Historical May 2019

Historical May 2019

May 7 2019


21:00-22:00 East Africa

20:00-21:00 Central Africa

13:00-14:00 Eastern

10:00-11:00 Pacific


Akros: Annie, Anna

Ona: Craig

Vital Wave: Pierre



Vital Wave: Derek

Ona: Matt



    1. Follow ups from last week
      1. To do: Annie and Anne and Sameen to discuss/prioritize IRS Planning mockup.
        • Annie to send initial email to group on how to segment both IRS and FI Planning (Anne, Sameen, Vivek, Pedro, Pierre, Derek).  

  • To do: Ali to ask DiSARM team: Are there any attributes that we can collect from local experts on villages (foci areas) that would be useful for analysis (spatial or otherwise)?
  • To do: get BIOPHICS database dump, access, and POC

        • We have a database dump
        • *Note, BIOPHICS is running on SQL so they are paying server fees for other malaria software

  • To do: Matt was talking with MapBox about potential license opportunity for Reveal/malaria

    1. To do: Anne to check with country programs to get clearance if they are okay with sharing the DiSARM reports with Reveal team
      • Can go through CHAI country team (Erica) - she can send if she gets clearance
  1. Team Updates
    1. Akros/Ona
      • Development
        1. R2 Progress and Needs
          1. Web UI map view
          2. Web UI table view - Active FI list and Active FI detail view is set.
          3. ETL process from transactional to data warehouse is being finished this week
          4. Authentication piece (single sign on for Web UI and mobile client) done and tested yesterday - no major issues
          5. Updated client side forms so that all Thai data dictionary changes are in the client
          6. Not in R2 release (May 10th)
            1. Toggle/hover map view functionality not be ready for May 10th
              1. Still need to identify what happens when you click on a point
              2. Toggling on layers still needs to be scope
                1. E.g. “what if you have four layers toggled on” → Annie to check if this has been designed on the Akros.
            2. ETL process to present forest goer and outdoor sleeper indicators - data collection for this is supported, reporting is lagging
          7. Need to schedule R2 Thailand release, post May 10th
            1. For May 21
              1. User testing scenarios (Thailand)
              2. Translation (Thailand)
                1. See notes below on updates. What translations we have in time for May 21 will be included in a May 21 release.
              3. Above functionality in (6)
              4. Bugs/fixes identified in desk testing and Lusaka testing (as appropriate)
              5. **Risk is translation**
            2. For May 27 (potential)
              1. Translation fixes
        2. R2 Testing Plan
          1. Akros team on board for Desk Testing - Monday
            1. Based on script shared on 10th
          2. Akros team doing user testing in Lusaka on Wednesday
          3. Feedback to be collected in the bug tracker
        3. R3 Progress (Scoping)
          1. Annie and Matt discussing this week (IRS Plan)
          2. Need to schedule time to discuss FI Plan and IRS Features
        4. R4 Progress (Scoping)
          1. May have a team workshop late summer for this scoping
            1. Evaluate need for this in June
      • Thailand
        1. Integration
          1. Have database dump (SQL server database)
            1. Can start database mapping at the table level
          2. Integration diagram
          3. Dates for integration added to workplan
            1. Can we add dates to these in workplan?
              1. Investigate BIOPHICS database
                1. Where tables are, where we need to add our data so it makes sense
                2. Database engineer tasks
                3. Can be done with database dump, can be done prior to going in-country, but will need input from BIOPHICS team
              2. Develop NIFI workflows (2,3,4)/// Map Reveal to BIOPHICS Reveal database tables (5, data mapping)
                1. Build for one content area at a time (locations, forms, tasks) Can do mapping now into tables and then link BIOPHICS tables to BIOPHICS field when in country
              3. Develop BIOPHICS ETL (1, 6)
                1. Need BIOPHICS
                2. To happen in country
              4. Test on staging server
                1. To happen in country
              5. Gain access to BIOPHICS production
                1. To happen in country
              6. Implement on BIOPHICS production
                1. To happen in country
            2. First week of June still is a good week
            3. From last week: Need to validate/challenge core assumption that no development work to BIOPHICs would be needed
              1. Can we assess this now or not?
                1. Yes, definitely, but we have contacts on the Thai side who are resourced to do some of this developement
            4. We do have approval for access to server from MoH, just depends on when
            5. To do: Craig to review the tasks and add dates to the workplan
        2. Translation Dates
          1. Data dictionary by 10th
          2. Client strings by ?? this probably won’t happen in time for user testing, though if we get this by the 20th, this would be fine for the 21st
            1. **Note, Annie misspoke on previous call, this release is just client string translation
            2. BVBD is working on hiring another translator to do this
            3. BVBD understands the consequences of not delivering this translation

        1. Workplan
          1. Christina finalizing feedback on this - dates to be considered our working dates. We will be using this workplan as project planning tool moving forward
        2. Mapbox license / Imagery  - Anna, Matt, and Anne discussing this week

      • Botswana
        1. Derek to send out internal proposed workplan end of this week (including all)
          1. All to review prior to in-country meetings: pushed to week of May 27
          2. No delays anticipated
          3. We are planning to discuss the agenda for this meeting next week
      • Namibia
        1. Response was due end of last week which was not received. CHAI has followed up
          1. Giving them two more weeks but it’s looking unlikely (they want to finish DISARM M&E first, but if that takes another month it’ll be very tight for prepping for IRS planning for the summer). Will likely let them know the door is still open for 2020, but we would need to know this week for whether 2019 will happen.
    • UCSF
      • Updates
        1. Annie waiting on contract from UCSF team - please remind contracts team
        2. Hugh at NTD meeting and discussing hotspot surveillance
          1. Discussion for need for digital tools for doing this
          2. Hugh mentioned Reveal and there seems to be interest
      • To do: Ali to ask DiSARM team: Are there any attributes that we can collect from local experts on villages (foci areas) that would be useful for analysis (spatial or otherwise)?
        1. Ali to ping Adam
      • DiSARM M&E is moving forward
        1. Microplanning this week
        2. May 27th visit for Botswana program
          1. Ask about feedback from the M&E

      1. AOB
        • Workshop @ ASTMH & NNN -- Interest from partners to join with content, use cases?

  • To do: Anna to share write-up in the next two days

      • PATH-MACEPA open to providing feedback on Reveal // APK, Video
        1. PATH waiting to hear on a grant for Senegal & Zambia to use DSME tools
        2. PATH has also been liaising with CHAI on understanding the DSME tools better (CHAI has a folder of materials to send to them including APKs, etc)
      • PMI greenlight to implement Reveal/mSpray in Zambia, expanded scope

May 14 2019


21:00-22:00 East Africa

20:00-21:00 Central Africa

13:00-14:00 Eastern

10:00-11:00 Pacific


Akros: Annie

Ona: Matt

Vital Wave: Pierre, Derek

CHAI: Anne




Vital Wave:




    1. Follow ups from last week
      1. To do: Annie and Anne and Sameen to discuss/prioritize IRS Planning mockup.
        • To do: (specifically around connecting index cases and secondary cases) We’ve scoped IRS Planning features into MVP or feature - please review the proposed IRS and FI feature document (shared later in agenda)

  • To do: Ali to ask DiSARM team: Are there any attributes that we can collect from local experts on villages (foci areas) that would be useful for analysis (spatial or otherwise)?
  • To do: Matt was talking with MapBox about potential license opportunity for Reveal/malaria

      • Issue 1, pointing sdk: Tech side: everything we are using is open source and we have the ability to point at any server we want (MapBox is just one example of a server that hosts tiles). We can point the geowidget SDK at any server. E.g. Digital Globe. There are a few free options out there.
        1. How much work is this on the dev side?
          1. Changing a parameter path. Default right now is the url path to MapBox. (WTMS server should be fine).
          2. This will be tracked as part of GeoWidget work.
      • Michel (community lead at MapBox): discussions around use of free or discounted use by MapBox to provide to malaria programs/ministries
        1. Call set up to discuss tomorrow
        2. GOAL: get a partnership together - ask for minimum 2020, would be great to stretch to 2024.
      • Pricing we heard earlier was commercial (~500-600$/month). Non-commercial use is much cheaper.
      • Issue 2, imagery: imagery quality can still vary. We need to assess the necessity of high resolution imagery to Reveal
        1. As a consortium we need to assess where and when high resolution imagery is critical and where it is less so
        2. Assessment
    1. To do: Annie to check if this has been designed on the Akros.
      • Toggle/hover map view functionality not be ready for May 10th
        1. Still need to identify what happens when you click on a point
        2. Toggling on layers still needs to be scoped
        3. E.g. “what if you have four layers toggled on” →
        4. Both designed and reviewed
    2. To do: Craig to review Thailand integration tasks and add dates to the workplan
        1. Ona workplanning now to confirm dates
        2. Have someone installing SQL server and looking at data dump and by next week should have data model figured out and data mapping work started. This will likely be two people.
        3. Matt and Craig following up on task in the workplan. Task clarification
          1. Data will go from Nifi (Reveal) into holding tables (BIOPHICS) and then business logic script will move to production tables (BIOPHICS)

  1. Team Updates
    1. Akros/Ona
      • Reschedule of next two weeks’ calls - 8 or 9am EST?
        1. To do: Annie to each out to reschedule offline
      • Development
        1. R2 Progress and Needs
          1. R2 is out: Release Narrative
          2. Bugs: the Reveal 2.0 bug tracker
            1. ETL bug → web UI dashboard and supersets not testable
            2. Client bugs
              1. There are some outstanding pull requests that need to be merged → this will address many of these bugs
          3. Plan is still to do a fix release by May 21
          4. Ona to: Sample Plan tab of Web UI data dictionary - need these plans and their spatial files loaded (Christina emailed today)
            1. For full desk testing so can test all tasks (asap)
            2. For user testing in Lusaka/Zambia (end of this week)
            3. For user testing in Thailand (May 21)
        2. R3 Progress (Scoping)
          1. Proposed scheduled feature release for IRS and FI Planning
            1. IRS feature release
            2. FI feature release
          2. TO DO: Anne to share with Pedro and Sameen and confirm no concerns from country perspective
        3. R4 Progress (Scoping)
      • Thailand
        1. Integration
          1. Ona: Progress on database dump
            1. Downloaded and looking at schema
            2. Resource planning to determine specific dates and team assignments now
        2. Translation Dates
          1. Note
            1. We have the data dictionary - plan was to work this translation into the May 21 release
            2. Don’t expect client strings in time
      • Botswana
        1. Call held today between Akros, CHAI, VW teams.
          1. Derek to send follow ups
          2. Derek/Annie to schedule time with Ona team to align resources
          3. Annie to send to Ali
      • Namibia
        1. No updates at this time - Sameen has a call tomorrow.
        2. Ali: We advocate towards pushing towards Reveal as if they go with DiSARM there is additional planning efforts required and the team will adjust.
        3. This is a resourcing issue on the Reveal side too if they wanted to use Reveal -->would be 12 users in Oshana province
          1. If we went forward, we would have to think about larger scale resource planning
        4. What about the other provinces?
          1. There is a question if they want to use digital tools at all
        5. M&E feedback in focus groups
          1. Per focus groups: “paper tools are outdated” → perhaps there is more appetite for digital tools.
    2. UCSF
      • Updates
        1. DiSARM team shared prototype - Akros and Ona reviewing this week
        2. Contract update - team in the office of technology transfer still reviewing the IP of the terms. They may come back with another edit/request for review.
        3. Hugh and Jonathan are in Oslo meeting with DHIS2 to talk about integration.
          1. Will share updates on this next call
        4. Re Namibia conversations in using DiSARM or not, are there specific features or modules that the program doesn’t want to use? (This could potentially ease the prep work required)
    3. AOB
      • None

May 21 2019


21:00-22:00 East Africa

20:00-21:00 Central Africa

13:00-14:00 Eastern

10:00-11:00 Pacific


Akros: Annie

Ona: Matt

Vital Wave: Pierre


UCSF: Hugh, Ali



Vital Wave:




    1. Follow ups from last week
      1. To do: various Botswana follow ups
        • Discussed in Botswana section
      2. Proposed scheduled feature release for IRS and FI Planning
        • TO DO: Anne to share with Pedro and Sameen and confirm no concerns from country perspective
          1. FI planning the dates should be fine - yes you can view the focus info
          2. IRS planning - Sameen questions on dashboards that we have addressed
            1. Annie to send link to current mSpray dashboards

  • To do: Annie rescheduled this call
  • To do:  Ona to add sample plans for testing

        • Added Lusaka plans, added additional testing plan. Adding Thailand user testing plans today
    1. Team Updates
      1. Akros/Ona
        • Development
          1. R2 Progress and Needs
            1. R2 is out: Release Narrative
            2. Bugs: the Reveal 2.0 bug tracker
              1. ETL bug → web UI dashboard and supersets not testable last week → this is now testable in ½ plans; supersets still not testable
              2. Client bugs
                1. Most of these addressed
            3. We are testing again tomorrow to prioritize a 2.0.3 release before Monday
              1. Hoping to also get translation feedback from BVBD
          2. R3 Progress (Scoping)
            1. Meeting with Ona to discuss August IRS Feature Release, MDA, ITN tomorrow
            2. Akros-Ona-VW meeting 1st week of June
          3. R4 Progress (Scoping)
            1. No update
        • Thailand
          1. Enumeration, Foci Mapping this week
          2. User Testing
            1. 2 areas prepped for user testing
          3. Integration
            1. Ona: Progress on database dump
              1. Dates added to workplan and on track: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1yFkTcbszNEzhRLGvJmbi8wxGaMcvJZbXgCiDwgeZfOg/edit#gid=0
            2. Ona: personnel assignment
              1. Jannette Wambere (Ona) is an integration specialist who will travel to Thailand and she has begun the analysis of the BIOPHICS system
            3. In country team
              1. Jannette, Pedro, Pierre (first half of week)
          4. Translation Dates
            1. Form translation was in Sunday’s release
            2. Strings - update tomorrow
            3. Can start evaluating kinks in
          5. Thailand enumeration - is there info we would want at the foci level that is spatial
            1. Even if we have this knowledge, can we digitize it and capture it in detail?
            2. Actually, we will of course have data like this coming in live from field validation
          6. Thailand MapBox
            1. Can we create a username/password for Thailand?
              1. To do: Annie to discuss with Pedro while in country who this should be.
              2. This person would ideally be able to manage this account post 2020 into the next three years (if we get the license)
              3. BVBD generic username/email account → this should be a fixed username for the next three years
              4. Ideally this account (if we do get access) would be set up prior to piloting so MapBox could see what the map requests would look like per pilot (in terms of volume of requests).
              5. 300 tiles/100 sq kilometer = 100 calls; 200,000 tiles is the free user max
                1. Need to know total calls

  • To do: Annie to understand total square area after focus mapping is complete (likely this will come mid next week)

        • Pierre: What is the work involved in making the GeoWidget tile-server-“point” a configurable field?

  • To do: Matt to determine

          1. Adding this as a user story
        • Botswana
          1. Imagery update:
            1. MapBox conversations happened last week - Mikel and Anne discussed potential for license for 3 countries through 2020. Mikel would like to see usage patterns.
            2. Speaking to Alex Fortescue from DG Africa BD. He’s providing costing and options for accessing both imagery and building footprints.
            3. Need to update imagery doc to reflect OSM inputs.
          2. Follow ups from Botswana call:
            1. Plan for next week
              1. Derek updating agenda
              2. Updating workplan
              3. Reviewing data dictionary for presentation
              4. Preparing materials (Presentations and validation exercises using walkthroughs)
            2. Server setup requirements info
            3. Botswana imagery options
        • Namibia
          1. Resourcing
            1. Matt is currently reviewing the several implementation workplans to ensure Ona can plan their resources.
          2. Workplan
            1. What are items in red?
              1. That was an artifact; removed the red
            2. Structure versus household level data collection? -
              1. Every form corresponds to a HH; without the HH form the information collected is based on structures. E.g. - in 1 HH form, 5 sprayable structures and I sprayed 3
              2. Note Namibia calls a room a “structure.” Structures in Namibia are rooms.
            3. “Manually entered targets” → are these both for planning and the denominator?
              1. For planning - the actual operational areas and hierarchies will be a shapefile similar to an org hierarchy in DHIS2
              2. Target structures - the only manual part (so the denominator)
            4. Akros support
              1. Operational GIS/mapping support needed?
                1. If this is enumeration then no
                2. The only support needed is reviewing imagery and helping to select imagery

  • To do: Annie to follow up with Matt and Ona team around decision on Namibia dates.

        1. To do: Sameen to send some questions on mop up workflow; in the meantime will start collecting materials
    1. UCSF - Annie touching base with team Thursday re algorithms
    2. AOB
      • None

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