Partially-sprayed business status
Partially-sprayed business status
Starting this page for scoping - Derek Pollard to review. Initial scoping done as part of R3 scoping overview
- Prepare rough business analysis/reqs doc (Derek Pollard: IN PROGRESS)
- Get CHAI review
- Get Akros Review
- Get Ona feedback
- One iteration
- Ona sign off
- Ona tech spec scoping
- Ona LOE
- Ona scheduling
- Structures or households may be only "partially sprayed" as in, not all rooms eligible may be sprayed. In other words, a structure is marked as partially sprayed when the number of rooms sprayed is 'more than 0' and 'less than the total number of eligible rooms' in that structure or household.
- This can be applied to a campaign that uses structures or households as the data collection unit.
- Partially sprayed structures/households should appear differently in colour than not visited, not eligible, not sprayed and fully sprayed status'
This 'partially sprayed' status is one of five status', as below, that determine the on app colour coding of a visited structure or household.
- 'Not visited' = not visited yet and no data recorded against this structure yet
- 'Not Sprayed' = the structure has been visited but no rooms within the structure were sprayed (requires a follow question for reason)
- 'Partially Sprayed' = the total number of eligible rooms sprayed is 'more than 0' and 'less than the total number of eligible rooms' in that structure or household.
- 'Fully Sprayed' = all eligible rooms within the structure have been sprayed
- 'Not Eligible' = this structure has been marked as not eligible for receiving this intervention (usually requires further defining the type of structure)
Partially sprayed must reference the data dictionary field.
- Derek Pollard to define how this is measured from Namibia and Botswana data dictionaries once these are complete. This requires the data dictionary to have a 'Total rooms sprayed' field that includes any mop-up fields. In mSpray this was an invisible calculation in the form. Pierre Dane it would probably be good practise to keep the field name the same across countries to allow so that the formula does not need to be rebuilt each time. Same applies for all dashboard indicators actually.
- Formula: Partially sprayed = (0<'total_rooms_sprayed'<'total_rooms_eligible')
Partially sprayed structures/households should appear differently in colour than not visited, not eligible, not sprayed and fully sprayed status'
- Yellow: 'Not Visited'
- Red: 'Not Sprayed'
- Light Blue: 'Partially Sprayed'
- Green: 'Fully Sprayed'
- Black: 'Not Eligible'
The need for this is to:
- accurately calculate rooms coverage indicators
- more accurately calculate structure coverage indicators
- help direct field teams to structures that need to be revisited during mop-up activities
In cases where there are multiple structures grouped into a household and data entry is done at household level, the same colour will apply across all households (needs to be validated)
- Need to think about this more: Specifically this would be when room level data is captured at household level and spray status is captured at each structure. If so, (Pierre Dane) we need to think about the point of even collecting structure level data then. Basically your room data is no longer informing structure level spray status' and defeats the point of collecting any structure level data for IRS. I would suggest this is not an option unless we have a valid reason why it should be. Thoughts?
Test Case
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Additional tester comments: |
, multiple selections available,
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