2019-12-04 Meeting notes
Dec 4, 2019
@Annie Martin
@Pierre Dane
Overview of new staffing structure
JTPM role
understand APIs, htp, SQL
if know way around database, this is good, and can get
debugging - can use the the users for superset
Pierre happy to help train and handover in Q1
Location work script
Analyzing what changes are
Making changes
Skills needed: python, postgres database
Jira management / ticket management
Needs to be more formalized - needs to be the center of someone’s job. Full-on job.
Need to have constant backlog management, most of work should happen here; once on kanban board, it is supposed to flow
test cases (this is a skill)
There is a skilled way to write test cases, run them, and test edge cases, keeps script up to date, regression testing → this is a specific skill
Could this be trained into JTPM by TPM?
Justin/Tf to help?
QA plug-in in Jira
QA is a full-time job
Annie to share materials with Pierre for review
Responsibility matrix later this week
Other documents -