Historical June 2019
Historical June 2019
June 4 2019
Time | 21:00-22:00 East Africa 20:00-21:00 Central Africa 13:00-14:00 Eastern 10:00-11:00 Pacific |
Attendees | Akros: Annie Ona: Matt Vital Wave: CHAI: Vivek UCSF: |
Regrets | CHAI: Vital Wave: Ona: Akros: |
- Follow ups from last week
- MapBox username and password: Can we create a username/password for Thailand? To track data and number of tiles needed in average pilot
- To do: Annie to discuss with Pedro while in country who this should be.
- Waiting on this person to be assigned
- To do: Annie to understand total square area after focus mapping is complete (likely this will come mid next week)
- This is not done; working on this as we validate focus areas this week
- To do: Matt to determine the work involved in making the GeoWidget tile-server-“point” a configurable field.
- Annie to follow up with Matt
- To do: Annie to follow up with Matt and Ona team around decision on Namibia dates.
- We are okay to move forward
- Annie to be point person for now
- To do: Kickoff call to be scheduled
- Roles
- CHAI - on the ground support
- Akros - coordinating Ona, form changes
- To do: Sameen to send some questions on mop up workflow; in the meantime will start collecting materials (Botswana)
- Sameen and Derek have ongoing conversation on this
- House-keeping
- Gates meeting
- Sept 23 - 24
- Confirm blackout dates
- UCSF: Sept 25 - 27
- CHAI (Lakshmi):
- Team Updates
- Akros/Ona
- Development
- R2 Progress and Needs
- R2 v2.0.5 is linked in: Release Narrative
- R2 v2.0.6 planned for June 14 to address Thai feedback
- Scope of release is within Thai feedback document
- *This is significant feedback that to address all, and address ongoing Thailand support, will take about 4-5 weeks of developer time
- R3 Progress (Scoping)
- No further scoping done since two weeks given sprints for Thailand
- Rework of IRS Planning and FI planning timelines (originally end of June)
- Likely not much wiggle room for IRS planning release
- Discuss timelines given Thai implementation needs
- R4 Progress (Scoping)
- No update
- Thailand
- Implementation updates to be discussed tomorrow. In short:
- Enumeration, Foci Mapping, and User testing over the last two weeks with good and extensive feedback
- Integration work this week - sounds like it is going well and productively, with detailed update tomorrow
- 6/17 TOT
- July Pilot
- Risks between now and TOT
- Enumeration finishing
- Imagery quality
- Finishing all fixes
- Integration?
- Botswana
- Visit last week:
- Productive and Reveal was well received overall
- Local server hosting
- Botswana has 32GB RAM server, with 2 processors, already hosting DHIS2 instances.
- Not enough space to host OpenSRP/Reveal - would need 2 more servers
- Botswana IT team asked CHAI to procure - Erica was following up with CHAI internally on this
- Fyi, server cost with import duty is likely $15-20k per server
- Trying to figure out how CHAI can support this under DSME country budgets
- To do: Annie to determine what the deadline is for server configuration/setup
- Way forward. Potential options:
- Start with server procurement (this can take 6 weeks - months) and support implementation starting in late 2019, early 2020
- Negotiate for cloud hosting of pilot
- Last resort: hosting could be cloud
- Namibia
- Role definitions - let’s talk through this on a kickoff call, include DiSARM team
- Need to close the loop with the communications around the change from DiSARM to Reveal or DiSARM to paper in areas so that
- To do: Annie to set up
- Akros
- Likely will want to use these algorithms, especially the clustering algorithm in these implementations.
- If headless versions are not linked to Reveal, ideally use UI - large datasets won’t render
- At this point in time, algorithms are back up and running
- No need at this time to update documentation around this
- Tbd if there are more documentation updates needed when we get more feedback from Ona
- UI updates
- Hugh is updating the UI to include a way to better test with dummy/demo data
- Contract is being sent back to UCSF tomorrow
- To do: Ali to circle back on getting permission to share the M&E reports on DiSARM in Namibia and Bostwana
- None
June 11 2019
Time | 21:00-22:00 East Africa 20:00-21:00 Central Africa 13:00-14:00 Eastern 10:00-11:00 Pacific |
Attendees | Akros: Annie Ona: Craig Vital Wave: Pierre CHAI: Anne, Vivek UCSF: Ali, Hugh |
Regrets | CHAI: Vital Wave: Ona: Akros: |
- Follow ups from last week
- To do: Annie to understand total square area after focus mapping is complete (likely this will come mid next week)
- This is not done; as we have not yet been able to assess that all focus areas are mapped
- To do: Matt to determine the work involved in making the GeoWidget tile-server-“point” a configurable field.
- No updates on this
- To do: Namibia kickoff call to be scheduled
- Happened today - will discuss below
- To do: Annie to determine what the deadline is for server configuration/setup for Botswana
- End of July - will discuss further below
- House-keeping
- Gates meeting
- Sept 23 -24
- Team Updates
- Akros/Ona
- Development
- R2 Progress and Needs
- June 14 release: Thai feedback document
- Change to what will be in on Friday
- Index case confirmation workflow
- Pre-pilot - won’t be done on Friday
- Color Coding Hierarchy for the tasks in the mobile client
- Have different colors display based on business logic
- Pedro is reviewing this and it’s an ongoing conversation. We will schedule this once the scoping is complete.
- This was confusing to the Thai team because it turned the structure green
- Will discuss in detail tomorrow on the Thailand call
- R3 Progress (Scoping)
- Rework of IRS Planning and FI planning timelines and IRS feature timelines with Thailand work adding to workload
- To do: Matt to share timing update
- To do: Question:
- Will this affect the Botswana timelines?
- To focus on Thailand, we cannot scope R3 MDA and ITNs and additional user stories until ……..
- R4 Progress (Scoping)
- No update
- Thailand
- Implementation updates to be discussed tomorrow. TOT next week
- Botswana
- Visit two weeks ago:
- Reviewed workplan and conducted validation exercises with NMP, CHAI and HI team.
- To do: Akros to confirm if room in budget for enumeration
- Server challenge - the current servers do not support the OpenSRP Stack: they do not have cloud servers, they have machines stored locally in the IT office.
- Current server is a DHIS2 server. Were hoping to put Reveal on server and run it, but this would slow down DHIS2 which the IT team wanted to avoid this at all costs
- Procurement - 2 servers (1 for transactional, 1 for reporting).
- To do: share server specs and cost estimate
- If we move forward with server
- 1 week in country Ona and tier 2 support in follow-up
- 1 FTE on country side to maintain
- Server needs to be in-country by end of June to get it set up in time for implementation (if we do training in August). Local hosting in this timeframe is challenging.
- Options
- Start the server purchase process to potentially use Reveal for something other than IRS (RACD) given the timelines associated with procurement and intensive set up. If the timelines draw out past the end of this contract, we'd either a) need to find additional funds to support or b) CHAI would pick up the implementation piece. The latter is not ideal but could be the reality if we go this way and no other funding comes in.
- Push the country to pilot on a cloud (politically sensitive but maybe tenable if they realise local not possible?). Start server procurement process regardless, with the expectation that post pilot we would host locally.
- Working assumption is that we will do testing and training on the cloud and then move forward with the server if we get it. Botswana team to confirm if end of August is a workable timeline.
- To do: Annie to confirm timelines with Matt and Derek for IRS Planning and Botswana planning timelines
- To do: Annie to add UCSF team to Namibia calls
- Updates
- Preliminary summary for M&E Namibia and Botswana results that has been approved → CHAI team is confirming this is consistent with what they heard.
- To do: Ali to share what has been compiled today
- Reveal implementation plan (part of Stage-gate deliverables)
- Was originally focused on DiSARM implementation but this has shifted. Now we want to instead focus the document on the use of the algorithms in the Reveal Consortium
- Algorithm updates
- UIs can now be run with dummy data that automatically gets added
- Is now easier to run the headless APIs via the call request
- UCSF contract team follow-up
- Superset data
- There needs to be an ETL process to get the other data into the warehouse as well. To do: We need to scope how the data will get through the ETL process and into supersets (Akros and Ona).
- “Reference Application” for Reveal
- Developing a generic version of FI application - something to keep in mind for demoing purposes. We want to have a version of the application that is shareable and we want to have a version of the application that could be WHO-approved.
- To Do:
- Rework of IRS Planning and FI planning timelines and IRS feature timelines with Thailand work adding to workload
- Matt to share timing update
- Question:
- Will this affect the Botswana timelines?
- Matt to determine the work involved in making the GeoWidget tile-server-“point” a configurable field.
- Intention:
- Have a different imagery server serve tiles
- We will not get rid of the mapbox license
- Send a recommended server specification
- Include a cost estimate
- Annie to add UCSF team to Namibia calls
- We need to scope how the data will get through the ETL process and into supersets (Akros and Ona).
June 19 2019
Time | 21:00-22:00 East Africa 20:00-21:00 Central Africa 13:00-14:00 Eastern 10:00-11:00 Pacific |
Attendees | Akros: Ona: Craig, Matt Vital Wave: Derek CHAI: UCSF: |
Regrets | CHAI: Vital Wave: Ona: Akros: |
- Follow ups from last week
- To do: Annie to understand total square area after focus mapping is complete (likely this will come mid next week)
- This is not done; as we have not yet been able to assess that all focus areas are mapped
- To do: We need to switch the API key over to the Thailand account; currently we are using the Ona API key. Craig is creating ticket
- To do: We are also using the tiles pulled from DG imagery in Trat to estimate the costs of pulling tiles
- To do: Can we look at the web tile mosaic service to look at the imagery available in that service. Akros to do.
- Coverage and quality of imagery needs to be compared (Web tile service is difference and generally of lower quality than the high res tiles that DG has pulled for us)
- To do: Matt to determine the work involved in making the GeoWidget tile-server-“point” a configurable field. (Intention is to point to another tile server, not necessarily getting rid of MapBox)
- We researched this and found that we just need to add a line to the Mapbox Style in the host application and there is no action in the GeoWidget.
- We are testing this in the Reveal host application with the Digital Globe product. (example)
- PD: Is it possible to toggle between the different base layers? Toggling is a part of the geowidget spec that has been delivered. CA: Host application needs to say which server.
- To Do: Akros and Ona to discuss later - option to toggle on both the web and client side between multiple layers. Also that we may want to toggle between the layers within one service. May want to set the basemap at the site level.
- To do: Annie to provide timing updates on planning module timing and Namibia and Botswana planning need timelines
- To discuss when we reach that section of the agenda
- To do: Akros to confirm if room in budget for enumeration for Botswana
- To discuss this tomorrow
- To do: Send Bostwana server specs and cost estimate
- To discuss this tomorrow
- To do: We need to scope how the data will get through the ETL process and into Superset (Akros and Ona).
- Annie to loop Pierre into those conversations
- Implications in what it means to put in “all of the data”
- Handling health data versus data for analytics → need to have this conversation
- To do: Annie to schedule this conversation
- VA: What info do we need from the Thai/Biophics teams to inform these conversations?
- Current state
- Data submitted from web automatically gets to the OpenSRP database. Right now this pushes to the maps and Reveal dashboards.
- To Confirm: Which data are pushed through to the warehouse - is form data pushed through and accessible via Superset?
- The WebUI and Superset data comes from the data warehouse
- To do: Add UCSF team to Namibia calls
- done
- House-keeping
- Team Updates
- Akros/Ona
- High level timelines
- Development
- R3 Progress
- IRS Planning (end of July) and FI planning (mid August timelines and IRS feature timelines
- How should we adjust these
- CHAI to let Annie
- MDA and ITN scoping
- Propose to pick this up in August
- R4 Progress (Scoping)
- Propose to start this up in August
- August scoping meeting
- Who needs to be there and where
- Annie to start planning
- R2 Progress and Needs
- 2.0.8 and 2.0.9 releases
- Pre July 1 release (tentative aims):
- Index registration workflow*
- Colors for tasks*
- Automation of plan(focus investigation)*
- Marking structures as ineligible*
- Editing tasks: net distribution data, ento data, other tasks*
- Deleting family members
- Deleting/Resetting tasks to not be done: net distribution data, ento data, other tasks
- Planning
- MB: Ona can set up a website very quickly to allow for planning to be done easily
- Separate team working on Planning. Current team working on the WebUi will be switched to work on FI planning
- Little bit more than a month to get the planning finished
- Ona can provide what they would need to load in the plans - this is what Ona is doing now and they have a good data model for this. Underlying architecture is all there
- Team assignment is new, but plan model is there
- If there are 12 districts it will be manageable to help them do the planning
- MB: Team Assignment will happen only a week or so before implementation ‘which device goes to which area’ which data downloaded to app. Vivek to check with country teams when this needs to be done.
- FI Planning - Thai team would like to see thi
- SHould this be prioritised? : AL - want to hear from team in Thailand. Prayuth really wants to see this, and to see data coming through to the warehouse. Some frustration that this is not available. AM: agree that planning is a high priority VA: Data warehouse integration is high priority, FI Planning - not sure how extreme the requirement is for Prayuth. Team will find out this week and report back AL: if Prayuth wants to prioritise FI planning then it may make sense to reshuffle. Any other frustrations? VA: Last day of training cancelled as team needed to work on translations and sessions were not critical. If IRS and FI planning switched would FI be ready by the end of July? - Akros Ona to scope
- How much flexibility will there be to deliver FI planning rather than IRS planning (as there is some common work done between the two) : MB - would prefer to continue with IRS but possible to switch teams if the decision is made now
- New product management tool - Confluence
- Storage space for documentation and project notes
- Ticketing through Jira
- Reference Application
- Thailand
- Botswana
- Data warehouse - this is important
- Matt shared a link, Craig is moving this to the wiki.
- M&E preliminary summary shared. Key recommendations:
- “Provide more in-depth, practical training for tool users.
- “Increase collaboration between the national malaria programs, local implementing partner, and tool developers to ensure the digital tool used better reflects the paper-based data collection resources currently being used by the programs.
- “Implement additional field testing of the DiSARM tool and relevant equipment prior to launch of IRS campaign to determine if issues are related to logistics (e.g. network connectivity), equipment (e.g. tablets and sim cards) or software glitches of the tool itself.
- “Consider additional functional changes in future iterations of the DiSARM tool based on identified programmatic needs.
- “Incorporate the DiSARM tool into the planning processes of more management levels (i.e. district, regional, and national) to improve internal alignment of the information communicated through the tool.”
- Algorithm use questions
- Connect Jonathan w/ Ephraim re GPS points
- UCSF contract team follow-up
, multiple selections available,
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