2020-03-31 Meeting notes
Mar 31, 2020
@Livashan Soobramoney
@Anna Winters
@Pierre Dane
@Anne Liu
Release progress update
0.4.1 - QA Passed, Pm reviewing ticket, Craig to share release schedule
0.4.0 - rc11 - Craig to confirm Prod release dates
Android 3.3.2 - QA in progress, Pedro to review passed tickets, once confirmed comms will be distributed and will be migrated into prod (Craig to share release dates)
Priorities - on deck milestones - no changes have been made since last discussion, Craig to share the release schedule
PD and LS to work through grouper on Thursday to fine tune LOE and priority.
Can we determine release dates for the tickets within the On Deck grouper?
Ona creating a release schedule, to be shared with wider team
WHO Demo
Deck Review
LS to share Deck with PD
Feedback required from Anne on Background information to be used within slides.