2019-07-31 Annie Pierre
Jul 31, 2019
@Annie Martin
@Pierre Dane
Feature | LOE | Rank | Priority | Comment |
IRS: 2. Mop-up workflow | 1 - move to 2 | Finalizing the skip logic (PD). Concern: reporting and indicators | ||
IRS: 1. Partially sprayed business status | 2 - move to 1 | PD added responsibility table AM to follow up with DP on status | ||
IRS Dashboard definitions | 3 | Waiting for final form approval before working on these | ||
FI: Ineligible structure marking | 4 - move below viewing/editing | x | Complicated by family module - need to add a page to family module downstream from this | |
FI: Viewing/editing complete forms | 2-3 weeks of work | 5 - move to 4 | x |
FI: Firstname/surname checkbox | - | - | - |
FI: Web UI progress indicators & visualization, targets | 6 | x | Christina owning, maybe this should be Annie - AM to discuss with CR. | |
IRS: 3. Multi-structure household | 7 |
| ||
IRS: 4. Peer-to-peer sync | 8 |
Review and determine ownership and next steps to:
newly high prioritized items (determine if scoping needed)
Existing high prioritized items
Editing scoping docs
Inserting macro → page property, scoping
Cassie can add these headers