Multimedia Interface

Usage of Multimedia Module:

The purpose of this module to display multimedia files from Date Store and to provide details and descriptions of Media files.

This module can handle different of types of the files(image, pdf, video) having different extensions(i.e jpg. png, pdf, mp4, gp3 etc).

Here is the snapshot of interface (webpage):

Search option

Webpage also provide search option (as shown in below screenshot) to user so that user can search media file according to category, according to file name, according to upload date range and bring single page according to page size, currently page size is of 50 rows.

Note: Searching is exclusive. user can search by content type, by name or by date range but exclusively.


Filter option:

User can filter the list by using filter text field.The basic Difference between search option and filter option is that in case of searching it will go through all the data in database while filtering option sort out from current page data.


File Preview Option:

By clicking on the Image preview of the file webpage displays the original preview of multimedia file.

Download option

User can Download the file by pressing download button.

Rest API Call

We can use Rest Api to upload Multimedia file, here is the code use to upload the file:

Get Multimedia File:

URL: http://localhost:8080/opensrp-web/getmultimedia

Parameter: providerId

Method: Get

Upload Multimedia File:

URL: http://localhost:8080/opensrp-web/setmultimedia

Parameter: providerId, entityId, contentType, fileCategory, file( dataType: MultipartFile)

Method: Post