index cases and secondary cases) We’ve scoped IRS Planning features into MVP or feature - please review the proposed IRS and FI feature document (shared later in agenda)
- To do: Ali to ask DiSARM team: Are there any attributes that we can collect from local experts on villages (foci areas) that would be useful for analysis (spatial or otherwise)?
- To do: Matt was talking with MapBox about potential license opportunity for Reveal/malaria
- Issue 1, pointing sdk: Tech side: everything we are using is open source and we have the ability to point at any server we want (MapBox is just one example of a server that hosts tiles). We can point the geowidget SDK at any server. E.g. Digital Globe. There are a few free options out there.
- How much work is this on the dev side?
- Changing a parameter path. Default right now is the url path to MapBox. (WTMS server should be fine).
- This will be tracked as part of GeoWidget work.
- Michel (community lead at MapBox): discussions around use of free or discounted use by MapBox to provide to malaria programs/ministries
- Call set up to discuss tomorrow
- GOAL: get a partnership together - ask for minimum 2020, would be great to stretch to 2024.
- Pricing we heard earlier was commercial (~500-600$/month). Non-commercial use is much cheaper.
- Issue 2, imagery: imagery quality can still vary. We need to assess the necessity of high resolution imagery to Reveal
- As a consortium we need to assess where and when high resolution imagery is critical and where it is less so
- Assessment
- To do: Annie to check if this has been designed on the Akros.
- Toggle/hover map view functionality not be ready for May 10th
- Still need to identify what happens when you click on a point
- Toggling on layers still needs to be scoped
- E.g. “what if you have four layers toggled on” →
- Both designed and reviewed
- To do: Craig to review Thailand integration tasks and add dates to the workplan
- Ona workplanning now to confirm dates
- Have someone installing SQL server and looking at data dump and by next week should have data model figured out and data mapping work started. This will likely be two people.
- Matt and Craig following up on task in the workplan. Task clarification
- Data will go from Nifi (Reveal) into holding tables (BIOPHICS) and then business logic script will move to production tables (BIOPHICS)
- Team Updates
- Akros/Ona
- Reschedule of next two weeks’ calls - 8 or 9am EST?
- To do: Annie to each out to reschedule offline
- Development
- R2 Progress and Needs
- R2 is out: Release Narrative
- Bugs: the Reveal 2.0 bug tracker
- ETL bug → web UI dashboard and supersets not testable
- Client bugs
- There are some outstanding pull requests that need to be merged → this will address many of these bugs
- Plan is still to do a fix release by May 21
- Ona to: Sample Plan tab of Web UI data dictionary - need these plans and their spatial files loaded (Christina emailed today)
- For full desk testing so can test all tasks (asap)
- For user testing in Lusaka/Zambia (end of this week)
- For user testing in Thailand (May 21)
- R3 Progress (Scoping)
- Proposed scheduled feature release for IRS and FI Planning
- IRS feature release
- FI feature release
- TO DO: Anne to share with Pedro and Sameen and confirm no concerns from country perspective
- R4 Progress (Scoping)
- Thailand
- Integration
- Ona: Progress on database dump
- Downloaded and looking at schema
- Resource planning to determine specific dates and team assignments now
- Translation Dates
- Note
- We have the data dictionary - plan was to work this translation into the May 21 release
- Don’t expect client strings in time
- Botswana
- Call held today between Akros, CHAI, VW teams.
- Derek to send follow ups
- Derek/Annie to schedule time with Ona team to align resources
- Annie to send to Ali
- Namibia
- No updates at this time - Sameen has a call tomorrow.
- Ali: We advocate towards pushing towards Reveal as if they go with DiSARM there is additional planning efforts required and the team will adjust.
- This is a resourcing issue on the Reveal side too if they wanted to use Reveal -->would be 12 users in Oshana province
- If we went forward, we would have to think about larger scale resource planning
- What about the other provinces?
- There is a question if they want to use digital tools at all
- M&E feedback in focus groups
- Per focus groups: “paper tools are outdated” → perhaps there is more appetite for digital tools.
- Updates
- DiSARM team shared prototype - Akros and Ona reviewing this week
- Contract update - team in the office of technology transfer still reviewing the IP of the terms. They may come back with another edit/request for review.
- Hugh and Jonathan are in Oslo meeting with DHIS2 to talk about integration.
- Will share updates on this next call
- Re Namibia conversations in using DiSARM or not, are there specific features or modules that the program doesn’t want to use? (This could potentially ease the prep work required)
- None
May 21 2019
Time | 21:00-22:00 East Africa 20:00-21:00 Central Africa 13:00-14:00 Eastern 10:00-11:00 Pacific |
Attendees | Akros: Annie Ona: Matt Vital Wave: Pierre CHAI: UCSF: Hugh, Ali |
Regrets | CHAI: Vital Wave: Ona: Akros: |
- Follow ups from last week
- To do: various Botswana follow ups
- Discussed in Botswana section
- Proposed scheduled feature release for IRS and FI Planning
- TO DO: Anne to share with Pedro and Sameen and confirm no concerns from country perspective
- FI planning the dates should be fine - yes you can view the focus info
- IRS planning - Sameen questions on dashboards that we have addressed
- Annie to send link to current mSpray dashboards
- To do: Annie rescheduled this call
- To do: Ona to add sample plans for testing
- Added Lusaka plans, added additional testing plan. Adding Thailand user testing plans today
- Team Updates
- Akros/Ona
- Development
- R2 Progress and Needs
- R2 is out: Release Narrative
- Bugs: the Reveal 2.0 bug tracker
- ETL bug → web UI dashboard and supersets not testable last week → this is now testable in ½ plans; supersets still not testable
- Client bugs
- Most of these addressed
- We are testing again tomorrow to prioritize a 2.0.3 release before Monday
- Hoping to also get translation feedback from BVBD
- R3 Progress (Scoping)
- Meeting with Ona to discuss August IRS Feature Release, MDA, ITN tomorrow
- Akros-Ona-VW meeting 1st week of June
- R4 Progress (Scoping)
- No update
- Thailand
- Enumeration, Foci Mapping this week
- User Testing
- 2 areas prepped for user testing
- Integration
- Ona: Progress on database dump
- Dates added to workplan and on track: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1yFkTcbszNEzhRLGvJmbi8wxGaMcvJZbXgCiDwgeZfOg/edit#gid=0
- Ona: personnel assignment
- Jannette Wambere (Ona) is an integration specialist who will travel to Thailand and she has begun the analysis of the BIOPHICS system
- In country team
- Jannette, Pedro, Pierre (first half of week)
- Translation Dates
- Form translation was in Sunday’s release
- Strings - update tomorrow
- Can start evaluating kinks in
- Thailand enumeration - is there info we would want at the foci level that is spatial
- Even if we have this knowledge, can we digitize it and capture it in detail?
- Actually, we will of course have data like this coming in live from field validation
- Thailand MapBox
- Can we create a username/password for Thailand?
- To do: Annie to discuss with Pedro while in country who this should be.
- This person would ideally be able to manage this account post 2020 into the next three years (if we get the license)
- BVBD generic username/email account → this should be a fixed username for the next three years
- Ideally this account (if we do get access) would be set up prior to piloting so MapBox could see what the map requests would look like per pilot (in terms of volume of requests).
- 300 tiles/100 sq kilometer = 100 calls; 200,000 tiles is the free user max
- Need to know total calls
- To do: Annie to understand total square area after focus mapping is complete (likely this will come mid next week)
- Pierre: What is the work involved in making the GeoWidget tile-server-“point” a configurable field?
- To do: Matt to determine
- Adding this as a user story
- Botswana
- Imagery update:
- MapBox conversations happened last week - Mikel and Anne discussed potential for license for 3 countries through 2020. Mikel would like to see usage patterns.
- Speaking to Alex Fortescue from DG Africa BD. He’s providing costing and options for accessing both imagery and building footprints.
- Need to update imagery doc to reflect OSM inputs.
- Follow ups from Botswana call:
- Plan for next week
- Derek updating agenda
- Updating workplan
- Reviewing data dictionary for presentation
- Preparing materials (Presentations and validation exercises using walkthroughs)
- Server setup requirements info
- Botswana imagery options
- Namibia
- Resourcing
- Matt is currently reviewing the several implementation workplans to ensure Ona can plan their resources.
- Workplan
- What are items in red?
- That was an artifact; removed the red
- Structure versus household level data collection? -
- Every form corresponds to a HH; without the HH form the information collected is based on structures. E.g. - in 1 HH form, 5 sprayable structures and I sprayed 3
- Note Namibia calls a room a “structure.” Structures in Namibia are rooms.
- “Manually entered targets” → are these both for planning and the denominator?
- For planning - the actual operational areas and hierarchies will be a shapefile similar to an org hierarchy in DHIS2
- Target structures - the only manual part (so the denominator)
- Akros support
- Operational GIS/mapping support needed?
- If this is enumeration then no
- The only support needed is reviewing imagery and helping to select imagery
- To do: Annie to follow up with Matt and Ona team around decision on Namibia dates.
- To do: Sameen to send some questions on mop up workflow; in the meantime will start collecting materials
- UCSF - Annie touching base with team Thursday re algorithms
- None
June 4 2019
Time | 21:00-22:00 East Africa 20:00-21:00 Central Africa 13:00-14:00 Eastern 10:00-11:00 Pacific |
Attendees | Akros: Annie Ona: Matt Vital Wave: CHAI: Vivek UCSF: |
Regrets | CHAI: Vital Wave: Ona: Akros: |
- Follow ups from last week
- MapBox username and password: Can we create a username/password for Thailand? To track data and number of tiles needed in average pilot
- To do: Annie to discuss with Pedro while in country who this should be.
- Waiting on this person to be assigned
- To do: Annie to understand total square area after focus mapping is complete (likely this will come mid next week)
- This is not done; working on this as we validate focus areas this week
- To do: Matt to determine the work involved in making the GeoWidget tile-server-“point” a configurable field.
- Annie to follow up with Matt
- To do: Annie to follow up with Matt and Ona team around decision on Namibia dates.
- We are okay to move forward
- Annie to be point person for now
- To do: Kickoff call to be scheduled
- Roles
- CHAI - on the ground support
- Akros - coordinating Ona, form changes
- To do: Sameen to send some questions on mop up workflow; in the meantime will start collecting materials (Botswana)
- Sameen and Derek have ongoing conversation on this
- House-keeping
- Gates meeting
- Sept 23 - 24
- Confirm blackout dates
- UCSF: Sept 25 - 27
- CHAI (Lakshmi):
- Team Updates
- Akros/Ona
- Development
- R2 Progress and Needs
- R2 v2.0.5 is linked in: Release Narrative
- R2 v2.0.6 planned for June 14 to address Thai feedback
- Scope of release is within Thai feedback document
- *This is significant feedback that to address all, and address ongoing Thailand support, will take about 4-5 weeks of developer time
- R3 Progress (Scoping)
- No further scoping done since two weeks given sprints for Thailand
- Rework of IRS Planning and FI planning timelines (originally end of June)
- Likely not much wiggle room for IRS planning release
- Discuss timelines given Thai implementation needs
- R4 Progress (Scoping)
- No update
- Thailand
- Implementation updates to be discussed tomorrow. In short:
- Enumeration, Foci Mapping, and User testing over the last two weeks with good and extensive feedback
- Integration work this week - sounds like it is going well and productively, with detailed update tomorrow
- 6/17 TOT
- July Pilot
- Risks between now and TOT
- Enumeration finishing
- Imagery quality
- Finishing all fixes
- Integration?
- Botswana
- Visit last week:
- Productive and Reveal was well received overall
- Local server hosting
- Botswana has 32GB RAM server, with 2 processors, already hosting DHIS2 instances.
- Not enough space to host OpenSRP/Reveal - would need 2 more servers
- Botswana IT team asked CHAI to procure - Erica was following up with CHAI internally on this
- Fyi, server cost with import duty is likely $15-20k per server
- Trying to figure out how CHAI can support this under DSME country budgets
- To do: Annie to determine what the deadline is for server configuration/setup
- Way forward. Potential options:
- Start with server procurement (this can take 6 weeks - months) and support implementation starting in late 2019, early 2020
- Negotiate for cloud hosting of pilot
- Last resort: hosting could be cloud
- Namibia
- Role definitions - let’s talk through this on a kickoff call, include DiSARM team
- Need to close the loop with the communications around the change from DiSARM to Reveal or DiSARM to paper in areas so that
- To do: Annie to set up
- Akros
- Likely will want to use these algorithms, especially the clustering algorithm in these implementations.
- If headless versions are not linked to Reveal, ideally use UI - large datasets won’t render
- At this point in time, algorithms are back up and running
- No need at this time to update documentation around this
- Tbd if there are more documentation updates needed when we get more feedback from Ona
- UI updates
- Hugh is updating the UI to include a way to better test with dummy/demo data
- Contract is being sent back to UCSF tomorrow
- To do: Ali to circle back on getting permission to share the M&E reports on DiSARM in Namibia and Bostwana
- None
June 11 2019
Time | 21:00-22:00 East Africa 20:00-21:00 Central Africa 13:00-14:00 Eastern 10:00-11:00 Pacific |
Attendees | Akros: Annie Ona: Craig Vital Wave: Pierre CHAI: Anne, Vivek UCSF: Ali, Hugh |
Regrets | CHAI: Vital Wave: Ona: Akros: |
- Follow ups from last week
- To do: Annie to understand total square area after focus mapping is complete (likely this will come mid next week)
- This is not done; as we have not yet been able to assess that all focus areas are mapped
- To do: Matt to determine the work involved in making the GeoWidget tile-server-“point” a configurable field.
- No updates on this
- To do: Namibia kickoff call to be scheduled
- Happened today - will discuss below
- To do: Annie to determine what the deadline is for server configuration/setup for Botswana
- End of July - will discuss further below
- House-keeping
- Gates meeting
- Sept 23 -24
- Team Updates
- Akros/Ona
- Development
- R2 Progress and Needs
- June 14 release: Thai feedback document
- Change to what will be in on Friday
- Index case confirmation workflow
- Pre-pilot - won’t be done on Friday
- Color Coding Hierarchy for the tasks in the mobile client
- Have different colors display based on business logic
- Pedro is reviewing this and it’s an ongoing conversation. We will schedule this once the scoping is complete.
- This was confusing to the Thai team because it turned the structure green
- Will discuss in detail tomorrow on the Thailand call
- R3 Progress (Scoping)
- Rework of IRS Planning and FI planning timelines and IRS feature timelines with Thailand work adding to workload
- To do: Matt to share timing update
- To do: Question:
- Will this affect the Botswana timelines?
- To focus on Thailand, we cannot scope R3 MDA and ITNs and additional user stories until ……..
- R4 Progress (Scoping)
- No update
- Thailand
- Implementation updates to be discussed tomorrow. TOT next week
- Botswana
- Visit two weeks ago:
- Reviewed workplan and conducted validation exercises with NMP, CHAI and HI team.
- To do: Akros to confirm if room in budget for enumeration
- Server challenge - the current servers do not support the OpenSRP Stack: they do not have cloud servers, they have machines stored locally in the IT office.
- Current server is a DHIS2 server. Were hoping to put Reveal on server and run it, but this would slow down DHIS2 which the IT team wanted to avoid this at all costs
- Procurement - 2 servers (1 for transactional, 1 for reporting).
- To do: share server specs and cost estimate
- If we move forward with server
- 1 week in country Ona and tier 2 support in follow-up
- 1 FTE on country side to maintain
- Server needs to be in-country by end of June to get it set up in time for implementation (if we do training in August). Local hosting in this timeframe is challenging.
- Options
- Start the server purchase process to potentially use Reveal for something other than IRS (RACD) given the timelines associated with procurement and intensive set up. If the timelines draw out past the end of this contract, we'd either a) need to find additional funds to support or b) CHAI would pick up the implementation piece. The latter is not ideal but could be the reality if we go this way and no other funding comes in.
- Push the country to pilot on a cloud (politically sensitive but maybe tenable if they realise local not possible?). Start server procurement process regardless, with the expectation that post pilot we would host locally.
- Working assumption is that we will do testing and training on the cloud and then move forward with the server if we get it. Botswana team to confirm if end of August is a workable timeline.
- To do: Annie to confirm timelines with Matt and Derek for IRS Planning and Botswana planning timelines
- To do: Annie to add UCSF team to Namibia calls
- Updates
- Preliminary summary for M&E Namibia and Botswana results that has been approved → CHAI team is confirming this is consistent with what they heard.
- To do: Ali to share what has been compiled today
- Reveal implementation plan (part of Stage-gate deliverables)
- Was originally focused on DiSARM implementation but this has shifted. Now we want to instead focus the document on the use of the algorithms in the Reveal Consortium
- Algorithm updates
- UIs can now be run with dummy data that automatically gets added
- Is now easier to run the headless APIs via the call request
- UCSF contract team follow-up
- Superset data
- There needs to be an ETL process to get the other data into the warehouse as well. To do: We need to scope how the data will get through the ETL process and into supersets (Akros and Ona).
- “Reference Application” for Reveal
- Developing a generic version of FI application - something to keep in mind for demoing purposes. We want to have a version of the application that is shareable and we want to have a version of the application that could be WHO-approved.
- To Do:
- Rework of IRS Planning and FI planning timelines and IRS feature timelines with Thailand work adding to workload
- Matt to share timing update
- Question:
- Will this affect the Botswana timelines?
- Matt to determine the work involved in making the GeoWidget tile-server-“point” a configurable field.
- Intention:
- Have a different imagery server serve tiles
- We will not get rid of the mapbox license
- Send a recommended server specification
- Include a cost estimate
- Annie to add UCSF team to Namibia calls
- We need to scope how the data will get through the ETL process and into supersets (Akros and Ona).
June 19 2019
Time | 21:00-22:00 East Africa 20:00-21:00 Central Africa 13:00-14:00 Eastern 10:00-11:00 Pacific |
Attendees | Akros: Ona: Craig, Matt Vital Wave: Derek CHAI: UCSF: |
Regrets | CHAI: Vital Wave: Ona: Akros: |
- Follow ups from last week
- To do: Annie to understand total square area after focus mapping is complete (likely this will come mid next week)
- This is not done; as we have not yet been able to assess that all focus areas are mapped
- To do: We need to switch the API key over to the Thailand account; currently we are using the Ona API key. Craig is creating ticket
- To do: We are also using the tiles pulled from DG imagery in Trat to estimate the costs of pulling tiles
- To do: Can we look at the web tile mosaic service to look at the imagery available in that service. Akros to do.
- Coverage and quality of imagery needs to be compared (Web tile service is difference and generally of lower quality than the high res tiles that DG has pulled for us)
- To do: Matt to determine the work involved in making the GeoWidget tile-server-“point” a configurable field. (Intention is to point to another tile server, not necessarily getting rid of MapBox)
- We researched this and found that we just need to add a line to the Mapbox Style in the host application and there is no action in the GeoWidget.
- We are testing this in the Reveal host application with the Digital Globe product. (example)
- PD: Is it possible to toggle between the different base layers? Toggling is a part of the geowidget spec that has been delivered. CA: Host application needs to say which server.
- To Do: Akros and Ona to discuss later - option to toggle on both the web and client side between multiple layers. Also that we may want to toggle between the layers within one service. May want to set the basemap at the site level.
- To do: Annie to provide timing updates on planning module timing and Namibia and Botswana planning need timelines
- To discuss when we reach that section of the agenda
- To do: Akros to confirm if room in budget for enumeration for Botswana
- To discuss this tomorrow
- To do: Send Bostwana server specs and cost estimate
- To discuss this tomorrow
- To do: We need to scope how the data will get through the ETL process and into Superset (Akros and Ona).
- Annie to loop Pierre into those conversations
- Implications in what it means to put in “all of the data”
- Handling health data versus data for analytics → need to have this conversation
- To do: Annie to schedule this conversation
- VA: What info do we need from the Thai/Biophics teams to inform these conversations?
- Current state
- Data submitted from web automatically gets to the OpenSRP database. Right now this pushes to the maps and Reveal dashboards.
- To Confirm: Which data are pushed through to the warehouse - is form data pushed through and accessible via Superset?
- The WebUI and Superset data comes from the data warehouse
- To do: Add UCSF team to Namibia calls
- done
- House-keeping
- Team Updates
- Akros/Ona
- High level timelines
- Development
- R3 Progress
- IRS Planning (end of July) and FI planning (mid August timelines and IRS feature timelines
- How should we adjust these
- CHAI to let Annie
- MDA and ITN scoping
- Propose to pick this up in August
- R4 Progress (Scoping)
- Propose to start this up in August
- August scoping meeting
- Who needs to be there and where
- Annie to start planning
- R2 Progress and Needs
- 2.0.8 and 2.0.9 releases
- Pre July 1 release (tentative aims):
- Index registration workflow*
- Colors for tasks*
- Automation of plan(focus investigation)*
- Marking structures as ineligible*
- Editing tasks: net distribution data, ento data, other tasks*
- Deleting family members
- Deleting/Resetting tasks to not be done: net distribution data, ento data, other tasks
- Planning
- MB: Ona can set up a website very quickly to allow for planning to be done easily
- Separate team working on Planning. Current team working on the WebUi will be switched to work on FI planning
- Little bit more than a month to get the planning finished
- Ona can provide what they would need to load in the plans - this is what Ona is doing now and they have a good data model for this. Underlying architecture is all there
- Team assignment is new, but plan model is there
- If there are 12 districts it will be manageable to help them do the planning
- MB: Team Assignment will happen only a week or so before implementation ‘which device goes to which area’ which data downloaded to app. Vivek to check with country teams when this needs to be done.
- FI Planning - Thai team would like to see thi
- SHould this be prioritised? : AL - want to hear from team in Thailand. Prayuth really wants to see this, and to see data coming through to the warehouse. Some frustration that this is not available. AM: agree that planning is a high priority VA: Data warehouse integration is high priority, FI Planning - not sure how extreme the requirement is for Prayuth. Team will find out this week and report back AL: if Prayuth wants to prioritise FI planning then it may make sense to reshuffle. Any other frustrations? VA: Last day of training cancelled as team needed to work on translations and sessions were not critical. If IRS and FI planning switched would FI be ready by the end of July? - Akros Ona to scope
- How much flexibility will there be to deliver FI planning rather than IRS planning (as there is some common work done between the two) : MB - would prefer to continue with IRS but possible to switch teams if the decision is made now
- New product management tool - Confluence
- Storage space for documentation and project notes
- Ticketing through Jira
- Reference Application
- Thailand
- Botswana
- Data warehouse - this is important
- Matt shared a link, Craig is moving this to the wiki.
- M&E preliminary summary shared. Key recommendations:
- “Provide more in-depth, practical training for tool users.
- “Increase collaboration between the national malaria programs, local implementing partner, and tool developers to ensure the digital tool used better reflects the paper-based data collection resources currently being used by the programs.
- “Implement additional field testing of the DiSARM tool and relevant equipment prior to launch of IRS campaign to determine if issues are related to logistics (e.g. network connectivity), equipment (e.g. tablets and sim cards) or software glitches of the tool itself.
- “Consider additional functional changes in future iterations of the DiSARM tool based on identified programmatic needs.
- “Incorporate the DiSARM tool into the planning processes of more management levels (i.e. district, regional, and national) to improve internal alignment of the information communicated through the tool.”
- Algorithm use questions
- Connect Jonathan w/ Ephraim re GPS points
- UCSF contract team follow-up