OpenSRP Client

OpenSRP Client


  • Robolectric for unit testing

  • Powermockito for mocking

  • Jacoco for code coverage

  • Travis for CI

  • Coveralls.io for viewing coverage reports


Sample Class used for the unit tests is


Most tests should extend a BaseUnitTest, reusable methods can be added there

If you come across classes you cannot mock you can create a Robolectic Shadow instead

Examples are in this package.


To use in a test simply include in the shadow class in the @Config Annotation of your Test Class at the class level. Checkout ChildDetailTabbedActivityUnitTest.java

Travis CI is configured to execute the tests on each commit, the feedback can be quickly viewed on  slack’s opensrp-client channel as to whether the tests passed(from your commit)

To check out the Travis builds just got to


The code coverage reports are also pushed automatically to coveralls, you can view them by going to this link


Coveralls Color code.

If after a commit the coverall shows Green then it increased the code coverage

If it shows Gray the code coverage was retained

If it shows Red then the coverage dropped

Theoretically we should should aim for greens with each commit, that is always increase coverage with each commit.

Overall we should target 75 to 80 code coverage for the project.

More is of course much better :)

Testing Locally

In order to execute the tests locally on your dev machine and generate a coverage report just do a

./gradlew :<module name>:jacocoTestReport  

After running this a code coverage report will be generated on you workstation in the paths directory under the reports folder. That is


Clicking on this file /opensrp-client/opensrp-path/reports/jacoco/html should open on your browser the current code coverage reports per class.

If you click on an individual class you will get to see the areas of the class are covered (Highlighted in Green) and not covered (Highlighted in Red). This is useful in order to figure out which methods you should be testing to increase coverage.

The gradle task task is defined in paths build.gradle file

If you want more info or debug or stacktrace incase of error just add the usual flags --info and --debug, i.e. run 

./gradlew :app:jacocoTestReport --info --stacktrace

Also checkout the gotchas here

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