2019-08-07 Meeting notes
Aug 7, 2019
@Annie Martin
@Pierre Dane
Discuss IRS mop up form
New data dictionary with clearer columns that better relate to what the form is asking
How do we want to capture priority?
backlog can move things up and down
Ready for scoping → scoped?
@Annie Martin to review bug priority by Thursday meeting
List for Tuesday night
Feature | Updates | Rank |
FI: Biophics integration (Reveal data in Biophic) | urgent | 1 |
FI: Plan automation | urgent | 1 |
IRS: 1. Partially sprayed business status | 1 | |
IRS: 2. Mop-up workflow | 2 | |
IRS Dashboard definitions | 3 | |
FI: Viewing/editing complete forms | Thailand Feedback - can wait | 4 |
FI: Ineligible structure marking | Thailand Feedback - can wait | 5 |
FI: Web UI progress indicators & visualization, targets | Move above 4 and 5, Anne to confirm | 6 |
IRS: 3. Multi-structure household | 7 | |
IRS: 4. Peer-to-peer sync | 8 | |
FI/IRS: Planning work (including user assignment) | IRS and FI - Happening this week, work in progress, give a day to get back with times | ongoing |
IRS: streamline add structure workflow | Not as high as other IRS pieces | |
IRS: configure circle of selection by intervention | -country level would mean 2 separate apps -long term might be set at plan or activity level | |
IRS: Alternative mapbox styling | This is not complex | Low priority |
IRS: Warning when collecting data out of area | Low priority |