How to add apk releases to the website

How to add apk releases to the website

This web page is published as github page published at http://smartregister.org/opensrp-client/apk-download.html and built from the /docs folder in the master branch.

Follow these steps to add your apk to this page.

  1. Create a direct download link.
    For a google drive files, checkout this link and/or this link
  2. Use this site to convert your direct download link to qr code.
  3. Update this html in master branch https://github.com/OpenSRP/opensrp-client/blob/master/docs/apk-download.html
    1. Add Bangladesh Apks - thr_bd div
    2. Add Indonesia Apks - thr_indo div
    3. Add Pakistan Apks - thr_pk div
    4. Add Path Apks - bid_zm div
  4.  Commit and push your changes
  5. Reload http://smartregister.org/opensrp-client/apk-download.html

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