Bind Types
Bind Types
These are the kind of entities that would be there in an OpenSRP application. Currently according to drishti(previous version of OpenSRP) there were three fixed bindtypes :
eligible_couple, mother, child.
OpenSRP would allow adding any named bindtypes which are not same as name of drishti bindtypes. These can be added with bindtypes.json (found in the 'assets' folder in the app)
{ "bindobjects":[ { "name":"person", "columns":[ { "name":"age" } ] }, { "name":"mamoni_pregnant_woman", "columns":[ { "name":"pregID" }, { "name":"PW_AGE" } ] }, { "name":"household", "columns":[ ] }, { "name":"eligible_couple", "columns":[ ] } ] }
Above is what a sample bindtype.json would look like. The name would be the name we would like to give to the bindtypes. The columns is the list of columns, the bindtypes would have in the database. This is optional and can be kept empty if desired as shown in the example.
, multiple selections available,
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