Tools and Frameworks Setup
Tools and Frameworks Setup
- Apache Maven
Hint: Maven is a Java tool, so you must have Java installed in order to proceed
- Install Apache Maven 3.0 using an appropriate package manager with package name homebrew/versions/maven30. We have had issues with newer versions of maven, so it is advisable to install 3.0.
- Create/Update settings.xml file1 at <maven directory> (<user_home_directory>/.m2 on Mac OS X)
- Increase maven permgen size by creating an environment variable called MAVEN_OPTS with value “-XX:MaxPermSize=256m -Xmx512m”. On Mac OS X this can be done by adding export MAVEN_OPTS="-XX:MaxPermSize=256m -Xmx512m" to bash_rc or bash_profile
- Android SDK
- Download and install Android SDK.
- Launch Android SDK Manager by using android command. Install the below mentioned components
Hint: To launch Android SDK Manager on Android Studio, cd to the tools folder and use the command: ./android sdk- Tools –> Android SDK Tools
- Tools –> Android SDK Platform Tools
- Android 4.1.2 (API 16) –> SDK Platform
- Android 4.1.2 (API 16) –> ARM EABI v7a System Image
- Create an environment variable ANDROID_HOME pointing to the SDK root path
- JDK Setup
- Install JDK 1.6 and 1.7 from Oracle website
- Create an environment variable JAVA_HOME which points to home directory of JDK 1.7. On Mac OS X, this may be located at /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.7.0_09.jdk/Contents/Home. But we have found the path to vary across machines, so please find the location for your machine and use that.
- Node modules setup. Note: Some of these commands may require sudo permissions.
- Install NodeJS using an appropriate package manager with package name node and version 0.10.17
- Install npm using an appropriate package manager with package namenpm and version 1.3.8
- Install PhantomJS using npm install -g phantomjs@1.9.8
- Install Karma using npm install -g karma@0.12.31
- Install Handlebars using npm install -g handlebars@1.0.12
- Install Grunt Command Line Tool using npm install grunt-cli@0.1.9
- Install CORS Proxy using npm install corsproxy@0.2.14
- Install ActiveMQ using an appropriate package manager with package nameactivemq and version 5.7.0
- ActiveMQ needs to be started for Dristhi server to build, so follow the instructions at the end of the installation to start it the way you prefer
- ActiveMQ by default has only 1MB memory limit. This is usually not sufficient. Increase ActiveMQ memory by updating ActiveMQ configuration2. ActiveMQ configuration can be found at <activemq_install_location>/conf/activemq.xml
- Install PostgreSQL using an appropriate package manager with package namepostgresql and version 9.2.1
- PostgreSQL needs to be started for Dristhi server to build, so follow the instructions at the end of the installation to start it the way you prefer
- Create a user called ‘postgres’ by using createuser -P postgres. Set the password as ‘password’. This is required for building server
- Login to database using psql -U postgres. Create a database called ‘drishti’ using CREATE DATABASE drishti
- Install CouchDB using an appropriate package manager with package namecouchdb and version 1.2.0
- Install Git using an appropriate package manager with package name git
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