OpenSRP Load Testing

OpenSRP Load Testing

OpenSRP load testing uses the tool Tsung.

Tsung is a heavy duty, load-testing tool that is used to benchmark the performance of servers and applications.

The main main advantage of Tsung is 

  • High performance — Tsung can simulate up to 50,000 simultaneous users per physical computer.
  • Ease of use — Based on XML configuration, Tsung removes the need for developers to write complex scripts. The tool handles tasks such as managing cookies automatically, so developers can focus on designing the scenarios not managing lines of code.

More feature of Tsung are on http://tsung.readthedocs.io/en/latest/features.html

Installing Tsung on Ubuntu

Install Erlang and depencies
   sudo apt-get install erlang gnuplot libtemplate-perl
Install Tsung

  1. Download the latest version from http://tsung.erlang-projects.org/dist/. OpenSRP uses the current version 1.7.0. Run 
    wget http://tsung.erlang-projects.org/dist/tsung-1.7.0.tar.gz
  2. tar zxvf tsung-1.7.0.tar.gz

  3. cd tsung-1.7.0

  4. ./configure

  5. make

  6. make install

Verify installation

Check the version of tsung installed on your system.
tsung -v

Installing on Mac

On MacOS install Tsung using Homebrew. 
    brew install tsung
To be able to extract reports also install cpan templates by using
    sudo cpan Template

Running the load tests

Tsung needs you configure an xml that has defines the configuration. The XML file has the test cases, load definition, application, server or  database being tested.
Refer to the documentation on http://tsung.erlang-projects.org/user_manual/configuration.html for understanding on how to configure the Tsung configuration.

Use the command below to execute the load tests

  tsung -f opensrp.xml start

You can get the opensrp configuration file from https://github.com/OpenSRP/opensrp-scripts/blob/master/load-testing/opensrp.xml

The repositories has other configuration file

Use the Tsung reporting tool to extract statistics and metrics from the the load tests 

Go to log directory. This usually output from the terminal when running the load test

cd ~/.tsung/log/20180503-1847/

Generate graphical Report:


Open report in Firefox browser:

 firefox report.html


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