Once you deploy the server the first time, couch db will not have the default view configurations. In order to populate the database with these you can follow these steps on the command line.
The default configs can be found on github at:
https://github.com/OpenSRP/opensrp-server/tree/tbr-default-viewconfigs/assets/tbreach_default_view_configs- CD into the directory with
cd tbreach_default_view_configs
3. Populate the database by running the script with:
./setup_view_configs.sh -d <database name>
Run ./setup_view_configs.sh --help to get a list of available options
- These instructions can also be found in the folder's README.txt file
- If you Do Not Intend to use reconfigurable views for the application, then you do not have to install the configurable views.
This is because the application automatically defaults to the native xml layouts that are part of the app's android package.
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