Historical Jan 2019
15 January 2019
Time | 21:00-22:00 East Africa 20:00-21:00 Central Africa 13:00-14:00 Eastern 10:00-11:00 Pacific |
Attendees | Akros: Annie, Anna Ona: Craig Vital Wave: Pierre CHAI: Anne, Arnaud UCSF DiSARM: Alistair |
Regrets | Vital Wave: Derek Treatman UCSF DiSARM: Hugh Ona: Matt |
- Review of Previous Week’s Action Items
- Action: Laurie to link Derek w/ Craig w/ Answers from Slack re: DG imagery.
- Ona has access to imagery in Zambia for demo
- Derek sent to CHAI instructions on how to get imagery
- Follow up questions on imagery from Arnaud:
- Context: CHAI’s work with imagery has been around enumeration. Enumeration has been done in many DSME countries, through OSM, often by recruiting students. Gates has contracted DG to do remote enumeration; further projects to enumerate with DG and HOT OSM projects. Outcome of work is household enumeration. That is how Gates has DG access.
- Why does Reveal require access to satellite imagery?
- What do we say to Gates about access to DG.
- If we have HH enumeration shape file, will the image used for this help with navigation, even if it is 2017 imagery? Is it better to have new imagery with old enumeration? Or the same enumeration file layered on top of the old imagery?
- Anna says that DG says that when we know which countries the pilot is happening in and Gates also knows, so DG ensures that enumeration and imagery is made available.
- Follow up: Arnaud to ask about this, does Gates have access to imagery, can we have access to any type of imagery.
- Would PMI be willing to extend their license to CHAI in countries where they are? CHAI has just started discussions with PMI in some countries.
- Team Updates
- Akros
Contract - Modifications from CHAI responded to, added IP similar to geowidget; returned to CHAI last week
- Ona
No major updates since last week
Sam started on Reveal v1.1, working with Pierre to close out test cases
- Timeline for the end of the week on this
Confirm - Hugh is writing up scope for algorithms
- Follow up: Ali to follow up and confirm if Hugh can get by end of week
No major updates
- Reminders
Reimbursements for trip
- Follow up: Annie to send reimbursement form to all
- Follow up: send quarterly reports to Annie by Thursday please. Annie to double check what was sent.
- Thailand Timing
Integration - update from Ona? Matt had said last Friday. Follow up : need to pin down the integration number/cost.
Budget - CHAI to review and respond later today/tomorrow
Discussions with Dr. Prayuth: Inessa is letting him know that the budget is coming, what he needs to budget from GF, confirm we still have the green light. Have asked him to pin down 2 provinces for pilot, haven’t heard back but it is a top priority.
Enumeration - HOT mapping reached out to offer services probono IF we can pin down the provinces ASAP.
Activities in Feb-March
- Enumeration in Feb (HOT or Akros+CHAI) plus digitization of maps (foci)
- Data Import* is dependent on the tool being ready
- Action item: once we have info from Dr. Prayuth, Annie to work with Chris and Pedro to try to finalize workplan and in country visit timing
Reveal release 2
- How can we keep Thailand engaged with the application through the end of March?
- Mockups will come in before end of month and we can include Thailand on this → make sure these reflect the discovery process from Thailand
- Team is reviewing and determining what is MVP, then we will know what is in scope. Focus will be more of the android client than the web UI. Could potentially test a beta version with them in March?
- Action item: we (Annie and Craig) need to discuss scope for version 2. Will pull in Pedro and Chris as well. After these decisions are made, let’s write a narrative for what is expected in March.
- One risk is Dr. Prayuth’s expectations for the first version.
- Action item: End of next week, deliver narrative for version 2.
- Need to make sure we are including what Thailand wants but also that we include user stories → this is a balance, but prioritizing Thailand.
- Foci areas in Thailand- how defined are they?
- Could initial step be to work with country team to define these more clearly?
- Getting the country team engaged in visualization of data
- CHAI: Panama OpenSRP questions
(early) Interest from Panama in using Reveal. Panama is not a grant country. Interested in Reveal for response work. Contracted in country dev company to build out case notification tool/app. Should we encourage them to build with OpenSRP in case they choose Reveal down the line?
Experience with 3rd party developers building on OpenSRP? → A few have done this; some contribute back to code, some don’t. Regular community dev calls weekly and slack channels. Ona is technical partner for OpenSRP, scientific partners are Harvard and WHO. When a company goes off on their own for 2+ years, they may develop in a may that is misaligned with Ona code base and thus is costly to realign.
- **Recommendation is to work together from the beginning. Have them join and contribute to community
Reveal has thought about including case notification and other case surveillance pieces. Reveal is rolling out RACD in Lusaka this year and other case surveillance. May be a chance to bring in USAID PMI funds to help fund the build for that side of the tool to be used. Q1 2019 this should be happening. Anna will keep DSME updated to this conversation once it gets going.
Panama timelines are ASAP and they have committed to in-house group.
What we are seeing in GMS, is countries are early stage thinking about mobile tools, which could be a chance for Reveal
Could RACD app be used for case notification? → tbd on if technically this would be possible
Anne to keep us all posted.
- Q1 Implementation - covered above in Thailand and R2 scoping conversations.
- Branding - Logo Fully Finalized
On the app, using as we talk about Reveal. Not technically billed to DSME since it is bigger than just this mechanism, but of course is relevant to tool. Anne to let us know if you’d like access to logos/colour swaps/etc.
- Marketing & BD
Product Site
Demo/Pitch Deck
- What is in place to demo Reveal?
- Working IRS Demo app – make public working demo consisting of
- Android App to download
- Corresponding linked dashboard (with dummy data pruned down to a few spray area).
- Video walk through/Screencast?
- What is the LOE involved in the above?
- App is available
- Need independent dashboard with dummy data, have spoken about having an additional server running which has associated costs
- Video walk through -
- Follow up: Akros and Ona team to discuss this week
Relationship Building (much in relationship to mSpray but will incorporate and discuss reveal)
- End January: RollBack Malaria/WHO Vector Control Working Group Presentation
- April: Seattle visit Ona & Akros
- Pull in others to this meeting? Meeting could be broader than malaria to discuss other use cases. NTDs.
- Follow up: Akros to put together list of names and potential agenda points or line items of discussion and potential dates
- Follow up: Anne to discuss with Arnaud and see if it lines up with timing of other meetings with Gates. Time with John Cox even within malaria, to help move along Moz will help
- UCSF also to be involved - similar discussion in CT
- Engaging APMEN, Insecticide companies, PEPFAR, NTDs
- Dates for delivery of mocked-up dashboards from Akros to Ona?
To discuss between Akros - Ona later this week.
- URL discussion: below are the options that we have reserved/purchased already. Can we decide on one today? Next step/Action: Akros to port Reveal landing page to url for feedback from consortium.
- If anyone has a strong feeling one way or another, make comments here
22 January 2019
Time | 21:00-22:00 East Africa 20:00-21:00 Central Africa 13:00-14:00 Eastern 10:00-11:00 Pacific |
Attendees | Akros: Annie Ona: Craig Vital Wave: Pierre, Derek CHAI: Anne UCSF DiSARM: |
Regrets | Vital Wave: UCSF DiSARM: Ali, Hugh Ona: Matt |
- Review of Previous Week’s Action Items
- Follow up: Arnaud to ask about this, does Gates have access to imagery, can we have access to any type of imagery? Update on conversation with Gates.
Annie and Derek P to discuss alternative imagery options
- Follow up: Ali to follow up and confirm if Hugh can proposal for algorithms discussed at meeting by end of last week (Jan 18)
Delivered. Thanks
- Follow up: Annie to send reimbursement form to all
- Follow up: Send quarterly reports to Annie by Thursday please. Annie to double check what was sent.
Annie resent template
Done, thanks!
- Follow up : Craig/Matt need to pin down the integration number/cost and get to Anne
Done, need to discuss.
- Action item: once we have info from Dr. Prayuth, Annie to work with Chris and Pedro to try to finalize workplan and in-country visit timing
Workplanning meeting set for next week
- Action item: we (Annie and Craig) need to discuss scope for version 2. Will pull in Pedro and Chris as well. After these decisions are made, let’s write a narrative for what is expected in March.
This will happen at the end of next week.
- Action item: End of month, deliver narrative for version 2.
- Follow up: Akros and Ona team to discuss LOE involved in setting up demo
Annie and Craig to discuss this week
- Follow up: Akros to put together list of names and potential agenda points or line items of discussion and potential dates
Anna/Hugh/Matt have started this conversation - aiming for potential April visit
- Follow up: Anna to discuss with Arnaud and see if it lines up with timing of other meetings with Gates. Time with John Cox even within malaria, to help move along Moz will help
Will do once have a firmer date, for now, month of April is looking like a possibility
- Action: Once URL decided, Akros to port Reveal landing page to url for feedback from consortium.
Bid on reveal.io → waiting to hear back
- Team Updates
- Akros
Thailand workplanning
Field testing next week - Documents coming to Craig tomorrow with return due on Wednesday next week.
Contracts still tbd.
- Ona
Progress over last week
- Post intervention; developers working on developing Reveal 1.1 tickets. Waiting on few pieces of info before we send the tickets over to QA
- Follow up: Branding question for Anna and Matt to discuss: need final version of text to go at bottom of hamburger menu
- Follow up: Use case tests - Craig is working on this and will get over to VW end of Wednesday (Importing locations and coordinates)
- Roger is working on scoping out what is needed for web, client integrations with DHIS2. Craig is mapping what we learned in session re Thailand workflows, user stories, etc. What of this is MVP
- Follow up: Still on track for this to be done by EOM for sharing with this group (Narrative)
- **Let CHAI and VW known if there is anything needed from Oslo on DHIS2 integration - they will be there next week**
- How and where we get case notifications
- Could query API
- Receive event if events can be forwarded to web service
- Indicators and calculations for datasets. What reports for IRS FI do we need to support into DHIS2. Need to develop indicators in Canopy to be able to push them into DHIS2.
- Best to send through data elements raw if they match up so that DHIS2 can use their own denominators
- Is it worth setting up a test instance with DHIS2 when we don’t know the actual indicators from Bots and Namibia
- Question is which country we want to be our meta-data?
- WHO data elements - for demo
- We have been trying to get access to country-specific DHIS2 instances. Anne to Follow up: re the indicators Botswana and Namibia are using
- What about the data dictionary workstream? We aren’t quite there yet, but could get it going quickly.
- Follow up: Annie to share Thailand forms with Pierre
- FI integration with DHIS2 is less of a priority that IRS
- Use Thailand’s forms for now to define data dictionary for FI
- Sameen bringing Botswana and Namibia data fields for IRS
- Integration with DHIS2 is non-negotiable for Botswana and Namibia (these are the likely IRS pilot countries)
- Craig will be in DC Monday and Tuesday of next week and missing meeting
- BIOPHICS is a separate budget/workstream
Discuss algorithm specs
LOE for integrating DISaRM UI into Reveal?
- CA: THis will be done - working of tech solution with Connor and Roger.
- Algorithm - generate operational area from a submitted shape file
Follow up: Craig to work with Connor to connect Jonathan, Annie to share code info
- Roadmap Check-in
Testing of R1
- Craig gave update
3 new requirements (Roadmap link)
- No new requirements relevant to Reveal today
- We haven’t reviewed any
Alignment of R2 functional roadmap and Roadmap user stories
- Pierre’s input could be helpful to figure out which user stories could be incorporated to R2
- Would be helpful to know about what bandwidth there is which/if there are user stories that don’t obviously fit into the release but could be easy wins or easier wins with a bit of extra work
- Would be helpful for Pierre to have a sense of how scoping is looking before final narrative is produced
29 January 2019
Time | 21:00-22:00 East Africa 20:00-21:00 Central Africa 13:00-14:00 Eastern 10:00-11:00 Pacific |
Attendees | Akros: Ona: Vital Wave: CHAI: UCSF DiSARM: |
Regrets | Vital Wave: UCSF DiSARM: Ona: Craig |
- Review of Previous Week’s Action Items
- Action item: we (Annie and Craig) need to discuss scope for version 2. End of month, deliver narrative for version 2.
- Follow up: Akros and Ona team to discuss LOE involved in setting up demo
This is on the Akros side, once Ona has uploaded test data for mSpray areas, Akros can make the video
- Action: Bid on reveal.io → waiting to hear back
- Follow up: Branding question for Anna and Matt to discuss: need final version of text to go at bottom of hamburger menu
This is done
- Follow up: Use case tests - Craig is working on this and will get over to VW end of Wednesday (Importing locations and coordinates)
- Follow up: CHAI to send the indicators Botswana and Namibia are using
- Follow up: Annie to share Thailand forms with Pierre
Done ***Have added a “Pilot” folder to team gdrive
- Follow up: Craig to work with Connor to connect Jonathan re algorithm UI
- Team Updates
- Akros
Added to Reveal data dictionary for RACD workflow. Few outstanding questions for Thai team
Also waiting on Ento and VC forms from Thai team
Demo set up steps
- Ona
- Roadmap Check-in
Testing of R1
3 new requirements (Roadmap link)
Alignment of R2 functional roadmap and Roadmap user stories